After a heart attack, the key is to modify your current habits. It is important to take care of a he althy lifestyle in order to protect yourself against another heart attack and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Learn the most important tips for people after a heart attack.
Heart attackposes a potential threat to life and he alth. It results from a sudden lack of blood supply to this organ. It is usually the result of a long-term progression of coronary atherosclerosis leading to coronary artery disease. Its creation is largely influenced by the lifestyle that can be changed.
Regular medication and treatment for high blood pressure and diabetes
After a heart attack, it is crucial to take the prescribed medications regularly and to treat chronic diseases that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They are:
- hypertension,
- type 2 diabetes,
- hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia (that is, too much "bad" cholesterol in the blood and triglycerides).
In the treatment of the above diseases, different drugs are used, depending on the patient's condition. The choice of drugs is the responsibility of specialist doctors.
Each heart attack, in the absence of contraindications, has the intake of acetylsalicylic acid, statins, and beta-blockers recommended by a cardiologist, and an antiplatelet drug for 12 months after stent placement. It is important to take them systematically and not to miss any of the doses.
Good control of high blood pressure, diabetes and lipid disorders significantly reduces the risk of another heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.
Changing eating habits
In many diseases, the influence of diet is very large. The situation is similar in coronary artery disease and after a heart attack. Currently, it is generally recommended to follow the recommendations of the so-called "Mediterranean diet".
It involves eating as many vegetables and fruits as possible. You should eat whole grains and legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas) regularly. The main sources of fat should be olive oil, nuts and fatty fish.
It is advisable to limit the consumption of red meat,processed fast food and sweets. You can also eat dairy products. A proper diet makes it easier to lose weight and is part of the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and hyperlipidemia.
Giving up stimulants
Smoking is considered to be one of the most important risk factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks. It causes inflammation within the arteries, accelerates the formation of atherosclerosis, destabilizes atherosclerotic plaques, which promotes their rupture and thrombus formation, and has a contractile effect on the coronary vessels.
It also raises blood pressure. Alcohol has similar effects - if taken chronically, it promotes the formation of atherosclerosis and raises blood pressure. Therefore, after a heart attack, it is necessary to completely stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
Regular physical activity
Another key change after a heart attack is the introduction of regular physical activity. It should be especially aerobic exercise, i.e. improving the overall efficiency of the body. Walking, Nordic walking, cycling and swimming are recommended.
Effort should be appropriate to your fitness level and not too strenuous. In the initial phase after a heart attack, consult your doctor before exercising. Cardiac rehabilitation, which is exercises adapted to the patient's abilities, is often recommended. Regular physical activity has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.
Facilitates weight reduction. It is an element in the treatment of lipid metabolism disorders and diabetes. It improves the body's efficiency and exercise tolerance, and reduces the risk of another heart attack.
Weight reduction
If you are overweight or obese, it is very important to lose weight. Obesity, especially abdominal obesity, has a negative impact on the level of arterial hypertension, diabetes and lipid disorders.
Increases the risk of another heart attack. In order to reduce body weight, you should follow the principles of a he althy diet and exercise regularly. This will reduce the risk of many diseases and improve overall he alth.
Avoiding stress and taking care of a proper rest
Chronic stress has a negative effect on the overall functioning of the body. It stimulates the secretion of "stress hormones" - glucocorticosteroids. It puts the body into a state of tension. Increases inflammation and has a contractile effect on the arteries. All of this increases the risk of having a heart attack. However, short-term but intense stress can also be dangerous.
It is one of the risk factors for a heart attack. Therefore, it is important to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Everyone should work out their own ways to relax and relieve tension.
Listening to appropriate music, a hot bath or a massage may be helpful. It is recommended to rest in the bosom of nature, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Regular medical examinations and visits
People who have had a heart attack should be under the constant care of a specialist - a cardiologist. Basic laboratory tests should be performed regularly to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of lipid disorders or diabetes.
This allows you to modify the healing in case of ineffectiveness. Regular visits to the cardiologist and performing tests such as ECG and echo of the heart are also used to monitor the patient's condition after a heart attack and to react appropriately in the event of noticing the first disturbing symptoms.