The Fertile Days Calculator is a useful tool with which you can find out when you have your fertile and infertile days. It is a useful tool for women who wish to become pregnant and for those who wish to avoid pregnancy. Calculate your fertile days with our calculator!
When are the fertile days?
Fertile daysis the time during whichthe egg is able to fertilizeas a result of ovulation called ovulation. In a regularly menstruating woman who has a cycle lasting 28 days, ovulation occurs around the 14th day of the cycle. Then, intercourse on the day of ovulation gives a great chance for conception. Therefore, it is important for a woman to know the symptoms of the fertile days. A tool to help with this isfertile days calendaralso known asfertile days calculator.
Use the fertile days calculator!
Fertile days calculator
Are you trying for a baby? The fertile days calculator will show you the days when you have the best chance of getting pregnant.
Step 1/2
Select the average cycle length:
How does the fertile days calculator work?
Fertile days calculatorgives youthe ability to calculate fertile and infertile days . What information is needed for this?
- Average length of the menstrual cycle - an indication of how much time usually passes from the first day of the previous menstruation until the first day of the next menstruation. As a rule, the average cycle length is around 28 days. In the case of irregular cycles, it may be difficult to correctly calculate your fertile days.
- The first day of your last period.
Based on this data, you can calculatefertile days .Try our free fertile days calculator!
The Fertile Days Calculator is based on the assumption that ovulation typically occurs 12-16 days before the first day of your period. It is also important for how long the egg can fertilize (from 12 to 24 hours after ovulation) and the viability of the sperm (2-7 days). Therefore, it is recognized thatfertile dayscan last on average up to 4 days before ovulation and up to 2 days after ovulation.
The so-called natural methods of contraception, such as:
- thermal method consisting in measuring the temperature every day. Afterovulation, body heat rises slightly for about three days. Observing this moment will tell the woman when the period of post-ovulatory infertility begins.
- The Billings method focuses on the observation of cervical mucus. If the mucus is clear, glassy, flexible, stringy and slippery, the fertile period is in progress. On the other hand, mucus that is opaque, flocculent, dense, cloudy, sticky, non-slippery, whitish or yellowish indicates the infertile period. Fertility testers available at the pharmacy can also help in determining the quality of the mucus.
- The symptothermal method combines a combination of mucus testing and temperature level, and the observation of other symptoms (ovulatory pain, well-being) that may indicate the onset of ovulation.
What is the fertile calendar for?
Fertile days calendaris an invaluable and great support for couples who dream of enlarging their family with a baby. It allows you to determine on what days you can start trying for a child. A few basic data are enough to determine the potentialfertileand infertile days, in particular the key moment of the menstrual cycle, i.e. ovulation.
Some couples who are not yet ready to have children use the fertile calendar as an effective method of contraception. Thanks to it, a woman can get to know her body better and, above all, control her own fertility.