Gentian violet is a commonly known name of gentian violet, which due to its properties is used to disinfect the skin. You can also meet other names of this preparation, such as pioctanin or gentian violet.
Gentianorgentian violetwas first produced by a French chemist, Charles Lauth. This took place in 1861, and the preparation itself was called "Violet de Paris". In the beginning, it was mainly used in microbiology to dye some species of bacteria.
In medicine, the gentian was used twenty years later by Georg Grubler, a German pharmacist. Gentian violet is a mixture of methyl violet and crystal violet. The sale includes bothwater gentianandspirit-based gentian , in which the concentration of the active ingredient, which is methyl rosaniline chloride, is usually: 0.5 %, 1%, 2%. Gentian violet is available at the pharmacy without a prescription.
Gentian - properties
Gentianis known to work:
- antibacterial (especially against gram-positive bacteria)
- antiparasitic
- antifungal (mainly against Candida albicans)
- drying
- slightly astringent
Gentianhas no effect on acid-resistant bacteria, spores of fungi and bacteria, and weakly on gram-negative bacteria. The preparation reduces the secretion of pus. The agent reduces the risk of bacterial infections, dries and disinfects pimples occurring, for example, with smallpox. The preparation also supports the treatment of wounds formed on women's breasts.
Gentianhas been used as an antiseptic, the effect of which increases in an alkaline environment as the pH increases. It is used for disinfecting superficial damage to mucous membranes and skin, mainly for disinfecting skin inflammations and ulcerations. The action of the gentian is to inhibit the course of glycolysis in microbial cells, their DNA replication and the activity of mitochondria. The antiseptic effect of the gentian is weakened by hydrated aluminum silicate (bentonite).
Gentian - application
Gentian violetapplied externally to the skin. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with a cotton swab soaked in liquid.
Due to the fact thatgentianis a mild preparation, it can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women. This is how often the nipples that are injured during breastfeeding are treated. Wounding nipples is a common problem for nursing mothers, as it may take several weeks for the baby to properly grasp the nipple.
It happens that the nipple is wound to the blood by a child. In such cases, the mother is relieved by applying gentian's solution to the sore breasts, which dries the wound and speeds up healing. However, this is only a temporary solution. If the situation repeats, the help of a midwife from a lactation clinic will be needed, who will show you how to properly latch the baby to the breast.
Gentian - chickenpox
One of the symptoms of chickenpox is a persistently itchy rash that occurs all over the body. The nagging itching is considered by doctors to be more exhausting for the body than pain. That is why it is so important to remove this ailment. The point is also that pimples scratched by a child can become infected, but also leave behind deep, disfiguring and difficult to remove scars.
The preparation that can relieve a child from itching isgentian . Just a cotton ball or the so-called use an ear cleaning stick to apply the preparation to each pimple. The baby will look like a purple ladybug, but the pimples will be drained and well sanitized.
Gentian- for ulcers
Afty is a colloquial name for inflammatory changes occurring in the oral cavity. These changes are not dangerous, but very troublesome because they make eating and daily oral hygiene difficult. One of the preparations that can be used on aphthae is gentian violet. We only use an aqueous gentian solution for the mucosa. Soak the cotton swab withgentianand gently spread it over the area where the canker has formed. Repeat the treatments until the lesion heals.
Gentian - when not to use it?
There are not many contraindications to using gentian. In the leaflet attached to the preparation you will find information that it should not be used on open wounds, directly on mucous membranes, in the case of deep and extensive skin lesions requiring emergency surgical assistance. The preparation should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients, as they may cause an allergic reaction.
Gentian - how to wash off traces?
Applied to the skingentianleaves purple stains that can persist for manydays. But the gentian violet solution can be washed off the skin with lemon juice.
A mixture of vinegar and warm water in a ratio of 1: 2 can also deal with stains.
Gentian - for hair
The gentian water solution is eagerly used by blondes to eliminate the yellow tinge of hair.
The rinse gives your hair an ashen, cool shade. To get it, you need to make a rinse with the addition of a purple preparation. Such a rinse can be used for a long time, but not more than 2 times a week.
The reason is the drying properties of gentians. If you use the rinse too often, your hair may start to break, as it will become dry. You can avoid this by moisturizing your hair regularly.
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