Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS for short) was formerly called intestinal neurosis. IBS is a chronic functional disease of the digestive system, the causes of which are unknown. The main symptoms are bowel movements (diarrhea and constipation), abdominal pain and gas. How is irritable bowel syndrome treated?

Irritable bowel syndrome(Irritable Bowel Syndrome,IBS, ), formerly neurosisintestines , is the second - after a cold - most common cause of absenteeism from school or work. Irritable bowel has a greater impact on patients' quality of life than migraine, asthma, depression and diabetes.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

CommonIrritable Bowel Syndrome Symptomsto:

  • constipation, sometimes with diarrhea
  • cramping, stinging or burning pain in the abdomen
  • feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen
  • feeling of fullness
  • "spilling" and "rolling" in the stomach

Sometimes inirritable bowel syndromethere is "sheep" stool, sometimes with an admixture of vitreous mucus (without blood). Often, after the onset of pain, the stool is passed, and the discomfort decreases after defecation. Some patients develop irritable stomach symptoms, e.g. epigastric pain, a feeling of fullness after meals. Patients withIBSoften confuse the symptoms of the disease with another disease - SIBO, i.e. bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine or Crohn's disease.

IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a recurrent disease.It is characterized by dysfunction of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

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Irritable bowel syndrome - diagnosis

Irritable bowel syndromeis often called an ailment, not a disease, because there are no anatomical changes in the body. Symptoms of irritable bowel syndromes, however, can be very bothersome. The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome must be based on the presence of key symptoms and history. It cannot be diagnosed on the basis of radiological, endoscopic or laboratory tests.

Average diagnosisis after about 3 years, often after many years of misdiagnosis, testing and incorrect treatment. The diagnosis ofirritable bowel syndromewas facilitated by the so-called Roman criteria, which are the accepted standard diagnostic tool used in clinical trials.

According to them, an unequivocal diagnosis ofirritable bowel syndromecan be made when abdominal pain or discomfort has been present for at least 12 weeks in the last 12 months and was characterized by at least two features of the following: milder after a bowel movement, onset was associated with a change in bowel rhythm, a change in the consistency or appearance of the stools.

The condition may also be accompanied by an abnormal frequency of bowel movements, abnormal stool consistency, abnormal stool passage, mucus excretion during more than 1/4 of a bowel movement, bloating or abdominal distension for more than 1/4 of a day.

Many peopleIBSgo undiagnosed due to fear of seeing a doctor and finding a serious illness. This can worsen the symptoms of the disease due to additional stress.

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Two types of irritable bowel syndrome

There are two types of ailmentsirritable bowel syndrome :

  • with a predominance of diarrhea - is characterized by a sudden need to pass stool, often immediately after getting out of bed or after a meal, accompanied by abdominal pain and bloating.
  • constipation - constipation is often the main symptom ( alternating with periods of normal bowel movement), with bouts of colic-like pain. Ingestion of food may worsen symptoms. There may be flatulence, "overflow" in the abdominal cavity, nausea, heartburn.

IBS treatment

There are currently no effective treatments. Conventional therapy is aimed mainly at alleviating individual symptoms.

Due to the important role of the intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis ofIBS , it seems important to take care of its beneficial modification. This can be achieved with the help of an appropriate diet or probiotics, i.e. live microorganisms, which - when given in appropriate amounts - have a beneficial he alth effect. However, the recommendations recommend prudent use of strains tested for efficacy and safety1 .
