Modeling training consists of light strength exercises that you can easily do at home. Exercises shape the entire figure: thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms and back. You can choose from 3 variants of training - no equipment, with the use of dumbbells or a rubber band. Regular exercise results in a firm, shapely body without cellulite and shaky jelly. See how to do a body shaping workout.
Modeling trainingis the perfect training for women who want to get a firm, shapely figure without extensive muscles. It does not require much effort, because the exercises are performed with small devices, and the training itself can be carried out at any time of the day in the comfort of your own home.
Read what the modeling training is all about and try its 3 variants: no equipment, with dumbbells and light rubber bands.
What is modeling training and what are the results?
Modeling training is a set of strength exercises for the whole body that allow you to strengthen and slimmer muscles. However, this has nothing to do with building muscle mass, which is usually a concern of women. Proper selection of exercises, which do not require a lot of physical effort and are quite simple to perform, is only intended to slightly scratch the muscles, and not to provoke them to grow. The result of such exercises is a slim and shapely figure, without athletic muscles.
For whom is the modeling training recommended?
Modeling training is dedicated mainly to women, because it allows you to get a shapely figure with a clearly marked bottom, flat belly and waistline. Due to the nature of modeling exercises, they are especially recommended for women who regularly carry out slimming training and are therefore at risk of losing their skin firmness. In this case, the exercises should be part of the overall training plan.
For visible results, modeling training must be performed at least 2-3 times a week in conjunction with cardio training.
Modeling training is also great for people who want to exercise regularly at home. Having basic exercise equipment, incl. tapes or dumbbells, you can train yourself, without someone's support. This is a big advantage that people appreciateoverworked or unable to afford training with a trainer due to financial reasons. If you do not have the necessary equipment at home, you can replace the dumbbells with water bottles or choose the option of training without equipment.
An important advantage of the presented modeling exercises is their diversity. Each workout can be different, with the use of different equipment, which means that the exercises are not monotonous. For this reason, it is a good form of activity for people who do not like routine and boredom in sports.
Modeling training without equipment
Before you start training, be sure to do a short warm-up (5-10 minutes).
Exercise I: plank with a leg transfer
You can limit yourself to one variant of exercises or combine them into one, more intense modeling training.
- Models arms, thighs and buttocks.
Starting position - as for push-ups. Lean on the floor on straightened arms and toes. We try to tighten the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. We tear our right leg off the floor and straighten it diagonally, under the left leg, trying to touch the floor on our left side with our fingers. We make 20 such diagonal movements, then change the leg. It is best to perform 2-3 series of this exercise.
Exercise II: Back Kicks
- Models the abdomen and buttocks.
We begin the exercise in kneeling on our forearms. The head should be lowered.
The exercise involves lifting your straight and tense leg as high as possible, and then bringing the bent leg to your stomach. While doing this exercise, we should tighten the buttocks. You should do 20 repetitions on each leg in 2-3 series.
Exercise III: arm squats
- Models the bust, buttocks, calves.
We stand slightly apart, knees and feet slightly turned outwards, straight silhouette. We raise our arms and join hands at the level of the chest - elbows directed to the sides. The hands can be clasped or placed on top of each other. Without changing their position, we start doing squats. We try to tighten the abdominal muscles and remember to breathe regularly. During squats, press the palm of your hand to feel the tension in your chest. We do 20 squats in 2 series.
Exercise IV: skier
- Models: arms, deep torso muscles, thighs and buttocks.
We stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. We stretch straight arms in front of us and perform a half-squat, taking care not to let our knees overtaketoes. We make sure to keep your back straight. We stay in this position by slightly bending our legs in a spring motion (up-down, up-down). We endure for 30 seconds, then return to a standing position and relax our legs. We repeat 3 times.
Exercise V: russian twist
- Models: straight, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, back muscles, deep muscles.
We sit on the floor, bend our knees, pull in our stomach. The back is to be straightened and the shoulders are tightened. Tilt your torso back slightly and lift your feet up so that your calves are parallel to the floor. We twist the torso and move our arms to the side, touching the floor. Then we twist the torso again, bringing the hands to the other side. We repeat alternately 20 times. We do 2-3 series in total.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreImportantPrinciples of modeling training
1. Modeling exercises should be done along with cardio training.
When creating a training plan, these exercises should be written into the schedule after warming up, but before aerobics. Changing the sequence could have a negative impact on the effectiveness of training, mainly due to the low capacity of obtaining energy for exercise. As you know, modeling exercises use the energy generated by burning carbohydrates, so if we do the modeling training after cardio training, the carbohydrate reserves in the body will be smaller and will not cover the energy demand sufficiently.
2. Modeling training should be performed with a load.
These can be both professional dumbbells for exercises, as well as water bottles or elastic bands. The essence here is not the equipment, but the selection of the load. The weight should not be too heavy or too light - preferably one that, on the one hand, will allow us to perform exercises without interrupting, and on the other - will be quite a noticeable difficulty.
3. Modeling training should involve all parts of the body.
This exercise regimen will increase the effectiveness of subsequent cardio training and increase fat burning. If we want to strengthen only selected parts of the body, nothing stands in the way, but in this case you have to remember that between trainings we should take a break to regenerate a given part of the muscles.
Modeling training with weights
We use for exercisessmall dumbbells or small bottles filled with water.
Each dumbbell exercise involves several movements in different planes to simultaneously strengthen as many muscles as possible.
Exercise VI: 3 in 1
- Models: bust, abdomen, buttocks, thighs.
Lie down on your back, bend your legs at the knees, and rest your feet on the floor. Holding weights in your hands, spread your arms slightly bent at the elbows to the sides. Then we raise our head and shoulders above the floor (as when doing sit-ups) while moving the weights above the chest (we bring the dumbbells closer to each other in a closing motion). We try to hold out for a few seconds, then we return to the supine position and, tensing the buttocks, lift the bottom above the floor. We hold out for a few seconds and repeat the entire sequence from the beginning 20 times. We do 2 series.
Exercise VII: bench press
- Models arms, stomach, buttocks, thighs.
We stand wide apart, legs bent at the knees, toes pointing outwards. We have weights in the straightened hands held over the head. From this position, go to the next one: bend your arms at the elbows so that the weights are at shoulder height (the backs of the hands point outwards) and at the same time rise, straightening the legs, but tear one leg off the floor and draw a semicircle over the floor. We return to the position with bent legs and straight arms. Repeat the whole up-down movement 15 times, changing the leg torn off the floor. We do the exercise in 2 series.
Exercise VIII: swallow
- Models the back, arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
We stand up straight, legs joined. We hold weights in the hands lowered along the body. We tighten our muscles and point one straight leg back, while leaning forward with the whole torso. Pull the toes of the feet of the raised leg towards the floor, the other leg, on which we are leaning, should be slightly bent at the knee. In this position, bend your elbows, pulling weights to your chest. We endure a moment and return to the vertical position and stand on both legs. Then we change the leg. Perform the exercise 10 times on each leg in 2 series.
Exercise IX: dumbbell lifting lunges
Models: thighs, buttocks, arms.
Take dumbbells in both hands and stand straight, pinch shoulder blades down. Take a long lunge with your right leg while lifting your extended arms upwards (the dumbbells are to be joined). The back is straight all the time. Push off with your right leg and return to an upright position. Exercise one at a timethe other leg. Do 10 repetitions each in 2 series.
Worth knowingAdvantages and effects of modeling training
Modeling exercises:
- they strengthen the body- training strengthens the muscles, thanks to which the body is more durable and it is not in danger of deteriorating, e.g. with age;
- firm the figure- make the skin firm, and thanks to the reconstruction of the muscles, they improve the appearance of the whole body;
- rebuild muscle tissue- especially in situations where there has been a longer break from training and there is a need to rebuild lost muscles (to a physiological level);
- increase the effectiveness of cardio training- exercises support the slimming process, make it more effective (lowering the body's carbohydrate reserves) and prevent the negative effects of slimming (loss of skin firmness);
- counteract osteoporosis- thanks to exercise, there is no bone decline, the opposite effect may also occur, which minimizes the risk of disease;
- improve well-being- like any physical activity, they contribute to the production of endorphins, and an additional source of joy is the effect visible in the mirror.
Modeling training with elastic bands
Exercise X: pulling the strap while sitting
- Models: back, arms, stomach.
Sit in a straight position, legs joined, feet up. We pull the tape through the center of the feet and grab the ends of the tape, wrapping it around the toes and clenching the hand into a fist (the backs of the hands should point to the floor).
Exercises with the tape not only shape the figure, but also strengthen the back muscles and thus prevent slouching.
When the tape is taut, and we are sitting straight with the shoulder blades pulled back as far as possible and with straight hands, start bending our elbows, pulling the ends of the tapes back. We pull the tape in this way until there is an angle of 90 degrees in the shoulders. We make sure that the back is straight. Then relax your hands by straightening them. Repeat the exercise 10 times in 2-3 series.
Exercise XI: push-ups with tape
- Models: back, shoulders, arms.
First, grip the tape properly. It should pass from one hand to the other, placed behind the back at the level of the shoulder blades. Keeping the strap taut in this way, we assume the classic push-up position - on bent arms. During the exercise, make an upward movement, straightening your arms and stretching the strap at the same time, and lower yourself to the floor again by bending your elbows. Repeat the exercise 15times in 2-3 series.
Exercise XII: Hip Raises with Tape
- Models: buttocks, thighs, abdomen.
Lie down on your back with your legs bent and your feet resting on the floor. We tie the tape around our hands and place them flat on the floor on both sides of the body, close to the hips. The tape should touch the lower abdomen and the pelvic spines. We pull in the stomach and as we exhale, raise the buttocks and hips until they form one line with the thighs. Keep your hands pressed to the floor so that the tape remains stretched. We lower the buttocks with an inhale. We do 12 repetitions.
Exercise XIII: stretching the tape behind the back
- Models: arms (triceps) and back.
We stand hip-width apart, legs, torso straight, shoulder blades tightened, abdomen tense. Holding the tape in your right hand, you move your hand behind your head. The hand should be bent at the elbow. The left arm, slightly bent at the elbow, is placed behind the back so that the hand can grab the end of the tape. After grabbing the tape, wrap it around your hands and wrists. The tape should be tight. Then, without moving your right arm, straighten your right arm above your head so that your hand tightens the tape. We hold out for a few seconds and repeat. For each arm, 15 repetitions should be done, in two series.
Remember to do stretching exercises after training!