Herpes can make life difficult, cause discomfort and disfigure. That is why it is worth getting rid of it as soon as possible, preferably with home remedies, and apparently one of them is baking soda. Does the use of soda help in the fight against persistent cold?
Cold sores , commonly referred to as "cold", is caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 1 - HSV1. It is a skin eruption that appears most often in the labia red. This is a problem for many people - doctors estimate that almost 80 percent are infected with it. society. The infection is relatively common and affects both children and the elderly.
Herpes on the lips is a bothersome and unsightly condition, and its first appearance is considered to be the most painful. Every person who has experienced cold at least once is a carrier of this unpleasant ailment for the rest of his life.
Cold sores - where does it come from?
Herpes spreads through direct contact with the mucous membranes and skin, as well as with vesicular secretions or saliva. It is relatively easy to get infected with it by drinking from the same dishes or using the same cutlery.
The infection can occur through direct contact with the things of the person carrying the virus - for example, by using the same towel.
The virus spreads through kiss and touch. However, cold sores can also appear as a result of a decrease in immunity, weakness or fatigue.
Baking soda for cold sores
Baking soda is most often used to treat burns and soothe inflammation. Interestingly, it accelerates the drying of serous blisters and has an oxidizing effect. Thanks to this, it can be used to treat cold sores on the lips.
Baking soda should be poured with a few drops of lukewarm water to form a mush. Then, apply the prepared spread in the cold as often as possible - preferably several or a dozen times a day.
The baking soda mixture can be safely used to treat mouth herpes.