They work constantly, cleaning the blood of toxins, acids and excess water every day. It is largely up to them how you feel. It is worth taking care of their he alth - the more so as it is not as difficult as it might seem.
A total of hundreds of liters of blood flow through the kidneys every day- it is cleaned with almost a million small "filters": nephrons that are so small that even a trained eye will notice them only in high magnification.
Most kidney diseases are caused by damage to the nephrons: when they lose their ability to quickly and effectively filter out toxins from the blood, a build-up of harmful waste products can occur.
The hard work our kidneys do is essential for the smooth functioning of the entire body. However, you can do a lot to keep your kidneys working smoothly.
Drink as much as possible
Proper hydration of the body is of great importance for the functioning of the kidneys: thanks to this, the blood filtering processes can run smoothly.
If there is not enough fluid, toxic metabolic waste leaks into the blood , which can cause he alth problems, and some substances crystallizing in the urineare not rinsing out of them and can be deposited directly in the kidneys in the form of sand.To take care of the kidneys, drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid a day - still water is the best.
Don't delay visiting the toilet
Bacteria may multiply in excessively long-held urine, attacking not only the bladder, but also the urinary tract and kidneys - they develop inflammation that can damage them.
Reduce the amount of s alt in your diet
Too much of it increases the risk of high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of kidney disease. S alt also directly affects the kidneys by increasing the amount of protein in the urine and promoting the formation of kidney stones. Poles eat an average of 7.5 g of s alt a day, while its daily consumption should not exceed 4-5 g (Americans recommend only 2.5 g a day).
Watch out for pain medications
Their overuse damages the kidneys as it helps to reduce themblood flow, which may result in interstitial nephritis. Nephrotoxic effects have, among others, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Limit animal products in your diet
When digesting animal proteins, the body produces ammonia and the so-called keto acids, which are then metabolized and excreted, e.g. with the help of the kidneys.
A diet rich in cold cuts, meat and dairy products forces the kidneys to work harderand exposes them to the toxic effects of ammonia, which the body cannot neutralize. Plant-based protein is safer for the kidneys - but do not overdo eating vegetables that are the source of oxalates, which promote the formation of kidney stones - sorrel, spinach, rhubarb and beetroot.
Eat fruits and vegetables that support your kidneys
It is worth reaching for cranberries, oranges and peaches. Cranberries are a rich source of substances that protect the kidneys and bladder against bacteria, while the citrates contained in oranges prevent the formation of stones. Cucumbers, parsley, watercress and celery have a similar effect. In turn, peaches, as well as strawberries, gooseberries and black currants have a diuretic effect, which helps to cleanse the kidneys. Both fresh and frozen fruit are beneficial for the kidneys.
Don't overdo it
A small amount of it, such as a glass of red wine from time to time, will not ruin your kidneys, but drinking alcohol regularly will do. The kidneys then stop dealing with the processing of the toxins contained in alcohol, and alcohol raises blood pressure, which is also not good for the kidneys.
Kidneys are harmed not only by vodka, but also by regularly drinking beer , commonly considered a product that helps keep them in good shape - it has a diuretic effect, but you should not drink it in excess, and if you want to have he althy kidneys, you must not do it every day.
Try to keep your weight normal
Overweight and obesity are not good for the kidneys: they promote diseases that can damage them (e.g. hypertension and diabetes), obese and overweight people are more likely to suffer from kidney stones, inflammation, and even kidney cancer.
Don't avoid the doctor or dentist
Teeth damaged by caries are the habitat of bacteria which, along with body fluids, circulate throughout the body and in conditions of weakened immunity (e.g. after infection) can damage organs that are sensitive to bacteria, e.g. kidneys and heart. If you want to have he althy kidneys, you must not neglect the treatment of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease - they can lead to damage,and even kidney failure.
Quit smoking
Cigarettes promote atherosclerosis, which affects the arteries in the kidneys - their narrowing is the cause of glomerulonephritis and polycystic disease. Smoking is also one of the causes of kidney cancer.