Although Lyme disease is diagnosed more and more often, we still know little about it. Its symptoms can be non-specific, so patients search for the cause of their ailments for a long time. We will talk to the drug about how dangerous are tick-borne diseases, how to protect yourself against them and what to do in case of suspected infection. Joanna Pietroń, an internist from the Damian Medical Center, this Monday, June 7 at 19:00. We invite you to sign up for the webinar.
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"What is definitely known about Lyme disease? The fact that ticks carry it. These arachnids from the mite subgroup are carriers of many serious diseases: bacterial, viral and parasitic. Although Lyme disease is not the most dangerous of them, it is the most common and its treatment proves to be extremely difficult. It is not always known that a tick bite has occurred. And if so - will the body cope with possible infection with pathogenic bacteria on its own, or will antibiotic treatment be necessary? In addition, Lyme disease can manifest itself in such different ways that it is easy to confuse it with other diseases. And if left untreated, it stays in the body, slowly destroying it, "we read on the cover of the book," Lyme disease. How To Avoid. How to recognize. How to heal "by Małgorzata Radomska (Harde Publishing House).
Everything you need to know about Lyme disease and tick-borne diseases
Did you know that ticks live not only in the forest or in the meadow? They can also be found in city parks, playgrounds, and even … in home gardens. We can unknowingly bring them home on footwear or clothes.
The owners of pets, even if they use anti-tick protection in their pets, also cannot sleep soundly - even if the arachnid did not bite into the pet's skin, it could lose to the house on its fur.
So how do you avoid a tick bite? Or actually - how to minimize the risk? We'll talk about it during our webinar with lek. JoannaPietroń, a family medicine doctor. The expert graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw in 1999. She is also a graduate of postgraduate studies in Bioethics and Medical Law as well as Studies in interpersonal relations and addiction prevention at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
In her professional work, she pays particular attention to preventive he alth care and a holistic view of the patient. Since 2008, he has been working at the Damian Medical Center in Warsaw.
During the conversation with the expert, we will discuss, among others topics such as:
- when the tick season really starts and ends,
- how to protect yourself from being bitten and how to properly remove a tick,
- what to do when we are aware of the bite and the possible development of a tick-borne disease,
- what symptoms should make us diagnose tick-borne diseases,
- how is Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases diagnosed,
- treatment and possible complications after infection.