Scabies is a disease caused by a parasite - human scabies. Symptoms of scabies are persistent itching and a characteristic rash. Home treatment for this disease is usually unsatisfactory and pharmacological treatment is necessary. Find out what scabies looks like and what causes it.
What is scabies?
Scabies is an infectious disease , which - contrary to popular belief -is not only the result of dirt . You can become infected with scabies even when you live in clean conditions and take care of your personal hygiene.
Świerzb - causes
Scabiescauses a parasite -human scabies . It is very small, so it is impossible to see it with the naked eye. On the other hand, the effects of scabies are visible and felt - unbearable itching of the skin.
In the epidermis of the skin, where they nestle, they form a system of tubules and pits. In them, females lay their eggs. The larvae hatch from these eggs, and they also dig into tubules and pits in the epidermis. Parasites especially like warm and hidden places.
Most often, mites are found between the fingers, in the groin, around the genital organs, the navel, under the breasts, on the waist line.
Scabies - symptoms. What does scabies look like?
how does scabies start? In places where they live, the parasites leave their droppings, which trigger a severe allergic reaction, mainly manifested by an itchy rash. These symptoms usually occur 3-4 weeks after the mites entering the human body.
Scabies in a child looks the same as in adults, and a typical reflex for anyone infected with scabies iscompulsion to scratch . In addition to the maculopapular rash, there are also characteristic lines after scratching, called cross-hairs.
Świerzb - photos
Usually, itchy rashes first appear in the spaces between the fingers.

The need for scratching is especially strong during sleep, after a bath or after returning home from a cool court, because the heat stimulates the skin living in itparasites.
As a result of scratching, they spread to he althy areas, and after some time, itching can spread over the entire body surface of an infected person, excluding only the face area. It only takes 10 adult females to lay eggs in the skin for the scabies to spread.

A variety of scabies is Norwegian scabies (hyperkeratotic scabies). This form most often attacks people with impaired immunity, as well as people with physical or mental underdevelopment. The skin lesions in this form of scabies look slightly different - there is no rash or itching, but changes similar to scales, which are most often located on the face, elbows, knees, feet and hands, as well as callous scabs (in the same locations). Unfortunately, this form of scabies is much more contagious, because the diseased skin has a large number of parasites and their eggs.
Świerzb - how do you get infected?
The most common scabies infection occurs through direct contact with infected skin .
- A handshake or a quick hug is rarely enough to catch scabies. On the other hand, people who stay in contact with each other for a long time (e.g. during intimate relationships) or live in one house are infected.
- You can also get infected with scabies by sleeping in the bedding of a sick person, borrowing clothes from them, but also e.g. in a train sleeping car.
- The risk group includes children who can become infected relatively easily, e.g. during joint play and failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene. In toddlers, lesions first appear on the palms and soles of the feet, and the lumpy rash can even make it difficult to walk.
Scabies - treatment
What can scabies be confused with? The clinical picture of this disease may be similar, inter alia, to diseases such as:
- contact dermatitis
- ichthyosis
- psoriasis
- seborrheic dermatitis
- drug rash
- Darier's disease.
Since the symptoms of scabies resemble other skin conditions, scabies is often misdiagnosed. It is also favored by the late onset of symptoms, which means that many people do not associate the moment of infection with the disease. Scratching causes wounds to become infected with bacteria such as staphylococci and streptococci, which can also obscure the underlying cause of the disease.
Meanwhile, in order to prevent it from spreading,treatment should be started as soon as possiblethat is right after the first signs appear. Increased itching of the skin, especially if it is also irritatingother household members should always suspect scabies. In the event of suspicious symptoms, contact a dermatologist who will prescribe appropriate medications for scabies.
Treatment of scabies usually consists of lubricating the whole bodywith preparations containing permethrin, sulfur ointment or agents containing lindane . They can be in the form of a gel, ointments for scabies, tinctures. To reduce itching, antihistamines and calamine are used.
It is best to start applying the preparations from the neck, then work your way down the other parts of the body, especially those with lesions. The preparation should remain on the skin for at least eight hours, so it is best to apply it at night.
how long is scabies treated? The duration of the treatment is always determined by the doctor, because it depends, among other things, on on the severity of the disease. How do you know if the scabies are cured? Symptoms such as a rash or itchy skin may persist for up to a month after the disease is cured and are the result of the body's reaction to the presence of dead scabies in their subcutaneous cavities and burrows. These symptoms are eliminated by the exfoliation of the skin.
It is worth knowing that not only the infected person should fight scabies, but all those who live with them. All clothes and bed linen should be washed 2-3 days before the start of high temperature therapy. It is also worth washing everything we use at home, the bathtub, the washbasin, the toilet bowl, dishes, pots, children's toys.
Świerzb - home methods
Scabies can also be treated with home remedies.
- The following oils are helpful in treatment: lavender, tea and cinnamon oils. You can add them to the bath, or mix them with a small amount of water and honey and smear the mash on the affected areas.
- Infected skin can be washed with infusions of herbs, e.g. thyme, plantain (lanceolate), caraway, wormwood, tansy.
- Grandma's way is poultice with vinegar on infected places.
What will a dermatologist help with?