Chicken pox is one of the most contagious diseases. It most often affects children in preschool and school age, but not only - adults can also suffer from smallpox. Contrary to what is said about it, smallpox is not a trivial disease - it can be severe and cause serious complications. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women who did not suffer from smallpox in their childhood. How is chickenpox manifested? What is the treatment of chickenpox, what complications can this disease give and why is it worth getting vaccinated against chickenpox?
Chicken pox , also known as "air pox" is a common childhood disease, but it also affects adults who did not suffer from smallpox in their childhood. Smallpox usually affects pre-school and early school-age children, but sometimes infants also get chickenpox.
The later you become infected, the more severe the disease becomes. Most children have mild disease, while adults tend to be seriously ill, and severe complications of smallpox are also more common. This disease is most dangerous for pregnant women, as the virus that causes smallpox crosses the placenta and can lead to severe changes in the fetus.
You get smallpox once in your life (it is extremely rare that you get sick again). Once taken, it gives immunity - the virus that causes it remains in the body, however, and under favorable conditions (e.g. in states of reduced immunity), it can cause shingles.
Chicken pox - how do you get infected?
Chickenpox is caused by the smallpox and shingles virus - Varicella-Zoster-Virus, VZV. It is an extremely contagious disease. The infection occurs through droplets - pox viruses penetrate the respiratory system.
The most contagious is the discharge (fluid) from the bubbles that form on the skin. Hence its common name - "windbreaker" - the smallpox virus is transmitted by the wind even for several dozen meters, so you can get infected with smallpox while staying away from the sick person.
You can also become infected by contact, e.g. by touching objects that the patient previously had in his hand, which contain remnants of fluid from bubbles (however, this virus is very sensitive to environmental factors and survives briefly on the surface of objects ).
However, this is not the only way of infection: a person suffering from smallpoxinfects others about two days before the rash appears, as the pox virus is also found in respiratory secretions.
Disease, however, is most contagious on the first day of the appearance of bubbles (or their next bout). A person with smallpox is no longer contagious when all the vesicles dry up and turn to scabs, which usually takes about 10-13 days.
Chickenpox - Symptoms
The period of "brooding" of the disease after contact with the virus usually lasts two or three weeks. After this time, symptoms of chickenpox may appear.
The symptoms of chickenpox are:
- low-grade fever or fever,
- light runny nose,
- itchy rash.
The most bothersome symptom of smallpox is a rash - new eruptions appear in several flare-ups and can leave unsightly scars.
Chickenpox rash:
- occurs all over the body, also on the scalp and in the mouth,
- is very itchy, but must not be scratched - the fluid in the vesicles is very contagious, and after scratching the scabs, scars may form,
- initially appears as small red spots which then turn into transparent bubbles. The liquid gradually becomes cloudy, then the bubbles begin to dry out and turn to scabs,
- appears in several flashes, so there can be spots as well as vesicles and scabs on the skin.
Chickenpox - course and treatment
Chickenpox is treated symptomatically. Fever should be lowered with paracetamol preparations (ibuprofen is not used in chickenpox).
The itchy eruptions must not be spread with powder or mush - but you can use anti-itching medications (a suitable preparation will be recommended by your doctor).
Change your clothes and bedding frequently - this will help reduce the risk of skin infections.
Daily, a short bath or shower in warm water is recommended. After bathing, the skin should be gently dried.
People with smallpox should rest and drink plenty of fluids. She must not leave the house until all the spots are dry, so as not to infect others.
Whenchickenpoxis severe (it is accompanied by high fever, severe weakness, there are a lot of exacerbations), it may be necessary to receive hospital treatment or administer antiviral drugs that inhibit replication chickenpox virus, alleviating symptoms and reducing the duration of the disease.
Chickenpox - what does it look like? Rash with smallpox [PHOTOS]

Chickenpox - complications
Complications from chickenpox rarely occur in children - they are much more common in adults.
The complications of smallpox include:
- bacterial skin infections
- pneumonia
- otitis media
- myocarditis
- meningitis
- encephalitis
- thrombocytopenia
- hepatitis
- arthritis
- nephritis
- visual impairment
Chickenpox - Smallpox Vaccination
Smallpoxis very contagious and the risk is high. It is difficult to avoid it, so the best way to prevent smallpox is immunization.
Smallpox vaccination is recommended for those who have not suffered from it so far - children before starting education, as well as adults, especially women who are planning to become pregnant.
The smallpox vaccine is obligatory for children who attend nurseries and children's clubs, as well as e.g. for children under 12 years of age who are HIV positive, have acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission, immunocompromised patients, and prior to immunosuppressive or chemotherapy treatment.