The intestinal nematode is a nematode that parasitizes in the human small intestine. It causes a disease called vaginismus or strongyloidosis. How is it possible to get infected with intestinal nematodes? What are the symptoms of Hungarian people and how is it treated?
Intestinal nematode(LatinStrongyloides stercoralis ) is a parasite found all over the world, not only in humans, but also in dogs, cats and monkeys.
By far the greatest number of infections is observed in countries with a humid and hot climate (Asia, Africa, South America), less often in the temperate climate zone (Eastern and Southern Europe).
Intestinal nematode: structure
The adult parasite grows to a small size, females are about 2-3 mm long and males are smaller, about 0.9 mm.
Intestinal nematode: life cycle
Female intestinal nematodes living in the epithelium of the small intestine produce eggs, from which the first-stage larvae develop in the intestine.
Together with the faeces they enter the external environment and after a few days turn into invasive (third stage) larvae.
It is worth noting, however, that it is a parasite with great potential for contamination of a given environment, because its characteristic feature is the ability to develop as adults not only in the host's organism, but also in the external environment. Third instar larvae can live for about 2-3 weeks in a humid environment.
Man is infected by invasive larvae that enter the body through intact skin, similar to hookworm larvae. They go to the blood vessels and then to the lungs.
In the lungs, the nematode larvae pass from the capillaries to the alveoli and then towards the trachea and pharynx. The invasive larva, which made its way from the alveoli to the throat, is swallowed and enters the digestive tract.
It reaches adulthood and sexual maturity in the small intestine.
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Intestinal nematode: routes of infection
A person becomes infected with intestinal nematode primarily by walking without shoes on contaminated ground. Moreoverthere is a possibility of transmission of the parasite larvae to the breastfed child with breast milk, as well as the possibility of self-contamination.
Occasionally, first-stage larvae develop into invasive (third-stage) larvae during intestinal transit and enter the bloodstream through the lining of the large intestine.
Intestinal nematode: symptoms of Hungarian people
Clinical symptoms of intestinal nematode infection include:
1. skin changes:
- redness
- soreness
- itching
- swelling at the site of larvae entry
2. respiratory ailments in the form of:
- strong cough
- pneumonia
3. gastrointestinal complaints such as:
- enteritis
- stomach ache
- presence of diarrhea with an admixture of blood
- nausea or vomiting
Wegorczyca (strongyloidosis): research
The diagnosis of intestinal nematode infection is established on the basis of the presence of the parasite larvae in direct smears of faeces or in the digestive contents taken directly from the duodenum, as well as by serological tests examining the presence of specific antibodies against the parasite antigens.
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Wegorczyca (strongyloidosis): treatment
Antiparasitic drugs are usually used in the therapy - mebendazole, albendazole and ivermectin (first-line drug).
Here are the gastrointestinal parasites!

Hungarian (strongyloidosis): prevention
The methods of preventing intestinal nematode infections are similar to those of hookworms. Observe the principles of personal hygiene and pay particular attention to the proper disposal of sewage and faeces.
You should also not forget about the necessity to wear appropriate safety shoes, do not go barefoot or sleep directly on the ground.