Current data on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in Poland and in the world and the statistics of confirmed cases of infections and deaths in Poland and in the world. Check the current COVID-19 disease statistics.
Coronavirus in Poland today - statistics
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus caused a pandemic - according to the data of the World He alth Organization and the Polish Ministry of He alth, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases as of 04/04/2022 is:
- number of cases in Poland:5 970 114 (+493)
- number of deaths in Poland:115 345 (0)
- number of convalescents in Poland:5 333 600
- number of vaccinations performed in Poland:53 976 007 (+1 145)
Coronavirus in the world today - statistics
- number of cases in the world:490 672 237
- number of deaths worldwide:6 151 270
Coronavirus in Poland - chart. Increase of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections in Poland
Coronavirus in Poland today - the number of infections, recoveries and deaths
Coronavirus in Poland - map
Coronavirus in Poland - people hospitalized, quarantined or under epidemiological supervision
Coronavirus in Poland - number of tests performed
Coronavirus - world disease map
Here is an up-to-date map of the spread of the coronavirus from China, compiled by a team of workers and researchers at John Hopkins University in the United States. It was made so that the public could follow the progress of the epidemic on an ongoing basis according to reliable data.
The map contains data of confirmed cases, suspected cases and deaths, which are updated in almost real time.
This data is collected from governmental and international centers, including the World He alth Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other reliable sources such as the Chinese DXY website, which also maintains a registry of cases in provinces of China and is updated faster than local government websites.
To check where the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic has arrived, simply move the map with the cursor pressed. After clicking on a specific cluster of epidemics (red points), a number is displayed in the windowconfirmed cases, deaths and number of people healed.