Smallpox vaccination is mandatory for some children and recommended for adults. Chickenpox is an unpredictable disease that can lead to serious complications in a previously he althy child. On the other hand, in adults, this disease is severe and often causes serious complications. The best protection against the disease is provided by the smallpox vaccine. When should the smallpox vaccine be given? What are the side effects and contraindications for vaccination?
Vaccination against chickenpoxprotects against an infectious disease caused by the virusVaricella zoster virus- the smallpox virus. The virus is very contagious and almost everyone who comes into contact with it will become ill. Some protection against the disease is provided bysmallpox vaccine .
When is smallpox vaccination compulsory, and in what cases is it recommended? Is the smallpox vaccine safe? What types of smallpox vaccines are available in Poland?
Vaccination against chickenpox - why is it worth getting vaccinated?
Children most often have chickenpox mildly. However, in some of the youngest, the course of the disease may be unpredictable and then hospitalization is necessary.
An unvaccinated person, who did not have chickenpox in childhood, usually gets sick later, often as an adult. Meanwhile, adults - the older they are, the more severe the course of the disease is, which often causes complications. It is worth adding that adults often get infected from their sick children. Vaccination against chickenpox also prevents the disease or significantly alleviates the course of the disease if it is performed within 3 or even 5 days after contact with a person suffering from smallpox.
GOOD TO KNOW>>Chickenpox in adults: symptoms, treatment, complications of smallpox in adults
Besides, the chickenpox virus is not removed from the body after a disease, but remains for many years in the ganglia of the brain stem and spinal cord. In the future, under favorable conditions, when the immune system is weakened, it may reactivate, causing shingles. Varicella vaccine protects against disease andrelated complications, such as: Currently, there are two monovalent varicella vaccines available in Poland: Both vaccines are the so-called attenuated vaccines, containing a live strain of VZV that has been decapitated and incapable of causing disease. Both vaccines contain the same strain (OKA strain) and do not differ in safety. The effectiveness of vaccines is estimated at over 95%. Smallpox vaccines are given by injection under the skin. The smallpox vaccinecan be used in he althy children from 9 months of age (preferably after 12 months of age, but before the child is 18 months old), as well as in he althy children adults. For full protection, two doses are recommended with an interval of at least 6 weeks - the optimal interval is 3 months. The smallpox vaccine can be administered together with other vaccines, e.g. measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR vaccine) in separate sites or as a combined vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMR-V vaccine)1 A child who has been vaccinated with one dose of the smallpox vaccine should receive a second dose even if more than 3 months have passed since the previous vaccination. In the Protective Vaccination Program, vaccination against chickenpox is among the obligatory vaccinations for: 1) Children up to the age of 12: 2) Children under the age of 12 from the environment of people specified in point 1, who did not suffer from chickenpox 3) Children under the age of 12, other than those mentioned in items 1 and 2, at risk of infection for environmental reasons, in particular through temporary or permanent stay in shared rooms, which allows for virus transmission and outbreaksan epidemic outbreak, especially in long-term care homes, orphanages, nurseries and other care institutions. The vaccination obligation covers, inter alia, children attending nurseries and children's clubs, the activities of which are regulated by the Act of February 4, 2011 on the care of children up to 3 years of age, Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 2011 No.45 item. 235). The smallpox vaccine is recommended for those people who did not have chickenpox and were not previously vaccinated as part of compulsory vaccinations. Vaccination is also recommended for women planning to become pregnant who have not had chickenpox before - in this case, vaccination should preferably be performed three months before the planned conception. The vaccine is payable for these people. The price of one dose of the smallpox vaccine is about PLN 250 (the cheapest is in Vaccination Centers). Smallpox dangerous for pregnant women If a woman in the 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy falls ill with chickenpox, then miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth or the birth of a child with low body weight (so-called congenital chickenpox) may occur. A newborn baby may have skin scars, limb deformities, visual disturbances, and central nervous system defects.1 If a pregnant woman becomes infected 5 days before or 2 days after giving birth, 17-30% newborns may develop severe chickenpox. The mortality risk is then estimated at 30%. CHECK>>What else is at risk of chickenpox in pregnancy? The vaccine starts its protective effect after about 2-3 weeks, giving 80 percent of the vaccine. immunity - a second dose is needed for greater immunity. The immunity lasts for 10 years. Studies show that giving two doses of the vaccine protects 95% against smallpox. people. Even if they get sick, they experience smallpox very mildly. Contraindications to vaccination against chickenpox: Sometimes, between. Maculo-vesicular occurs on days 5 and 42 after vaccinationrash in the amount of 1 to 500 lesions (mean 51). The rash is more often found in immunocompromised children. There may also be a fever. Administration of the combined measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (MMR-V) vaccine more frequently than after simultaneous administration of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the varicella vaccine alone may cause fever and febrile seizures.1 Source: 1. 2. COMMUNICATION OF THE CHIEF SANITARY INSPECTOR of October 31, 2022 on the Protective Vaccination Program for 2022 3.
Smallpox vaccine - types
Chickenpox - what does it look like? Rash with smallpox [PHOTOS]
See the gallery of 7 photos
Smallpox vaccination - for whom is it mandatory?
Smallpox vaccination - for whom is it recommended?
Smallpox vaccination - is the vaccine effective?
Smallpox vaccination - contraindications
Smallpox vaccination - side effects