Watery runny nose is not always a symptom of an allergy or a cold: sometimes its causes require the prompt attention of a neurosurgeon. Where does the runny nose come from, how to deal with runny nose and when do you need to see a doctor?
Watery runny nosemost often occurs in allergy sufferers during the pollen season. Additional symptoms in this group of people are also nasal stuffiness, swelling, redness of the eyes and tearing, itching and sneezing. A runny nose may also be a sign of a common cold or viral infection.
In the elderly, runny nose may be caused by hypersensitivity of the autonomic system. A watery runny nose occurs when the ambient temperature changes, especially when moving from a warm to a cold room. This ailment is very troublesome: it is difficult to control the leakage of secretions and tearing of the eyes, which makes it difficult to function during the day and disturbs night rest.
Watery runny nose - causes
The leakage of watery nasal discharge is most often a symptom of allergic rhinitis or a mild viral infection, i.e. a common cold. A properly collected medical history is of great importance in determining the cause more precisely. It is important whether the runny nose appears seasonally, whether it is annoying throughout the year, whether it occurs after contact with a sensitizing substance, whether it is accompanied by sneezing, itching, tearing of the conjunctiva.
A patient who describes such ailments most likely has allergic rhinitis and should be under the care of an allergist. And if your watery runny nose is accompanied by a low-grade fever or low fever, cough, sore throat or scratchy throat, it's likely an infection to be the cause - especially if your symptoms improve after a short time.
Watery runny nose - allergy
Allergic rhinitis occurs in response to contact with an inhaled allergen, e.g. pollen from trees, weeds, pollen of grasses and grains. It can be provoked by animal hair, contact with dust, mites and fungal allergens. Allergic rhinitis gives the characteristic symptoms:
- In allergic rhinitis, the runny nose is transparent and is often accompanied by sneezing. Patients often describe their ailment as "water running from the nose". This captures the features wellailments because secretions leak out in droplets and it is difficult to stop it by sniffing.
- Nasal itching is another symptom of allergic rhinitis. The nose can itch not only on the outside, but also inside. This forces the patient to rub their nose frequently (the so-called allergic salute), which is not always accepted by the environment.
- Tearing from the eyes and reddening of the conjunctiva is also a characteristic symptom of allergic rhinitis. It is impossible to control the flow of tears. Tears are said to fly like peas. The reddening of the conjunctiva is also annoying. Eyes sting, itchy. Troublesome is that a person with allergic rhinitis looks as if he had abused alcohol the previous day. This can cause awkward situations in social and business life.
- Another symptom of allergic rhinitis is a scratchy throat sensation, which is strongest during the pollen season.
The course of the disease varies from patient to patient, and the symptoms vary in severity - but they are usually very onerous. It happens that ailments hinder everyday functioning, physical activity, sleep, and negatively affect the ability to focus on work or study. In some patients, a blocked nose may cause snoring.
Regardless of the severity and annoyance of the symptoms, every person with allergic rhinitis should be under the care of an allergist.
Watery runny nose - colds
The leakage of watery nasal secretion very often accompanies viral infections. If the infection is not stopped quickly, the watery runny nose turns to mucous and then to mucopurulent or purulent, which may indicate a bacterial superinfection.
When this happens, the secretion is quite thick, often also yellowish or greenish in color (it is worth remembering, however, that the change in the color of the secretion does not mean bacterial infection, but that the immune system is fighting the infection, and in the secretion, immune bodies and enzymes appeared).
With a viral infection, there are also low-grade fever or low temperature, as well as coughing and sore or scratchy throat.
Medical attention is needed to prevent the infection from spreading to most of the respiratory tract. It is worth remembering that even a common cold, especially in immunocompromised people, can end up becoming more serious infections, including pneumonia.
Watery runny nose - "wet nose"
Excessive moistness in the nasal cavities is a fairly common condition - and often neglected. Wrong, because a wet nose is very often a stuffy nose as well. The cause of the excessivenasal humidity may be physical or chemical irritation from the environment in which we are staying.
Yes, you can also react to changes in temperature, changes in air humidity, excessive sunlight, dust, smoking and the use of hot spices. Another cause is allergic, bacterial, viral and fungal catarrh.
In elderly people, "wet nose" may be associated with emotional disorders or endocrine diseases. Excess moisture in one nostril may indicate congenital obstruction of the posterior nostrils, a foreign body, odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, and even a tumor in the nasal cavity, sinuses or nasopharynx.
Watery runny nose - traumatic fluid drip
Fluoridation is the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the nose (note - fluid can also leak through the ear, conjunctival sac, or run down the back of the throat). The most common cause of fluid circulation are injuries (including postoperative injuries).
Fluiduria may also be caused by intracranial tumors that disrupt the continuity of the meninges and bones either directly through pressure or indirectly through increased intracranial pressure. There are also spontaneous fluids, i.e. those when it is difficult to determine their cause.
Medical practice shows that the most common route of traumatic fluid entry is fracture of the bottom of the anterior cranial fossa running through the ethmoid plate. From the side of the nose, this area is associated with the olfactory field. Therefore, most patients complain of a loss of smell.
Each case in which the possibility of rhinorrhoea is suspected should be consulted with a neurosurgeon as soon as possible, who will decide on further treatment, i.e. performing imaging tests and starting treatment.
Płynotok is a he alth-and even life-threatening condition - so it is very important to recognize it early, which allows you to avoid serious complications, including purulent meningitis.
Watery runny nose - how to deal with it?
There is no one effective solution to runny nose: the treatment depends on the cause of the watery runny nose and the severity of your symptoms.
A common method recommended for any type of watery runny nose is proper nasal hygiene. Rinsing the nose with a saline solution or sea water is the most recommended solution.
If a runny nose is a reaction to contact with an allergen, a so-called stopping exposure to the allergen - in other words, avoiding what could be harmful. But it's not always that simple.
Research helps determine which allergens to avoidallergological tests, which include the determination of IgE levels (total and specific), skin prick tests and provocation tests - and after the interpretation of the results by a doctor, implementation of appropriate treatment.
In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, antihistamines (most often cetirizine or loratadine) and topical nasal steroids are used. Nasal rinsing with saline or sea water also brings relief, which clears the nose and helps flush out irritating allergens from the mucosa.
Seniors who struggle with a watery runny nose should try to "accustom" the nasal mucosa to contact with cold air. This can be done by gradually leaving the house. You have to stand for a while in the vestibule of the house or in the staircase, where the temperature is lower than in the apartment. You can also cover your nose with a scarf or a high collar.
The nose can also be unblocked by inhalation. It is recommended to use essential oils. There are aroma sticks available in pharmacies to help you breathe freely. It is enough to put the stick to the nostril and suck in the air strongly. There are also aromatic patches that you can stick to your clothes or pajamas to help you breathe.
Essential oils can also be used for water inhalation. It is enough to add a few drops of the oil to a large bowl with very warm water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors for 10-15 minutes. After inhalation, it is also easier to cleanse the nose of the secretion remaining in it.
Eucalyptus, menthol, tea tree, rosemary, thyme and pine oil are recommended for nasal dilation. Essential oils are also believed to have antiseptic properties, so it is believed that they can not only alleviate symptoms, but also speed up the recovery process.
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