Herpes on the lips is not only disfiguring. It is accompanied by an itchy rash and pain around the mouth, which are the first symptoms of herpes labialis, caused by the HSV1 virus. You can get infected with it, although it usually attacks a weakened organism. The herpes itself is not dangerous, but the complications it causes - yes, that's why herpes must be treated and prevented from recurring.
Herpes simplexis a recurring problem for many people, because almost all of us carry the herpes virus -Herpes simplex . Doctors estimate that about 80 percent of people are infected, but only half of them get sick. It is not known why the herpes virus does not always cause the disease. It is known, however, that up to the age of 5herpesis most often asymptomatic. In adults, the first attack of "cold" is usually the most violent and most painful.
Cold soresis commonly referred to as "cold", "greaves" or "fever". It is caused by the Herpes simplex type 1 - HSV1 virus. The herpes virus type 2 (HSV2) is responsible for genital herpes, it does not cause the labial variant of the disease. Conversely,cold soresoral herpes does not usually spread to the genitals, although HSV1 may also cause genital herpes to cause cold sores in the genital area and can be contracted through oral sex.
Cold soresis usually not serious. However, it can be dangerous, for example when the virus is transferred with the hand to the eye - it may result in blindness. HSV1 can also travel to the brain, for example, and cause herpetic meningitis. Complications of herpes labialis are especially dangerous for pregnant women. So it is better to be "cold" and avoid contact with sick people.
Cold sores - symptoms
Herpes labialisaffects mainly the skin and mucous membranes around the mouth and nostrils.
- The skin is taut at first, then it itches and burns.
- There is redness on the lip, followed by a small lump. Soon there are many painful bubbles filled with serous fluid.
- After 6-10 days, the bubbles burst, creating painful erosions. Since there are viruses in the serum fluid, the possibility of transmission of infection (e.g. to the eye, when we first touch herpes with our hand, and then to the eyeball) and infect others (e.g. during a kiss)the biggest stage.
- After a week or so, the erosions begin to dry out and heal, forming easily broken scabs. If we leave them alone, they will fall off without a trace. Scratching the scabs can lead to a bacterial infection which extends treatment time and may result in scarring.
Herpes labialis - routes of infection
Herpesis contagious - it is enough, for example, to kiss the person with bubbles, drink tea from the cup they use, or eat something with the same fork. Herpes spreads easily through droplets.
Once we have caught herpes, we can have trouble with it for the rest of our lives because we become carriers of the disease-causing virus. At the moment of infectionHerpes simplexnestles in our nerve cells and there, dormant, waiting for an opportunity to attack. When awake, it travels along the nerve to the skin or mucosa, begins to multiply, causing inflammation and bubble formation.
Cold sores - treatment
In order to treat the symptoms of herpes, we must apply antiviral preparations as soon as possible. The most commonly used medications with acyclovir, e.g. in the form of a cream or gel, topical or over-the-counter tablets, should be started as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear.
See how herpes develops

Recurrent cold sores
Recurrent cold sores is a big problem. Then it is worth going to the doctor and checking if it is not caused by a decrease in immunity. In the case of frequent relapses throughout the year, it is worth considering antiviral therapy with acyclovir in order to prevent relapses before they occur.
Herpes simplexis activated when the body's immunity is weakened (infectious diseases, fever), but also when, for example, we overheat too much on the beach or in the solarium or when we get cold. In young people,herpes on the lipsoften makes itself felt due to stress, including and in women, relapses may occur during menstruation.
After a medical consultation, it's also a good idea to consider an immune-boosting therapy. If there is a bacterial superinfection of herpes, your doctor may prescribe ointments with antibiotics.
Herpes: how to avoid virus infection and complications?
Herpes is contagious. By exercising caution, you will not run into complications and prevent others from becoming infected. But you must follow these rules:
- wash your hands aftertouching the bubbles or applying a medicated cream
- avoid touching your eyes. Be especially careful when applying makeup and removing makeup
- before herpes have subsided, do not kiss others (especially young children)
- use a separate face towel
- wash cutlery, cups and glasses in hot water with detergent
- do not wet contact lenses with saliva
Cold sores not only on the lips
VirusHerpes simplextype 2 - responsible for the so-called genital herpes. You can catch it easily through sexual contact. The first symptoms appear 2 to 7 days after intercourse with an infected partner. These are itchy blisters on the genitals that turn into painful sores.
To relieve the symptoms of the disease, the doctor usually prescribes an antiviral drug in oral tablets and cream - for topical lubrication. Unfortunately, genital herpes can recur, because in this case the "dormant" virus only waits for a moment to weaken the body to become active.
Herpes labialis, shingles and chickenpox
Both shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus -Varicella zoster(belongs to the same group as the genital and labial herpes virus). Despite the different course of these diseases, they are clearly related. For example, it may happen that a child comes into contact with an adult who has shingles and develops chickenpox. On the other hand, a child who develops smallpox will develop immunity to it for the rest of his life, but may develop shingles. The virus that caused the smallpox is located in the ganglia and in the connections of neurons of the central nervous system. There, for years, it can wait for a moment to weaken the body's immunity to attack.
The article was published in the monthly "Zdrowie"