The coronavirus pandemic has been going on for 2 years. During this time, many variants of this virus emerged. The most recent and dominant is the Omikron variant. It differs from its predecessors in several ways. First of all, it is particularly infectious and therefore spreads easily throughout society. It also causes slightly different symptoms than the Delta variant. What symptoms indicate an infection with an omicron?
The presence of an omicron infection can be accurately confirmed only on the basis of a genetic test. It is a PCR test with viral gene sequencing performed that detects all variants of the coronavirus. Without such a test, it is impossible to say with certainty whether you have been an infected omicron. However, this can be assumed because you develop characteristic symptoms yourself or because of contact with people who have had a confirmed COVID-19 infection. Check which symptoms may indicate an omicron infection.
Hair loss
This is a relatively new symptom, especially observed with omicron infection. Sick people experience it after a disease. It usually appears within a few weeks and lasts from 6 to 9 months.
The duration of hair loss and the degree of its severity vary individually. Hair loss is related to the overactive state of the immune system caused by the coronavirus infection. This disrupts the hair growth cycle and makes it easier to fall out.
History of infection by household members
This is a fairly obvious sign. If the household is infected with COVID-19, it is highly probable that they will become infected. Especially since it's easy to get infected with Omicron. Even if it is an asymptomatic infection and has not been tested, it is likely that omicron disease has developed.
History of conjunctivitis
Another common symptom of infection with the omicron variant is conjunctivitis. It manifests itself as itching, burning and reddening of the eyes. There is also lacrimation, eyelid edema and purulent discharge.
Accompanied by a reduced tolerance to strong light temporarily, known as photophobia. Conjunctivitis is not a common symptom of the coronavirus and has also occurred withits earlier variants. However, preliminary research results indicate that it is observed more often in case of infection with the omicron variant.
Appearance of skin rash
Another symptom associated with an omicron infection is the appearance of skin lesions. An itchy, papular rash has been observed in the course of this infection. It is accompanied by intense itching in the hands and feet.
Other skin lesions in the omicron are small, red, itchy spots that resemble heat rash. Urticaria and the so-called covid fingers. These are erythematous changes similar to frostbite and located on the fingers and toes.
Stomach problems
Gastrointestinal problems have already been observed during the infection with the previous covid-19 variants. However, in the omicron, these are the more frequently reported complaints. There are more of them and they are more intense. The main intestinal ailments include:
- abdominal pain, mainly in the upper abdomen,
- nausea and vomiting,
- lack of appetite,
- diarrhea.
history of infection
Surviving an infection at the time of a large number of infections gives grounds for suspecting that an omicron infection has passed. Symptoms may be typical of an acute viral infection. It appears:
- watery runny nose,
- sore throat,
- slight increase in temperature
- and weakness.
Sometimes they are joined by:
- dry cough,
- smell and taste disturbances (however, in the omicron variant they are less frequently observed).
Without a diagnostic test, however, it is difficult to be sure of a coronavirus infection. There are many viruses that can trigger the symptoms of the common cold.
Development of COVID-19 antibodies
Another clue that may indicate an infection with omicron is the appearance of antibodies. The condition, however, is that there is no prior infection or vaccination against the coronavirus.
In a situation where the omicron is the dominant variant of the infection, a recent increase in anti-covid-19 antibodies is likely to indicate that the omicron is infected.