The 2022 vaccination schedule includes not only those vaccinations that are designed to protect children and adults from the most common viruses and bacteria. It also includes vaccinations that reduce the risk of contracting such dangerous diseases - such as influenza, chickenpox, tick-borne encephalitis, viral hepatitis or meningococcal infections. What vaccines are on the 2022 vaccination calendar?
Recommended vaccinations calendaris part of the Immunization Program (the so-called immunization schedule).
It is updated every year by the Chief Sanitary Inspector, and information on the current vaccination schedule is published in the Official Journal of the Minister of He alth. There are currently two types of vaccination on the vaccination list:
- compulsory vaccinations - free , carried out under the National He alth Fund;
- recommended vaccinations - paidand performed in order to extend the scope of protection of a child or an adult. The recommended (additional) vaccine can be purchased at the vaccination center or at the pharmacy on the basis of a prescription issued by a doctor after qualifying for vaccination.
What vaccinations are recommended in 2022?
Recommended vaccinations calendar 2022 - rotavirus vaccination
Since 2022, rotavirus vaccination has been included in the mandatory vaccination list and is free of charge for children born in 2022. For children born in 2022 or who received the first dose of the vaccine in 2022, it is still an additional vaccination, for which parents have to pay out of their own pocket (the price of one dose is around PLN 300). Rotavirus vaccine is given between 6 and 24 weeks of age.
Recommended vaccinations calendar 2022 - meningococcal vaccination
Meningococcus is a colloquial term for Neisseria meningitidis, the bacteria responsible for invasive meningococcal disease, most often in the form of sepsis with meningitis, sepsis or meningitis. Currently, 12 types (serogroups) of meningococcus are known, the most numerous in Polandinfections are caused by meningococcus type B.
Meningococcal vaccination is recommended for children (especially the youngest and teenagers), as well as for adults at risk of invasive meningococcal disease; with close contact with the sick or infectious material (medical staff, laboratory workers), staying in communities (kindergartens, nurseries, orphanages, student houses, boarding houses, barracks), people with behavior conducive to infection (intimate contacts with the carrier or the sick person, e.g. . deep kiss), people traveling.
It should also be accepted by children and adults, e.g. with congenital immunodeficiencies, with anatomical and functional asplenia, HIV-infected, malignant tumor, rheumatic disease, chronic kidney and liver disease, immunosuppressive patients.
The price of one dose of the conjugate vaccine is about PLN 200.
Recommended vaccinations calendar 2022 - flu vaccination
Influenza is an acute infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Usually it is severe and may have serious complications.
The flu vaccine protects you from getting sick, and if it does, the course of the illness is usually milder. Currently, vaccination against influenza, according to the recommendations of the World He alth Organization, is recommended for all children over 6 months of age, as well as for adults - especially those with congenital heart defects, especially cyanotic ones, with heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, patients with cancer of the circulatory system, patients with asthma and diabetes, people over 55 years of age. The cost of the flu vaccine is about PLN 70.
Recommended vaccinations calendar 2022 - vaccination against hepatitis A
Vaccinations against hepatitis A (hepatitis A) are recommended for children and adolescents who have not been infected with this virus, people employed in the disposal of municipal waste and people going to countries with high and intermediate endemic hepatitis A A.
The price of the vaccination is about PLN 100.
Recommended vaccinations calendar 2022 - varicella vaccination
Chickenpox is usually considered a mild childhood disease, but it can cause serious complications, especially in newborns and infants, as well as in pregnant women, adults and people with weakened immunity. The most common complications include bacterial skin infections (which can leave unsightly scars), as well as neurological symptoms including encephalitis or meningitis) and acute thrombocytopenia.
Vaccineagainst chickenpox is well tolerated and is given in two doses. Vaccination protects you for life. Contraindications to vaccination are, inter alia, lymphomas and other neoplasms involving the lymphatic system and bone marrow, as well as states of decreased immunity.
The vaccine is free only for children who attend the nursery, stay in care and treatment institutions, family orphanages or in mother and child homes.
The price of one dose of the vaccine is about PLN 250-300.
Recommended vaccinations calendar 2022 - tick-borne encephalitis vaccination
Tick-borne encephalitis is an acute viral disease - the source of the infection may be a bite from an infected tick, but also unpasteurized milk from an infected animal. The disease causes serious neurological complications. Adults whose work exposes them to tick bites (e.g. farmers, foresters, gardeners), as well as people spending time in nature, including children from the age of 1, should vaccinate against TBE. 3 doses of the vaccine are required for full protection, and booster doses every 3-5 years.
The price of one dose of TBE vaccine is around PLN 100.
Recommended vaccinations calendar 2022 - pneumococcal vaccination
Pneumococcus is a colloquial term for Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. They are the most common cause of bacterial respiratory infections, including otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, and so-called invasive pneumococcal disease (sepsis, meningitis and pneumonia with bacteremia).
Vaccinations against pneumococci are compulsory for children from 6 weeks to 2 years of age, as well as for some groups of children up to 5 years of age (including chronically ill).
They are recommended for other groups. Vaccination against pneumococci is recommended, inter alia, adults over 50, children, adolescents and adults with chronic diseases.
There are two types of pneumococcal vaccines available in Poland, their cost ranges from PLN 100 to PLN 300 per dose.