Tansy is a common herb which, thanks to its anthelmintic properties, has been used in the fight against ticks, mosquitoes and other insects. It also works well in the course of parasitic diseases, such as head lice or scabies. All thanks to the content of one substance that has a strong toxic effect. Check what other properties of tansy have and whether it is poisonous.
Tansy - healing properties and application
Tansycommon ( Tanacetum vulgareL.) is a plant with characteristic yellow-orange flowers whoseproperties has long been appreciated in herbal medicine. Formerly it was believed that it has a gastrointestinal effect, is carminative and stimulates urine secretion.
In folk medicine, it was used especially in the treatment of digestive disorders caused by the consumption of large, fatty meals.
Wrotycz was traditionally used on:
- liver problems and other digestive problems, especially gas overproduction
- urinary problems
- viral infections
- herpes
- as a mosquito repellent,ticksand othersworms .
However, when the main ingredient of tansy essential oil, thujone, was found to be highly toxic, it was recommended that oral use of the herb be discontinued.
Sometimes it is only one of the ingredients of herbal mixtures or specifics. Currently, tansy is recommended to be used only externally, on the skin.
What does tansy look like? Check out the pictures!

Tansy for mosquitoes. What insects does tansy repel?
Tansy emits a characteristic smell that resembles the smell of camphor, therefore it effectively repels insects.
Wrotycz scares me off:
- muchy
- meszki
- mosquitoes
- ants
- aphids
- mole
- ticks
- spiders
For this reason, tansy founduse as a repellant. The herb can be crushed and then rubbed on the skin.
Tansy can also be brewed, cooled and sprayed on the body.
You can also stock up on tansy essential oil. However, it should be remembered that it must not be applied directly to the skin. You have to dilute it with oil (it can be sunflower oil, almond oil, grape seed oil) in the proportion - 15 drops of oil for one fifth of a glass of oil.
Proven methods of protection against ticks
Tansy for parasites
Due to the thujone content,tansy is also anti-parasitic.
Currently, alcoholic extracts from tansy flowers are used externally, on the skin, against lice, scabies and Demodex.
In the course of these diseases, you can also use the infusion of this herb externally.
This will be useful to youDecoction of tansy flowers for lice - recipe
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of tansy flowers, 1/2 tablespoon of thyme herb or thyme herb or wormwood herb
Preparation method: pour the herbs into a pot and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. Then heat slowly, covered, to a boil (do not boil). Set aside for 15 minutes and strain. Use externally in scabies and head and pubic lice. In the case of head lice, moisten the hair abundantly with the liquid and tie it with a handkerchief for 2-3 hours. Then wash your head and comb it with a fine comb. After 24 hours wash your hair with warm vinegar and comb with a fine comb to remove the nits. Repeat both treatments after 6-7 days. Skin irritation could be a possible side effect.
The recipe comes from: Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W., Medicinal plants and their practical application, Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 1987.
Tansy for cold sores
It has long been known in folk medicine that tansy also has a strong antiviral effect.
Now scientists from Spain and Great Britain have found out about it, who in the magazine "Phytotherapy Research" argue that this herb can fight the herpes virus.
All thanks to a substance called axylarin, which can be found in both the root and the above-ground part of the plant. In the course of research, it was discovered that tansy also contains parthenolide - a substance with strong anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
Tansy for rheumatic pains
In folk medicine, alcoholic extract from tansy flowers is used to rub in pains caused by rheumatoid arthritis or arthritis (gout).
- When and how to harvest herbs?
- Natural remedies for ticks - how to protect yourself from ticks?
- Safe remedies for mosquitoes, black flies and ticks while pregnant
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Is tansy poisonous?
Due to the thujone content (up to 70%), tansy has been considered a toxic plant and is not recommended to be eaten. It is worth knowing that in the past, thujone poisoning most often occurred in the case of excessive consumption of alcohol with the addition of tansy extracts or oils (and other plants that contain this ingredient) - vodkas, tinctures, liqueurs.
ImportantWrotycz - side effects
After oral administration of the extract or powdered tansy flowers, the following may occur:
- irritation and congestion of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, uterus and kidneys
- dizziness
- hematuria
- contractions
- loss of consciousness
- hallucinations.