Swelling of the testicles is a symptom of one of the many male ailments. Among them are, for example, inflammation of the testicle or testicular hydrocele. Whatever the causes of a swollen testicle, you should see your doctor, as untreated testicular swelling can lead to infertility and even life-threatening, as is the case with testicular cancer. Check the symptom of the disease is swelling of the testicle.
Swelling of the testiclecan be a symptom of many male diseases. Regardless of thecauseailments, it is necessary to see a family doctor or urologist. Only on the basis of a medical history and specialized tests, the doctor is able to make the correct diagnosis and start appropriate treatment. Check if the symptom ofdiseaseistesticular swelling .
Swelling of the testicle: inflammation of the testicle
Testicular inflammation is the result of a build up of serous fluid between the walls of the scrotum and one of the testicles. The cause of inflammation are pathogenic microorganisms which, along with the blood, reach the testicle from another inflammatory focus, most often the vas deferens. A characteristic symptom of orchitis is extremely severe pain, accompanied by swelling of the testicle and fever (up to 40 degrees C).
Swelling of the testicle: inflammation of the epididymis
Epididymitis is an inflammation of the tubes that extend from the back of each testicle to the vas deferens. The cause of the disease may be a bacterial infection of the urinary tract or the action of microorganisms that cause gonorrhea and chlamydia.
In addition to testicular enlargement caused by inflammation of the testicle, there are also soreness in the groin on the side affected by the infection, testicular pain (increased by urination and intercourse), high body temperature, discharge from the urethra, blood in the semen . Epididymitis is most often diagnosed in young men between the ages of 19 and 35.
Swelling of the testicle: testicular torsion
The testicular torsion is the rotation of the testicle by 180-360 ° around the long axis of the spermatic cord, which causes sudden ischemia of this organ. The disease occurs mainly in adolescent boys (up to 18 years of age) and is manifested by sudden severe pain in the testicle (often radiating to the groin and lower abdomen), visible swelling of the testicle, which is located higher than before. It is a characteristic symptomintensification of pain when trying to lift the testicle up - the so-called Prehn's symptom negative.
Testicular torsion requires immediate intervention of a urologist-surgeon, because as a result of ischemia, it leads to the development of irreversible necrotic changes after a few hours (approx. 6). Then one solution is to remove the kernel.
Swelling of the testicle: torsion of the testicle stem
Torsion of the testicle stalk is a condition caused by the excessive length of the spermatic cord and excessive mobility of the testicle. The characteristic symptoms are rapid pain in the testicle, redness accompanied by swelling of the scrotum, which causes the torsion of the testicle stalk to be confused with epididymitis or testicular inflammation. However, the distinguishing feature is the absence of a low-grade fever. Untreated ailment can lead to ischemia of the testicle parenchyma, necrosis and testicular atrophy. The treatment consists in surgically uncovering and unscrewing the testicle, and then fixing it with stitches.
Swelling of the testicle: testicular cancer
Repeated infections or the failure of the testicle to enter the scrotum are just a few of the factors that increase the risk of testicular cancer. The most common symptom of the disease is painless swelling, swelling or lump in one of the testicles. Men with testicular cancer also experience dull pain and a feeling of gravity in the lower abdomen, scrotum and groin.
CHECK>>How to do a testicular self-examination? In young men, orchitis can be a complication of a history of mumps. Then there is fever, severe pain in the testicle, radiating even to the abdominal cavity, and its swelling, as well as swelling of the parotid gland. The inflammation will go away on its own after a few days. CHECK>>How does mumps orchitis affect male fertility? A man with chronic prostatitis may experience pain or discomfort around the testicles, penis, rectum, back, lower abdomen, and even on the inside of the thighs. Persistent, long-term infection may also manifest itself in discomfort during ejaculation, swollen testicles, and frequent and painful urination. CHECK>>Are you at risk of an enlarged prostate? The testicular hydrocephalus is the accumulation of clear fluid between the visceral membrane and the parietal wall of the testicle. Then the subcutaneous accumulation of fluid and enlargement of the scrotum is visible to the naked eye. The resulting swellingit is not painful when touched. Moderate pain may appear only in certain situations, e.g. when wearing tight underwear or playing sports. A characteristic feature of the testicle hydrocele is that when lit (e.g. with a flashlight) it transmits light. Varicose veins usually do not give clear symptoms. A man with varicocele may have a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, dull testicular pain, pulling pain in the groin, and observe a slight enlargement or swelling of the scrotum and its warming. Usually, varicocele is also accompanied by a dropping of the testicles lower than usual. Varicose veins of the spermatic cord can impair fertility, so they are sometimes diagnosed when a man is looking for the causes of infertility. The swelling of the testicle may appear after plastic surgery of the inguinal hernia. As a result of the operation, the tissues around the inguinal canal may swell, which has tightened and prevents the proper outflow of blood from the testicle. In such a situation, it is enough to make a medicine compress, which is used to reduce swelling after bruising of tissues and joints. Then the testicle should be positioned above the level of the body (put a towel under the scrotum). If the swelling persists after two days, see your doctor. Post-vasectomy pain syndrome is a symptom complex that consists of dull pain in the epididymis area during intercourse and ejaculation, bleeding, and temporary swelling of the testicles due to the accumulation of tissue fluid. In order to remove or alleviate symptoms, take painkillers. As a result of genital trauma, men develop swelling of the testicles, as well as an intranuclear hematoma or testicular hematoma. Could an impact to the testicles cause infertility? Doctors agree that the cause of male infertility may be damage to the testicles or vas deferens as a result of an injury. The consequence of an impact to the testicles may be the lack of mature sperm in the semen, and in some cases even complete sterility, provided that both testes are severely damaged. CHECK>>What could be the causes of male infertility? Swollen testicles: mumps orchitis
Swelling of the testicle: chronic inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate, prostate)
Swelling of the testicle: hydrocele
Swelling of the testicle: varicocele
Swelling of the testicle after hernia surgery
Swelling of the testicle after vasectomy
Swollen testicle after impact