Inflammation of the prostate gland (i.e. prostate or prostate gland) can happen at any age. Typically, inflammation of the prostate gland is associated with infection. It may also be caused by the residual secretion produced by this gland. What are the causes and symptoms of prostatitis? How is the treatment going?
Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate or prostatitis)is one of the most common diseases in men. It occurs in 2/3 of men aged 40-50 years.SymptomsProstatitis may come on suddenly. We are then dealing withacute prostatitis . There are times, however, that the symptoms may be the cause of the slowly developingchronic prostatitis .
Prostatitis - symptoms
Symptoms of prostatitis, regardless of the cause that caused them, include:
- pressure on the bladder,
- pain when urinating,
- burning when urinating
- and fever.
Prostatitis - causes
Inflammation of the prostate can be caused by infection with microorganisms that manage to penetrate the gland despite the presence of a protective capsule . They get there with blood or bacteria in the urine multiply.
The common cause of prostatitis is microorganisms that enter during sexual contact, such as gonorrhea or yeast.
Inflammation of the prostate can also be caused by stagnant secretion of the prostate. It is a fluid, produced by the prostate gland, that allows sperm to move around. When you don't ejaculate frequently or when there is too much discharge, it can build up in the prostate and cause inflammation.
Acute Infectious Prostatitis
Causes of acute infectious prostatitis
Acute, infectious prostatitisin most cases is caused by uncontrolled multiplication of bacteriaE. coli . The factors contributing to the appearance of acute prostatitis include bladder infections, long catheterization, transurethral surgeries, and the presence of prostatic stones. A high degree of phimosis and other problems causing urinary retention can also contribute to such prostatitis.
Symptoms of acute infectious inflammationprostate
Acute prostatitis is manifested by fever and chills. Also appear:
- perineal pain,
- abdominal pain,
- groin pain,
- penile pain,
- anal pain,
- pain in the sacral part of the spine,
- sexual dysfunction.
The patient feels increased pressure, burning and pain while urinating, the urine stream is interrupted. Sometimes appearing also:
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- muscle and joint pain
- and pus and blood in urine.
Treatment of acute infectious prostatitis
If you experience these symptoms, see a urologist. The doctor will examine the prostate (rectal examination usually shows the enlarged gland) and prescribe medication.
Prostatitis is not easy to treat because pharmaceuticals have difficulty penetrating into the gland tissue. Therefore, at the beginning, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is administered intravenously, and the rest of the treatment consists in taking antibiotics orally. It lasts for several weeks.
How to prevent and treat prostate diseases? Check out the video below!
Chronic prostatitis: bacterial and non-bacterial
Causes of chronic prostatitis
- Chronic bacterial prostatitisis usually the result of ineffectively treated acute prostatitis.
- Chronic non-bacterial prostatitiscan be caused by stagnation of prostate secretion or irritation, e.g. with alcohol, hot spices, and supercooling.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis
Non-bacterial chronic prostatitis is the most common type of prostatitis. In chronic prostatitis, symptoms are milder than in acute prostatitis, and occur periodically. The patient reports bothersome ailments typical of the chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPP). His symptoms are:
- lower back pain,
- pain in the lower abdomen,
- pain around the perineum and scrotum,
- erectile dysfunction and sexual drive,
- pain during ejaculation,
- difficult or painful urination,
- frequent feeling of pressure on the bladder.
The prostate is swollen, the doctor finds fibrosis and calcifications on a rectal examination or during a transrectal ultrasound.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
In order to accurately determine the cause of prostatitis, a 4-glass Meares-Stamey test is performed. Testconsists in collecting 4 urine samples for culture. Samples are taken during the test:
- from initial urine stream,
- midstream urine,
- prostate secretion that appears during prostate massage
- and final urine stream after prostate massage.
A variant of this test is the 2-glass test, which involves collecting 2 samples: before and after the prostate massage.
Chronic prostatitis is treated with antibiotics, usually for 4-6 weeks.
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: Treatment
- Prostate cancer. How can prostate cancer be diagnosed
- Prostate examination. Men should get these prostate screening tests
Prostatodynia - a disease of middle-aged men
Fortunately, prostatodynia is rare because it is an unpleasant ailment. It manifests itself similarly to non-bacterial prostatitis - with pains in the perineum and lower abdomen. The bladder and urinary tract are irritated. The patient has difficulty urinating, burning and painful.
Ailments recur and return, becoming a cause of stress and depression. Heat treatment, transrectal prostate massage and psychotherapy help to distance oneself from ailments are helpful in this disease.