The human biological clock determines the rhythm of our organism's activity. It is said that living in harmony with your biological clock is easier and more effective. At least that's what chronobiology promises, a branch of science that deals with the question of biological rhythms. Read what the human biological clock is and how it affects our body!
Individualbiological clockevolved in each of us. The mechanism that constantly drives it is the cyclical changes of light and darkness. When it is bright around, the neurons of your retina send stimuli to the so-called brain located in the brain. junction nuclei. It sends them further to those regions of our brain that control the work of individual organs.
What is the human biological clock?
Although the sense of time likes to play tricks and it happens that the minutes drag on endlessly, and sometimes run at an extremely fast speed, the body always knows best. He hardly ever suddenly confuses day and night. At a certain time, he demands a meal, and during a lazy siesta, we will not force the brain to brilliant intellectual effort.
In your daily routine, you often ignore the clear instructions your biological clock tells you to do, and force yourself to be more active, not paying attention to whether the time of day is right for it. However, believe that it is unprofitable in the long run and that it will have a negative impact on your he alth soon. If, for example, you work shifts, also at night, you not only have constant sleep problems, but you are also at greater risk of heart and gastrointestinal diseases and you have to start fighting the external signs of old age earlier.
How does the biological clock work?
The impact of the biological clock on the human body in the morning - time to get started
Between 5 and 7 am, your body slowly wakes up. The adrenal glands are the first to start working, and the stress hormones they produce stimulate blood circulation. A large dose of sugar and amino acids also gets into the bloodstream. A well-supplied skin with blood will be much better able to take an alternating warm and cool shower and peeling. Thanks to it, you will remove harmful metabolic products that have accumulated on the skin during the night. So you will go out onmeeting of the new day refreshed.
An additional effect of the adrenal glands is to alleviate inflammation and reduce skin allergies, so the morning is also a good time to do makeup. You can try a new, active cosmetic without fear (moisturizing creams are especially recommended) without fear that a rash will suddenly appear. The face rested after sleep has more expressive features, so you can apply not only foundation, but also blush on the cheeks. Only your eyes can cause some trouble. Although the kidneys are working quite efficiently, the blood circulation has not yet been able to drain all the residual lymph. Therefore, the lower eyelids may be a bit swollen and the eyes appear sleepy. There is a remedy for this! Do a gentle massage with ice cubes (massage the skin around the eyes in small circles) or use an appropriate cosmetic.
At 8 o'clock it is worth having a decent breakfast. At this time, carbohydrates are converted into energy, not fat, so you can even afford sweets at the end of your meal. And with impunity. However, absolutely do not smoke a cigarette on an empty stomach. Smoking is harmful both day and night, but around eight in the morning it can be just deadly. Then the blood vessels narrow and the level of adrenaline rises. Together, these factors triple the risk of heart attack and stroke.
ImportantSo far, scientists have best understood the effects of light and darkness on the secretion of hormones in the body responsible for the state of sleep and wakefulness. So as long as it's light around, the nucleus of the junction releases substances that inhibit the part of the brain called the pineal gland. When night falls, it starts producing soothing melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone. When morning comes again, the pineal gland finishes its work, and the adrenal glands are stimulated to act intensively, which begin to release the stress hormones cortisone and adrenaline. They make your blood pressure increase, your body temperature rises, and your body prepares to deal with everyday life in order to reach new challenges.
The impact of the biological clock on the human body at noon - battery charging time
At noon, your stomach starts to release acid, so you feel hungry. It's a good time for lunch. After it, it is worth going for a walk, even if it is only a short walk. You usually feel a little heavier after a meal, and the walk will be more stimulating than a cup of coffee. If you work from home, you can take a 15-minute nap. Not only will you charge your batteries for the rest of the day, but you'll also keep your complexion radiant until lateevening.
The impact of the biological clock on the human body in the afternoon - the time of the highest activity
In the afternoon, the time of your least sensitivity to pain begins. The anesthetics also last longer during this time because the liver takes a little break. This is the best time for any unpleasant treatments. Then it is worth planning a visit to the dentist or opting for a body hair removal or eyebrow adjustment with a beautician. Soon the sweat and sebaceous glands will be activated.
Around 4pm, check out the gym, go to the gym or go to the pool. Your body is in good shape to undertake physical exertion, because then it reaches the ceiling of its daily capacity. This is where the heart and circulatory system work most efficiently, and the muscles are strong and enduring. Thanks to this, you can use every minute of training extremely effectively, and you will not feel too much effort. You will end the exercises relaxed and relaxed. Also at this time, our nails and hair grows the fastest.
The impact of the biological clock on the human body in the evening - the time of the senses
At 5 p.m. the adrenal glands start working efficiently again, which results in sharpening the senses. This is a good time to buy perfumes and deodorants. It is also worth making an appointment with a beautician or treat yourself to a longer body care session in your own bathroom.
Aromatherapy cosmetics are especially effective due to the stimulation of the sense of smell, especially when added to a warm and relaxing bath.
After 6 p.m. the pores open more easily, so both the sauna and the masks will work more intensively. It is also the moment during the day when our skin begins to exfoliate by itself. You can support her efforts with an appropriate peeling, and then apply a nourishing mask.
You breathe particularly intensively at this time of day, so it is very good for visiting the recently fashionable oxygen bars. Additional doses of oxygen perfectly regenerate the body and support cell renewal. Now oxygen has the best chance of reaching the skin cells, which makes it easier for them to remove toxins.
Worth knowingStay away from the kitchen in the evening!
In the evening, it is not worth checking whether your diet is effective. We weigh the most around 20, so we should avoid the scales and the refrigerator at this time. At 9 p.m., bowel movements slow down; what you eat at this time will remain in your digestive tract and any calories will turn into fat. Evening is also a time when you become more sensitive to allergens. Therefore, it is better to opt out oftesting a new cream. It may sensitize you. From 22 onwards, you shouldn't smoke or abuse alcohol. At night, the body hardly breaks down poisons.
The influence of the biological clock on the human body at night - sleepy hours
Around 23, thanks to the growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, the tissues divide eight times faster than at noon. This allows you to repair at least some of the damage caused during the day, if we will not disturb the body in everyday cleaning and we will fall into a restorative sleep as soon as possible. This will allow you to keep youth and beauty for longer. Thanks to the strenuous activity of cells, you can fully benefit from the benefits of nourishing and rejuvenating cosmetics. Regardless of whether it will be a preparation with vitamins, hydroxy acids or plant extracts, it will undoubtedly bring tangible and visible benefits to your skin.
From 2 am, the pineal gland starts working, regulating the rhythm of sleep and the body's activity. So if you play or work in a brightly lit room until three o'clock, the pineal gland will not activate and your biological clock will be out of balance. As a result, you will start to age much faster than your birth certificate indicates. And it will be an irrevocable process.
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