An intimate infection gives characteristic symptoms - including itching, burning intimate parts, vaginal discharge, pain during intercourse. It could be chlamydiosis, mycosis, trichomoniasis, vaginosis or genital herpes. A drop in form is enough for the microbes that cause intimate infections to take advantage of it. What are the most common intimate infections and how to deal with them?

Intimate infectionsgive similar symptoms - most often it is itching, burning in the intimate area, as well as characteristic vaginal discharge, sometimes also pain during intercourse. However, it is not true that every intimate infection requires the same procedure. Some intimate infections are caused by bacteria, others by viruses or yeasts, so they are treated differently.

You will not be able to assess the type of intimate infection by yourself - only a doctor can do it, both on the basis of symptoms and the results of specific tests, if he deems them necessary. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing what the most common intimate infections are, what their symptoms are, and how to treat them.

Intimate infection: trichomoniasis

The cause of trichomoniasis is protozoan - vaginal trichomoniasis ( Trichomonas vaginalis ), which can be infected during sexual intercourse (without using a condom) with a sick person, but also by sharing towels, washing utensils. Rzesistek also likes to live in public toilets, swimming pools and saunas.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis:Vaginal discharge - vaginal discharge is abundant, foamy, yellow or greenish in color, and has an unpleasant odor. It is usually accompanied by itching and irritation of the intimate area and pain during intercourse.

Treatment of trichomoniasis:The gynecologist will take a vaginal swab to find out the cause of the infection. Sometimes he also makes a urine test. If this is confirmed, treatment will be required (including your partner, even if he or she has no symptoms). This treatment lasts about a week, although your doctor may also prescribe a single-use preparation.

NOTE:The disease should not be taken lightly because it can cause various complications (eg chronic vaginitis, cystitis), and even infertility. Infection in pregnancy can leadfor premature labor.

Intimate infection: bacterial vaginosis

That's differentbacterial vaginosis . The infection is caused by various strains of anaerobic bacteria (includingGardnerella vaginalis ,Mycoplasma hominis ), which are present in the normal vaginal microflora. Their rapid multiplication occurs when there is a sudden decrease in the body's immunity (e.g. due to stress).

Diseases are also fostered by having multiple sexual partners, the use of antibiotics, vaginal irrigation, hormonal changes related to menopause, pregnancy, and insufficient hygiene of the intimate areas.

Symptoms of vaginosis:Sometimes there is a burning sensation in the intimate area. Vaginal discharge is usually whitish and watery with an intense fishy smell. But more than half of the women do not have any complaints.

Treatment of vaginosis:To diagnose bacterial vaginosis, the physician must perform a thorough examination (including a pH test, a smell test, and a microscopic examination). The treatment involves oral or vaginal agents containing clindamycin and metronidazole. The treatment usually lasts up to 7 days. It must not be interrupted, even if the symptoms disappear earlier, because if the infection is not healed, it may become chronic.

NOTE:Neglecting treatment can cause complications, such as chronic vaginitis, inflammation of the Bartholin glands, inflammation of the appendages or endometritis. Infection must not be ignored during pregnancy, as it may pose a risk of premature birth.

Intimate infection: athlete's foot

It is also called thrush and candidiasis. The disease is caused by several types of fungi of the speciesCandida , most oftenCandida albicans . Their presence on the skin and mucous membranes of a he althy person is normal. Problems arise when the body's immunity decreases - this gives the mushrooms the green light.

Infection is favored by the use of antibiotics (they destroy not only bad, but also good bacteria) and immunosuppressive drugs. The cause of trouble may be wearing tight and synthetic underwear, as well as tight jeans, because they cause overheating of the intimate area and excessive humidity, which is loved by mushrooms. The disease can also be infected at the swimming pool, in the sauna or in the fitness club's locker room, as well as by using an infected person's towel or toiletries. Mycosis is more common among people with diabetes and pregnant women.

Symptoms of mycosis:The most common symptoms are nagging itching or burning sensation in the intimate parts, soreness when urinating or having sexual intercourse. The labia are red and swollen. They appear odorless,lumpy discharge resembling white cheese.

Treatment of mycosis:During a gynecological examination, the doctor will take a vaginal swab. The treatment involves antifungal drugs in the form of creams, tablets or vaginal capsules. Such therapy lasts from several days to 2 weeks. Often, along with topical treatment, the doctor recommends oral agents (e.g. with ketoconazole). If you have sex, your partner must heal as well.

NOTE:Mycosis likes to come back, especially if it is left untreated or improperly treated. Usually then infections are much stronger and more difficult to defeat.

Intimate infection: chlamydiosis

It is caused by a bacterium -Chlamydia trachomatis , which can be infected during unprotected sexual intercourse. The greater the number of sexual partners, the greater the risk of infection.

Symptoms of chlamydia:Most often, the disease proceeds without any complaints. Sometimes there is unusual discharge or a burning sensation when urinating. If the infection spreads from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, there may be pain in the lower abdomen and during intercourse or bleeding between periods.

Treatment of chlamydia:A cervical swab is taken to identify infection. Chlamydiosis is treated with agents containing azithromycin (single dose) or doxycycline (weekly treatment). Treatment should also extend to your partner. Until the end of the therapy, you should refrain from sexual intercourse.

NOTE:Untreated disease can cause chronic inflammation of the genital tract, which leads to damage to the fallopian tubes and, consequently, to infertility.

Intimate infection: genital herpes

This highly contagious infection is caused by Herpes simplex type 2 (Herpes simplex type 1 causes cold sores), which is sexually transmitted. Symptoms develop not always after infection, because the virus is waiting for favorable conditions to become active. It happens when the body weakens, for example when we catch a cold, overheat or stress.

Genital herpes symptoms:They appear a few days after intercourse. On the genital mucosa (also inside the body) and around the anus, redness and swelling appear first, with itching and burning. Soon numerous vesicles filled with serous fluid form. When they burst, they form painful sores and then scabs. Often the lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged, chills and feverishness may appear. Symptoms usually disappear after several days, but the virus doesremains in the body and goes to sleep (waiting for favorable conditions for development).

Treatment of genital herpes:Oral or topical antiviral medications with acyclovir and its derivatives are used to alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse.

NOTE : Treatment is important especially in pregnant women - neglecting it may cause serious complications in the fetus in advanced pregnancy.

Intimate infection: how to prevent it?

To prevent intimate infection:

  1. Wash your intimate area twice a day using a neutral pH (5.5) intimate wash.
  2. Do not use sponges or washcloths to wash sensitive areas, because they harbor bacteria and fungi.
  3. Dry zone V with a separate towel (change it frequently) or with tissue.
  4. Do not use borrowed towels or toiletries, do not lend yours to anyone.
  5. Give up long, hot baths with aromatized fluids or oils in favor of a shower.
  6. Wear underwear made of fibers that allow good air circulation - cotton, silk or made of modern "breathable" fabrics.
  7. Give up tight jeans and trousers made of artificial materials.
  8. Be careful in changing rooms, at the swimming pool, in the sauna - when you sit on a bench or the edge of the pool, put a towel on yourself first, but then do not rub yourself with it.
  9. When using public toilets, use disposable hygiene pads.
  10. If you do not have a regular partner, always use a condom.
  11. After intercourse, pee and wash your intimate area (you will reduce the risk of infection of the genital tract and the urinary system as well).
  12. During and after antibiotic treatment, use preparations with lactobacilli to maintain the proper vaginal microflora.

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