Runny nose is not a disease, but it can make life very difficult. The use of inhalation with the addition of essential oils, a good nasal wipe or the right nasal drops will effectively alleviate the infection. Check how to cure a runny nose.

Why is it worth knowingways to get a cold ? The nose performs at least three important functions: it cleans the inhaled air, warms it and moisturizes it. Arunny nosenot only makes you feel worse, but also makes it difficult to carry out these important tasks for the whole organism.

Five ways to get a cold

Runny nose most often accompanies viral infections of the respiratory tract. There is no effective cure for viruses, but it is worth helping the immune system to deal with viruses that spread rhinitis. Also take care of the nasal mucosa. If they are properly moisturized and strengthened, the runny nose will not be so troublesome and it will pass faster.

1. Routine to seal blood vessels

Inflammation in the nose increases the permeability of the blood vessel walls of the mucosa. This causes the fluids from the blood plasma to leak out, co-creating a watery runny nose, popularly known as a runny nose. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a runny nose, start taking vitamin C, Rutinoscorbin and a calcium supplement - this will seal the blood vessels.

2. Nasal hygiene

Disposable wipes are definitely more hygienic. If you use them once and throw them away - not only the secretions that form a runny nose, but also viruses and bacteria from the upper respiratory tract end up in the bin. On the other hand, a cotton handkerchief is left with microorganisms after blowing your nose, and they will die only when you wash it at a temperature above 70 degrees Celsius. Remember not to blow too hard or clean both holes at once (you will avoid ear infections). After applying the handkerchief to the handkerchief, pinch only one wing with your fingers and blow. Then clean the other hole in the same way. And when your nose starts to hurt from constant wiping, apply a vitamin A healing ointment to the wings.

3. Nasal drops in moderation

Nasal drops bring relief quickly, provided they are well chosen. In case of allergic and viral catarrh, vasoconstrictive drops will help. With rhinitis caused by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - relaxing the secretion, with purulent (bacterial) rhinitisdrops with an antibiotic or a sulfonamide will help. The drops should only be taken when needed. In the acute runny nose phase (2-3 days), you can instill them more often, and for the next 2-3 days less often, preferably following the manufacturer's recommendations.

Note! Overuse of the drops causes chronic swelling of the mucosa and its drying out, and after a long time even atrophy of the mucosa (the so-called stuffy nose syndrome). One way out of the situation are "nasal drops" in tablets. The pseudoephedrine contained in them reduces the congestion of the mucous membranes, eliminating swelling and reduces the amount of nasal discharge. Tablets used to treat flu and colds also contain the same ingredient.4. Inhalations with the addition ofessential oils (mint, juniper or thyme) or ready-made preparations (e.g. Inhalol, Mentoklar, Amol) clear the respiratory tract and bring relief only for a moment - they do not do anything in the long run. Essential oils disinfect the nose locally (but poorly) and make it easier to breathe, but later they can even aggravate a runny nose.

5. Moisturizing nose with seawater

When you have a runny nose, it is worth moisturizing the mucous membranes in your nose with an isotonic solution of sea water. The use of this type of preparation will also bring relief when the mucous membranes are dried out by air-conditioning, central heating or staying in rooms where cigarettes are smoked. Sea s alt solutions act on the mucous membranes like a brush, which cleans them of allergens and impurities, and at the same time covers them with a thin layer of a protective substance that moisturizes the inside of the nose, thanks to which we can breathe freely. Warm inhalations with sea s alt are also effective - put 2 tablespoons of s alt into a pot and pour a glass of water, heat it up and inhale warm (not hot!) Steam with your nose. Repeat the treatment 3-4 times a day.

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