Straight back exercises can correct poor posture and prevent slouching. The condition for the effectiveness of exercises is their regular performance and the change of harmful habits, which are conducive to the deterioration of posture defects. How do you exercise to strengthen and straighten a crooked spine?
Correctexercisescan greatly correct a protrudinghumpor abnormal spine curvature. If performed every 2-3 days, they will strengthen your back muscles and help you maintain the correct posture every day.
In order forslouching exercisesto bring the expected results, it is important not only to do them regularly, but also to take care of the spine every day. Our posture at work is of great importance, especially if we spend the whole day behind a desk. Without changing harmful habits, even the most careful exercises will not straighten your figure.
Exercises for a straight back: rules
Do exercises 2-3 times a week. You can treat them as an independent training or include them in your current training plan. Be systematic - the first effects should appear after about 3-4 weeks.
When performing the exercises, remember to stabilize your figure - always keep your stomach pulled in, your back straight (do not round them!), And your buttocks taut. Make each movement symmetrically, i.e. to one side and the other side of the body. This way you will keep your muscles in balance.
Don't forget to warm up and stretch. Before starting any exercise, take at least 5 minutes to do a general start (e.g. jog in place, jumping jacks, arm circulation, hip circulation). After training, spend a minimum of 5 minutes stretching, especially for your back muscles.
This will be useful to youHow to keep your back straight
In order for the straight back exercises to bring results, you need to remember about the correct posture every day:
- If you work in a sitting position, take care of an ergonomic armchair that will relieve your spine. A good armchair of this type has a specially contoured backrest and armrests. If you are over 164 cm tall, it is worth having an additional headrest.
- Take breaks during work - get up at least once an hour and stretch your legs, walk for 5 minutes around the office.
- Try not tospend a lot of time in an inclined position, and if your work requires it, remember to stretch your chest - to do this, take a deep breath every now and then and push your chest forward, firmly pulling your shoulder blades.
- While sitting, do exercises to stretch and relax your spine - for example, twist your entire torso to the right, hold the backrest of the chair with one hand, and grab the armrest with the other. Keep this for 5-10 seconds, then switch sides.
- After coming home, do not sit on the couch in front of the TV - focus on active recreation, e.g. walking, Nordic walking, bicycle. If you are very tired, rest lying down.
- If you have a tendency to slouch, buy the so-called a spider that uses a sound to signal incorrect posture.
Exercises for a straight back: pulling back the shoulder blades on a chair
You can do this exercise not only at home, but also at work. It stretches the contracted muscles in the chest and strengthens the back muscles.
Sit upright on a chair. Maintain a right angle between the calf and thighs, and the thighs and torso. Put your hands behind the nape of your neck and slowly pull your shoulder blades back as you tilt your elbows. At the same time, press your head backwards as if to resist your hands. After your elbows are turned as far as possible, release your shoulder blades and return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.
Try it:
- Exercises for protruding shoulder blades
- Exercises for the trapezius muscle
Exercises for a straight back: lifting dumbbells in the fall
Effective and universal exercise recommended especially for people with a tendency to slouch.
Prepare two dumbbells of one or two kilograms (they can be heavier) - put them on the floor in front of you. Stand shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, tilt your torso parallel to the ground. Push your buttocks backwards. Keep your back straight and your stomach tucked in at all times, the head is an extension of your torso. Grasp the dumbbells in both hands and raise them to chest level while pulling your shoulder blades together. Keep your hands and elbows close to your body when lifting the weights. Then lower the dumbbells until your arms are straight. Repeat the exercise 10 times in 3-4 series.
Exercises for the straight back: McKenzie's exercise
Exercise for people with the so-called round back and spending a lot of time sitting.
Lie down on your stomach on a hard, stable surface (floor, exercise mat). Place your hands on both sides of your head, setting them slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. Take a deep breath and, slowly straightening your arms, lift your torso up (hips and legs stay in positionlying). When your arms are fully straightened, exhale slowly (about 4-5 seconds). Then slowly lower your torso until your chest is fully rested on the floor. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.
Exercises for a straight back: lifting the torso and legs lying down
This exercise not only strengthens your upper back, but also your gluteal muscles, which are essential to keeping your posture straight.
Lie on your stomach, place your hands on the sides of your head (there should be a right angle between your upper arm and forearm). Raise your torso, arms and legs a few centimeters off the ground, hold for 2-3 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. Do 5-10 repetitions.
Exercises for the straight back: isometric exercise for the abdominal muscles
Isometric exercises involve tightening the muscles without changing their length. In this way, you can strengthen, among others, the abdominal muscles responsible for stabilizing the figure.
Lie on your back and bend your legs at the knees. Place your right foot on your left knee. Raise your head and shoulders off the ground while reaching your right knee with your left hand. Press your hand firmly on your knee - the leg should rest against your hand. Hold for 6 seconds, then return to the prone position. Do 5 repetitions on each side.
ImportantBefore starting the exercises, go to the orthopedist or physical therapist and make sure that there are no contraindications for doing them. In some cases, exercising on your own may harm rather than help. Then, rehabilitation and individual selection of exercises is needed, depending on the type of the diagnosed defect.