Home remedies for cold sores are cheap and always at hand. They will help relieve pain, itching and a burning sensation, although they are not guaranteed to be cured. Check what are the home remedies for cold sores.

Do you have cold sores? You can try numeroushome remedies for cold sores . It should be noted, however, that they work best whenfirst symptoms of herpes appear , such as tingling, burning around the lips.

Remember-if cold sores keep coming back, skip home remedies and see your doctor. Perhaps a stronger prescription is needed.

After touching herpes, e.g. applying a drug on it, thoroughlywash your hands . Avoid kissing, borrowing lipsticks, towels, and soda bottles while you are infected.

When fighting herpes, you should remember about a properdiet , which will strengthen the body. Herpes is activated in the momentsof reduced body immunity , when a person is exhausted, stressed and malnourished, and when his body isoverheatedor cold .

Home remedies for cold sores - lemon balm

Lemon balmis a herb that has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It has been scientifically proven that the tannins and phenolic acids contained in the aqueous extracts of the leaves of this herb combat, among others, herpes virusHerpes simplex- especially the one that causes cold sores. Therefore, to get rid of herpes, apply lemon balm wrapto the affected area . You can alsoitchy blister with lemon balm oil .

Other herbs that deal with cold sores are:

  • mint
  • chamomile
  • sage

Home remedies for cold sores - honey

Honey also has bactericidal and virucidal properties, which is why it is also one of the effective methods against this viral disease. Just brush a little honey on herpes to limit the spread of inflammation.

GOOD TO KNOW>>APITERAPY - treatment with honey and more. What is apitherapy?

Home remedies for cold sores - aloe vera

Aloe is also a well-known treatment for cold sores. It is enough to cut off an aloe leaf, break it off and put the flesh on itbubble. Aloe will speed up the healing process.

Home remedies for cold sores - tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has antiviral, disinfecting properties and accelerates the wound healing process. To find out, just mix a few drops of the oil with the cream and massage it into the herpes.

Home remedies for cold sores - garlic and onions

To get rid of herpes, put a half-sectioned clove of garlic or a piece of onion on the affected area. These types of compresses should be kept short - a few minutes. You can also prepare an onion syrup and rub it (or put a cotton ball soaked with it) into the sore blister.

See how herpes develops

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Home remedies for cold sores - tea

Another way to treat cold sores is to put a warm teabag of freshly brewed tea on it. Tea, like lemon balm, contains tannins that have astringent and antiviral properties.
