Stroke of the brain stem is one of the most serious forms of stroke - in this structure there are centers important for basic vital functions, and therefore its damage can even lead to death. Luckily, stroke is relatively rare among strokes of all parts of the central nervous system. However, what can the causes of this disease and what ailments may be suggested by a stroke?
Brainstem stroke is the form of stroke that has the worst prognosis for the patient. The brainstem is an extremely important structure belonging to the central nervous system - it houses the nuclei of many cranial nuclei, as well as centers controlling such basic life processes as breathing, heart function and maintaining proper blood pressure. Taking into account the functions of the brain stem, it is not difficult to guess that damage to this structure can even have very serious consequences. One of the pathologies that may result in dysfunction of this part of the nervous system is stroke.
Brain stem stroke: causes
Brain stem stroke , like any other stroke, can develop through one of two mechanisms: ischemic or hemorrhagic.
The first of these is definitely more frequent andischemic strokemay occur when blood flow is blocked (e.g. through a thrombus) in the vessels supplying the brainstem. Overall, it is estimated that this etiology of strokes accounts for approximately 10% of all ischemic strokes.
The second mechanism in which a stroke can develop is the hemorrhagic mechanism - we say that the patient sufferedhemorrhagic stroke . In such a situation, the nerve tissue is damaged by extravasated blood, which may come from, for example, a ruptured aneurysm of one of the intracranial blood vessels.
Brain stem stroke: risk factors
Basically, the risk factors for a stroke are the same as for other types of stroke. First of all, the focus is on age - the older the patient, the greater the risk of a stroke. Among other problems thatmay also increase the risk of stroke, the following are mentioned:
- hypertension (especially if untreated or insufficiently controlled)
- hypercholesterolemia
- atrial fibrillation
- diabetes
- smoking
- alcohol abuse
- obesity
Brain stem stroke: symptoms
The symptoms of a brainstem stroke can be very different - it depends on the extent to which the damage to the structures belonging to this part of the central nervous system occurs in a given patient. Patients may experience symptoms that are generally considered stroke symptoms, such as:
- dizziness
- imbalance
- difficulties with motor coordination
- speech disorder
- headache (usually severe)
- visual disturbance (e.g. receiving a double image or blurred image)
- disturbance of consciousness
However, due to the fact that in the brainstem there are centers that control basic vital functions, the symptoms of a stroke can be even more serious than the problems described above:
- breathing disorders
- heart rhythm disturbance
- difficulty swallowing
Brain stem stroke: diagnosis
A stroke of the brainstemcan be detected primarily thanks to imaging tests, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the head - it is in these examinations that it is possible to visualize ischemic foci or hemorrhagic changes in within the brainstem.
Initially, patients are subjected to a neurological examination, which may suggest that the patient has suffered a stroke, but it is not a test that allows you to determine exactly in which part of the central nervous system has suffered a stroke - such information is obtained thanks to imaging examinations of the head.
Brain stem stroke: treatment
What treatmentstrokewill be given to you is determined by what type of stroke you have developed and how long after it occurs in the hospital.
In a situation where a patient suffers from ischemic stroke, thrombolytic treatment (the aim of which is to remove obstacles preventing the free flow of blood in the cerebral vessels) may be used, as well as thrombus removal using, for example, mechanical thrombectomy.
In those patients who develop a hemorrhagic stroke, the most importantbleeding (e.g. with the use of embolization).
Pharmacological treatment is also important in both groups of patients, e.g. in patients with ischemic stroke, anticoagulants may be used (after their condition is under control), in addition to the prevention of seizures (which may occur after stroke ) patients may be given anticonvulsants.
After diagnosisbrainstem strokethe most important measures are to minimize the risk of the patient's death.
This is where the treatment definitely does not end there - that is, the stabilization of the patient's condition. After the risk of death is significantly reduced and the patient's condition allows it, rehabilitation begins, the aim of which is to restore the patient to the greatest possible fitness.
Brain stem stroke: prognosis
The prognosis forstrokedepends primarily on its extent - in those patients who suffer damage to the centers governing basic vital functions, it may even quickly develop death.
Time is also important in this case - the more it passes from the moment the stroke occurs to the patient's admission to the hospital, the worse the prognosis becomes, so if you suspect a stroke, you should report it as soon as possible. to the doctor.
Brain stem stroke: prevention
To preventbrainstem strokeuses the same effects as for other forms of stroke. The most important here are, above all, attempts to limit exposure to risk factors for this disease.
It is important to properly treat conditions that increase the risk ofstroke , i.e. high blood pressure or diabetes.
To reduce the possibility of this problem, you should also stop smoking or reduce alcohol consumption.
A varied diet is also important (ensuring an energy supply that will allow us to maintain a he althy body weight) and regular physical activity.
About the authorBow. Tomasz NęckiA graduate of medicine at the Medical University of Poznań. An admirer of the Polish sea (most willingly strolling along its shores with headphones in his ears), cats and books. In working with patients, he focuses on always listening to them and spending as much time as they need.