Hyperthyroidism is a disease whose essence is the excessive secretion of thyroid hormones. It causes quite bothersome symptoms and, in addition, can cause many complications, the most dangerous of which is thyroid crisis. What are the causes and symptoms of an overactive thyroid? What is the treatment?
Hyperthyroidism - what is this disease?
Hyperthyroidismi.e.hyperthyreosis(Latinhyperthyreosisorhyperthyreoidismus ) appears when the thyroid gland secretes an excessive amount of thyroid hormones:
- thyroxine (T4)
- triiodothyronine (T3)
- calcitonin
The effects of an excess of thyroid hormones in the body arethyrotoxicosis . It is estimated that hyperthyroidism affects about 1-2 percent of adults in Poland, with the majority of patients being women.
Hyperthyroidism - causes
The causes of hyperthyroidism include:
- Graves' disease
- toxic nodular goitre or diffuse toxic goiter
- inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland
- chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (initial phase of Hashimoto's disease)
- subacute thyroiditis (initial stage of de Quervain disease)
- excessive iodine consumption e.g. in supplements (Iodine Basedow)
- excessive doses of thyroid hormones ( Thyreotoxicosis factitia )
- pituitary tumors secreting TSH
- trophoblast tumors
A risk factor is alsofemale gender , as hyperthyroidism is diagnosed as many asfive times more often in womenthan in men.
Hyperthyroidism - symptoms
Thyroid disordersoften have symptoms that may suggest heart disease or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is also easy to confuse with neurosis.
Here are the symptoms of an overactive thyroid gland:
- hypersensitivity to heat and excessive sweating - due to the accelerated metabolism, the body generates more heat, and in order to carry it away, it sweats - the patient's hands are constantly wet - this is quite a characteristic symptom; a person with an overactive thyroid gland badlyendures heat, but does not freeze in winter, so dresses relatively lightly, has increased thirst - regardless of the weather and season;
- irritability, nervousness - for this reason, the patient often cannot cope with the duties, takes comments badly, and finds it difficult to concentrate;
- trembling fingers - can be so intense that it is difficult to hold a pen in your hand, fasten a button, sometimes the patient seeks help from a neurologist, fearing Parkinson's disease;
- palpitations - a very fast heartbeat - can be dangerous because it can turn into atrial fibrillation, which leads to heart failure. It is worth taking a control EKG to know the condition of the heart;
- weakening of the muscles of the legs - it is so serious that it is difficult to climb stairs or get up from the armchair
- skin problems - red, itchy spots may appear on the lower legs and feet, and the legs above the ankles can be swollen;
- the condition of the hair and nails deteriorates - the hair becomes thin and sparse, it is difficult to style, the nails are brittle, have an uneven surface and darken; check with a dermatologist if the only cause of this is the thyroid gland;
- shortness of breath - it occurs even after slight physical exertion. Most people with hyperthyroidism also have so-called shortness of breath;
- irregular periods - related to an overactive thyroid gland are usually scanty or completely disappear, but you should check with your gynecologist;
- digestive disorders - diarrhea may appear (as a result of a very fast metabolism), but constipation is more frequent;
- tearing - tears appear in the wind and harsh light, eyes may hurt, burn (sand feeling under the eyelids), the image may be blurred or double, after consultation with the doctor, you can use drops - the so-called artificial tears, and on sunny days, wearing dark glasses also brings relief.
Hyperthyroidism can also cause meager, very difficult to see symptoms - it is subclinical (latent) hyperthyroidism.
The most dangerous, but extremely rare complication of hyperthyroidism is a thyroid crisis, i.e. an increase in the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. It is a life-threatening condition, as it can lead to a cardiovascular collapse and further death.
Hyperthyroidism - tests
The determination of the level of TSH is the only one in the whole pool of thyroid hormone tests that can be ordered by the primary care physician. Further diagnostics are already carried out on the recommendation of the endocrinologist.
The finding of hyperthyroidism does not exclude the existence of other diseases - it should be checked.
Unfortunately, for the first visit to this oneof specialistwithin the National He alth Fund, you have to wait up to a year . However, this basic test allows the doctor to suspect a thyroid condition.
According to doctors, it isTSH that is the most sensitive indicatorthat tells about the secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland.
A result that is below normalis usually an indication of an overactive thyroid gland, which is an overproduction of hormones by the thyroid gland. If the result of this test is abnormal, your doctor should measure the concentration of free thyroid hormones (FT4 and / or FT3).
The results may differ depending on the analytical method, so during the treatment it is worth doing anothertests in the same laboratory .
Excess hormone production often causesnodules- " cold " (not producing hormones) and " hot"(active). Both are threatening to become malignant (mostly active).
The doctor may order the execution:
- thyroid ultrasound
- thyroid scintigraphy
- fine needle aspiration biopsy (BAC)
- chest x-ray
These tests help determine the type and size of the nodules. The biopsy gives an answer to the question of whether thenodules are malignantor not. The X-ray image shows if the thyroid gland grows towards the trachea. Then it creates the so-called retrosternal goitre, invisible but obstructing breathing.
To make a precise diagnosis, a thyroid test called scintigraphy is performed. The patient gets the radioactive iodine isotope in a capsule or in a liquid. When iodine enters the thyroid gland, radiation begins to be emitted, which is registered by the gamma camera. Hot lumps absorb iodine, cold lumps do not. On the monitor, the doctor can see those places that have absorbed iodine and those that are free from it. The picture is multicolored. This is how a map of the thyroid gland is made - a scintigraphy.
Hyperthyroidism - treatment
Untreated hyperthyroidism can lead to serious complications, such as a thyroid crisis, heart failure and osteoporosis. However, there is no single cure for an overactive thyroid.
Treating hyperthyroidism involves:
- use of anti-thyroid medications (thyreostatic drugs), which reduce the secretion of hormones, and additionally beta-blockers that help relieve the symptoms of hyperthyroidism,
- administering radioactive iodine,
- thyroidectomy (strumectomy, thyroidectomy) - the indication for surgery is thyroid cancer, a large goiter oppressing the thyroid gland. After the operation, there is hypothyroidism, which requires treatment with thyroxine preparations for the rest of life.
Hyperthyroidism -diet
Diet for hyperthyroidism is very important - here are its basic principles:
- It is better to avoid products that weigh down the digestive tract. These include: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, peas, soybeans, nuts, almonds, coarse grains.
- Give up hot spices such as paprika, pepper, chili.
- Replace them with mild spices - vanilla, dill, cumin, parsley, lovage, marjoram, cinnamon.
It is also worth taking a weekly menu according to the rules of the hyperthyroidism diet.