The type of breast cancer determines its treatment. Determining the type of breast cancer you have is an important guide in deciding which treatment to take. Breast cancers are classified according to where they occur, how they travel, hormone sensitivity, and gene expression.
The type of breast canceris already defined at the stage of diagnosis, because the method of cancer treatment depends on it. Neoplastic changes may occur in the milk ducts or in lobules, i.e. cells responsible for the production of milk. These are the main typesbreast cancerrepresenting the highest number of malignant breast tumors foundbreast tumors .
There are, however, other, rare forms of this disease. It is also very important to determine whether we are dealing with pre-invasive cancer (in situ) or one that has already started to move to other tissues ( invasive cancer ).Breast cancer in situgives you a better chance of recovery. For each malignant breast tumor, the following parameters should also be marked:
- HER-2 receptor status
- status of ER (estrogen) receptors
- status of PR (progesterone) receptors
This knowledge allows you to apply targeted therapy - blocking the HER-2 gene receptors or hormone receptors.
Breast cancer - types. Place of occurrence and stage
The breast is made of glandular tissue, the so-called lobules that form lobes. Each of the lobes has its own milk duct. The milk ducts converge in the nipple. In addition to glandular tissue, the breast contains adipose tissue, connective tissue, as well as blood and lymph vessels. Tumors mainly arise in the cells that line the milk ducts and in the lobules.
- Intraclobular carcinoma-Lobular carcinoma(LC). It can be in situ, i.e. limited to glandular cells (LCIS), or infiltrating, i.e. invasive. Then it attacks the fatty tissue of the breast and penetrates the lymphatic and circulatory systems. travels to the lymph nodes and other organs of the body. Lobular breast cancer accounts for 10-15% of all breast cancer cases.
- Intra-ductal carcinoma-Ductal carcinoma(DC). It can also be in situ (DCIS) or infiltrating or invasive.It accounts for about 80 percent. all cases of breast cancer.
- Medullary cancer . Regardless of the place of its occurrence, it is clearly demarcated from the surrounding tissues, and there are cells of the immune system at the edges of the tumor. It is an invasive cancer, but its prognosis is slightly better because it has a lower risk of metastasis than other invasive forms of breast cancer. It accounts for about 5 percent. cases of breast cancer.
- Colloidal (mucus) cancer . Very rare, approx. 1% cases. It is formed in cells that produce thick mucus. In this case, breast cancer has a very good prognosis for recovery.
- Tubular cancer-Carcinoma tubulare . It is a type of ductal invasive carcinoma, but has a better chance of recovery than normal ductal carcinoma or lobular carcinoma. A very rare form of breast cancer, around 2% of all cases.
- Inflammatory cancer . It already covers the skin of the breasts. The breast is red, it resembles an orange peel in texture, fluid may ooze from the nipple. A very advanced form of cancer, detected in stage IV, aggressive and has little chance of recovery. Very rare form - 1 percent cases.
Types of breast cancer - classification according to the activity of tumor receptors
It is very important to check the status of the receptors on the surface of the tumor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. These are proteins that have the ability to attach to other proteins and transmit information to cells.
- Hormone-dependent cancer . ER (estrogen) and / or PR (progesterone) receptors are very active on the tumor surface. Under the influence of hormones, the tumor grows larger. In this form of breast cancer, targeted hormone therapy is used, which inhibits the activity of hormone receptors. Hormone-dependent cancer is about 70 percent. cases of breast cancer.
- HER-2 cancer positive . In this form, HER-2 receptors are noted on the tumor surface. It conducts signals to cells to grow and multiply faster, which makes the tumor grow. Treatment by blocking this receptor stops the growth of cancer.
- Triple negative cancer . In this form of breast cancer, neither hormone nor HER-2 receptors are noted on the surface of the tumor. Therefore, targeted therapy is impossible. You have to use chemotherapy and radiation. Triple negative cancer accounts for approximately 10-15 percent of breast cancers.