Stone in the prostate gland affects mainly men over 50 and is usually asymptomatic. It can occur as calcifications in the prostate parenchyma or be a symptom of urolithiasis located within the prostatic urethra (the section of the urethra running through the prostate gland).
Prostatic stonesoccurs in older men. The prostate gland (prostate gland, prostate gland) consists mostly of glandular parenchyma permeated with strands of smooth muscle. It is responsible for the production of secretions that constitute about 15-25% of the volume of semen.
Pressure caused by, for example, adenoma or post-inflammatory stenosis, obstruct the outflow of secretions. This promotes the formation of abnormalities in the tubules and glandular vesicles, such as calcifications. Another location for urolithiasis is the urethra. Favorable conditions are diverticula or cavities of the prostate gland formed after empty abscesses.
Usually, urolithiasis of the prostate gland is asymptomatic. Disturbances in urination may occur, such as a feeling of constant urge to urinate, forcing you to get up at night, or leakage of urine after completion of voiding. Pain is rare.
urolithiasis of the prostate gland: research
Larger deposits may be felt by the doctor during a rectal examination (finger examination through the rectum). In addition, ultrasound and review X-ray of the pelvis are helpful in the diagnosis. Urethroscopy makes it possible to see stones that break into the urethra.
urolithiasis of the prostate gland: treatment
The appropriate specialist for this condition is a urologist. If the patient has no symptoms, no treatment is needed. In the event of symptoms, transurethral resection of the prostate is performed. In cases where urolithiasis is accompanied by prostatitis, antibiotic therapy is recommended, sometimes in combination with low doses of glucocorticosteroids.
urolithiasis of the prostate gland: prognosis
The prognosis is good. Most patients are not even aware that they have prostate stones. In contrast, those who develop symptoms are successfully treated. Co-occurrenceother abnormalities in the urinary system slightly worsens the prognosis.