Whether it's a global issue such as a heart-rending war or a personal matter, people need tools to help them cope with periods of prolonged stress. Our circumstances and resources are very different - adjust the following rules to your individual needs. What does "self-love" look like in practice?
Get inspiration from people you admire
This could be a historical character or from one of your favorite fictional stories. Emphasize her character traits and how she coped with difficult situations. We have tremendous reserves of superhuman strength, but all of us have difficult times. Remember that we are "only human" and we have the right to feel the full range of emotions.
Take care of yourself
Periods of prolonged stress require physical and emotional endurance, and taking care of yourself is an excellent way to increase your physical and mental reserves. Eat well, exercise in moderation, be mindful and rest.
Work out simple practices that will help you slow down in the rush of daily tasks and responsibilities. A great way is to meditate, walk around or read something inspiring before going to bed. This can be any activity that will allow you to calm down, which in turn can have a positive effect on your attitude and motivation.
Be compassionate
When you are going through periods of prolonged stress, you may need support from others. However, it may be more useful, despite appearances, to be compassionate. This can help you feel less lonely in your own suffering. Choose your own method - you can help a neighbor or colleague in the project, you can help people in need, sometimes it is enough to just listen to someone.
Remember about breaks
Take a break to enjoy reading or your favorite yoga class. Routine is very reassuring, so make it part of your daily, weekly and monthly activities. This will allow you to rest and reduce stress.
Appreciate the little things
Every day, in any activity or situation, you can see joy. Often thisit is the short moments in our life that are the most healing - like the amusement of a coworker, hugging a child, a nice word from a random person. Notice the little moments that give you joy and focus on the experience.
Focus on what you have influence
Remember that some situations are beyond your control, but don't get stressed about it. Concentrate on what you have control to regain a he althy sense of control.
Observe internal dialogue
The rush of negative thoughts and emotions is normal in stressful times. If you find yourself immersed in worst-case thinking and it seems impossible to experience positive feelings, get support. Try to talk to a loved one who will listen and support you, without judging.