Extrovert - who is he? This is a personality type that gains energy by being around other people. He loses it when he spends his time alone. The extrovert is full of optimism, and his life is fast-paced and saturated with the realization of passion. Extroversion manifests itself in directing attention to others - to the surrounding world. An extrovert is therefore the opposite of an introvert directed towards himself. Read who an extrovert is!
Extrovert: where does this word come from?
The term "extrovert" as a term for a personality type was introduced to psychology by Carl Gustav Jung in his work en titled "Psychological Types" from 1921. Later, the English psychologist Hans Jürgen Eysenck analyzed this type in his research, considering it to be a component of many features - mainly synonyms of human openness.
Then, in the Big Five model, extraversion was defined by Costa and McCrae as a dimension primarily of the quantity and quality of relationships formed with people. R. Depue and P. Collins studied this concept, concluding that extroversion manifests itself in people with greater sensitivity to the prospect of receiving a reward for their behavior / work.
Extrovert: who is he?
Man's extrovertism is a component of many different features. However, all of them relate to above-average activity - both in personal life and in professional contacts. Extroverts usually:
- express themselves quickly and loudly, often losing the main thread;
- have good short-term memory;
- at the basic stage of education they achieve higher results than other (other personality types);
- their work performance increases if they feel appreciated;
- are confident and determined;
- maintain eye contact while talking;
- act impulsively, they often think only after doing or saying something;
- they derive their energy from the opportunity to work with people and from the fast and active pace of life;
- are not always able to control their behavior, i.e. in emergency, nervous situations, they can become hysterical;
- show energy, which is translated into physical activity and the so-called active recreation;
- they sometimes feel tired due to the sheer volume of things and too busy lifestyle;
- are often group leaders;
- they quickly gain friends among strangers;
- they feel discomfort when their rest time is unpredictably longer.
Extrovert: is it worth being one?
Extroverts have many advantages that are primarily noticed by people around them. Their examples include spontaneity and sociability as well as activity in search of sensations.
Extroverts are not, however, like everyone else, without flaws. First of all, they have a listening problem. While they like to talk a lot and manifest themselves without difficulty to other people, a problem arises when they have to listen to someone.
It also happens that they experience unexpected but sporadic states of sadness and exhaustion, resulting from the multitude of matters that they have previously agreed to deal with. Much more often the midlife crisis affects men-extroverts than introverts, because due to their specific nature they require a lot from each other, and the body is not always able to meet these expectations.
Extroverts can also be very unpredictable in stressful situations. Under the influence of emotions, they make wrong decisions and actions that they later regret. By constantly looking for new experiences in life, they often hurt people with whom they form relationships, e.g. by cheating.
Extrovert: what profession should he choose?
Work is the place (right after home) where a person spends the most time. The basis for deriving satisfaction from it is the appropriate selection of the position to the level of qualifications and personality traits.
Often, despite being educated in a specific field and willing to perform a specific profession, when confronted with reality, it turns out that a certain type of work does not bring satisfaction, but depresses and causes frustration.
Before choosing your career path, it is worth checking which professions are recommended, e.g. when you are extroverted. Such people should be at work well: client advisor, press spokesman, financial advisor, journalist, tour guide, coach, HR employee, team manager.
An extrovert will do well in a managerial position, because others can easily see him through his personality type and do not pass by indifferently. Extroverts have the ability to win people over and are able to conduct training in an interesting way.
Worth knowingAn extrovert and an introvert - an explosive mixture or a recipe for a successful relationship?
There are many conflicting opinions about whether extroverts who are constantly looking for sensations andnew challenges in life are able to forge successful relationships with introverts - essentially in terms of personalities that are their opposites.
In the book en titled "Introvert and extrovert in the trap of love" Marti Olsen states, giving a number of arguments that if a couple in love with such a couple are aware of both the strengths and weaknesses of their partner - they can come to an understanding and create a happy relationship.