Inhaled allergy causes allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis and cough. However, these are not the only symptoms. Inhalation allergy is diagnosed by simple skin tests. By making a correct diagnosis, you will avoid the consequences of asthma.
Inhalation allergyrequires treatment, because without it it can lead to the development of asthma. The most common allergy is to pollen, house dust mites and animal hair. Statistics show that every 15-20 years the number of allergy sufferers doubles. Air contamination with sulfur and nitrogen compounds weakens the immune system and irritates the mucosa of the respiratory tract, facilitating the penetration of allergens into the nasal mucosa, conjunctiva and bronchi.
Inhalation allergy: causes
Inhalation allergyis caused by airborne particles invisible to the naked eye, which in contact with mucous membranes trigger an allergic reaction. Inhalation allergy can be caused by:
- pollen of wind-pollinated plants (trees, grasses, weeds),
- house dust mites (microscopic arachnids that like uncovered carpets, unventilated bedding, unwashed curtains and other warm and humid places in the house),
- fungus and mold spores (they are in the air in autumn, at home during frosts),
- animal hair (mostly cats, dogs, horses),
- wool,
- feathers.
Inhaled allergy: types of allergens
There are two types of allergens that are responsible for the appearance ofinhalation allergy :
- extrinsic (also referred to as seasonal), i.e. those that the child comes into contact with outdoors - pollen from plants (e.g. grasses, trees, some species of mold),
- intrinsic (also referred to as year-round), i.e. those that the child comes into contact with at home - allergens in house dust, animals (e.g. cockroaches, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, mice, rabbits), mold and latex.
Inhalation allergy: symptoms
The symptoms of inhalation allergycan be quite varied, so that inhalation allergy is often confused with a common cold or an infection that requires antibiotic treatment. The most common symptoms of inhalation allergy are:
- frequent, long-lasting and difficult to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract,
- recurring watery runny nose,
- itchy nose, scratchy throat,
- paroxysmal sneezing,
- dry, exhausting cough, even leading to vomiting
- no fever with infections,
- shortness of breath,
- nervous sleep, open-mouthed sleep, snoring,
- recurring conjunctivitis, lacrimation, itchy eyes,
- less frequent diarrhea and vomiting.
Inhalation allergy and cross-allergy
In plants allergic to pollen, allergic reactions often occur after eating some fresh vegetables and fruits (cooking, freezing and preserving reduce the activity of allergens). People allergic to birch pollen should be careful with hazelnuts and walnuts, almonds, apples, bananas, peaches, cherries, pears, plums, kiwi, tomatoes, carrots.
People allergic to grass pollen must be careful when reaching for beans, lentils, green peas. People who are allergic to mugwort pollen should exercise caution when eating celery, parsley, chives, bananas, and melons.
Inhaled allergy: how to relieve symptoms?
When tests confirm an allergy, drugs can be selected that will alleviate or completely suppress the symptoms of the disease. Desensitization is also good, but in the case of pollen allergy, such treatment is carried out before the flowering period of the plants.
Inhaled allergy: medications
In the treatment of inhalation allergy the following are used:
- antihistamines - contain e.g. cetirizine or loratadine (block the production of histamine responsible for the allergic reaction). They are most effective when they are started to be used at least a few days before dusting the allergenic plant.
- cromons - by acting on the mucosa, they prevent an allergic reaction: swelling, bronchospasm or sneezing. They are used in the form of sprays, there are also eye drops and even oral preparations for patients with food allergies.
- corticosteroids - these are hormones of the adrenal cortex that have a strong immune system effect and are effective in relieving symptoms, but with many side effects. That is why they are used when other, safer preparations do not help.
Inhalation allergy - practical advice
- During the pollen season, give up walking in the forest or meadow. Wear a nose and mouth mask when working in the garden.
- When you come home, change your clothes (let someone shake them off), rinse your face, clean your nose.
- During the day, stay indoors - especially in sunny, windy weather. In hot weather, you can open the window, but then cover it with a curtain and spray it with water.
- Air the apartment in the evening and always afterrain, because then there are less pollen.
- Close the windows and air intake when driving.
- Avoid cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, strong perfumes - they aggravate allergy symptoms.

Author: Sandoz
partner's material
Nasometin Controlcombats persistent allergy symptoms: runny nose, blocked nose, sneezing and itchy eyes and nose.
Nasometin Control is a preparation in the form of a nasal spray that you can buy without a prescription. Its effects last up to 24 hours! The drug does not cause drowsiness and is available in a handy bottle with an applicator, so you can always have it with you. Try Nasometin Control and keep your allergies under control!1)
Find out moreImportantAge has nothing to do with it
Until recently, doctors were convinced that pollen allergy develops in children only from the age of 7 (those with a previous food allergy), and then gradually disappears in adolescence and disappears completely in adulthood . Recent studies show, however, that symptoms of pollinosis may appear in 3-year-olds as well as in 50-year-olds. The course of an allergy may also change with age - symptoms may subside or intensify, and new allergens may also be added.