Exercises for the lumbar spine strengthen the muscles and prevent back pain. The spine exercises are divided into relaxing, stretching, mobilizing and strengthening exercises. What exercises will help if the lumbar spine hurts?
Exercises for the lumbar spine do not require any special physical fitness from you . Make time for strengtheningspine exerciseslumbar to avoid back pain.Exercise for the spine lumbar will help when back pain occurs from time to time and is associated with overload.
However, if your lumbar spine hurts for a long time, the pain is dull, typically articular, you need a medical consultation and perform the necessary tests. In this case, improperexercises for the spinemay aggravate the degeneration, so it is better to ask for a therapist.
Exercises for the lumbar spine - mobilizing exercises
Mobilization exercises for the lumbar spine are designed to initially make the lower back elastic and prepare it for muscle strengthening exercises.
- Starting position: Lie on your back. Bend your knees and bring your feet to your buttocks. Feet and knees together. Folded arms slightly moved away from torso Movement: You exercise to the rhythm of your breaths. When you inhale, you raise (as far as you can) the sacral spine; while exhaling - you lower (at the same time raise your tailbone). Repeat 10 times.
- Starting position: Lie on your back. Place your hands alongside your body. Straighten your legs (but don't tighten). Movement: Pull your right hip towards your right shoulder - as far as you can. Then move your hip and leg in the opposite direction while pulling your left hip together. The legs are always straight and parallel. Exercise to the rhythm of your breathing. Repeat 10 times with each hip.
You can check how to properly perform each of the exercises in the gallery at the end of the article.
Exercises for the lumbar spine - strengthening exercises
The following exercises strengthen the paraspinal muscles to be stronger and to better cope with everyday strains.
- Starting position: Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Cross your arms over your chest. Movement: Press down on the floor with your lower back and heels. At the same time, raiseshoulders and head, try to touch the breast with your chin. Repeat 5-10 times.
- Starting position: Lie on your back. Cross your forearms under your head. Straighten your legs. Movement: Raise the tailbone and the entire pelvis. Press your loins against the floor. Tighten your buttocks and raise the shoulder girdle and arms. Repeat 5 times.
- Starting position: bench. Movement: Raise and straighten your right arm and left leg. Try to keep the head, back and raised limbs in one line. Count to 5 and switch sides. Repeat 6 times for each.
In the photo gallery you will see how to do this exercise correctly!
ImportantStrengthen the deep muscles - this is the scaffolding of your spine!
In order to prevent lumbar spine pains from occurring in the future, prevention is very important. It is not enough to do a few exercises at one time to achieve lasting results. You should regularly strengthen the deep muscles - these are the muscles located deep in the body that wrap around the pelvis and spine.
They are a kind of scaffolding for the figure - when they are weak, we are prone to overload resulting from straining the muscles of the lower back (eg when bending or lifting); it can be said that our body is then flaccid and susceptible to injury. Strong deep muscles guarantee adequate central stabilization, keep us straight, we pull in the abdomen automatically, and the spine is relieved - because some of its "work" is taken over by strong muscles.
In order for the pain in the lumbar spine to go away once and for all, do the following sets of exercises 2-3 times a week:
- Exercises for deep abdominal muscles
- Exercises for deep back and leg muscles
- Exercises for the transverse abdominal muscles
Exercises for the lumbar spine - stretching exercises
Don't forget about stretching exercises - they are designed to relax the lower back and prevent contractures.
Particular emphasis is placed on stretching the hamstring muscles, which most people find excessively shortened due to prolonged sitting.
- Starting position: Lie on your back. Straight legs, arms along torso. Movement: Raise your legs, put them under your knees, and pull them towards you so tightly that your buttocks lift off the floor. Count to 10, come back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
- Starting position: Lie on your back. One leg is straight on the floor, the other leg is bent, clasped under the knee, and drawn to the chest. Movement: Straighten the leg when it is raised. Pull your toes towards you. Hold for 5 seconds and return to positionoutput. Repeat 5 times for each leg.
Check how to properly perform exercises for the lumbar spine