Diarrhea is the passing of more than three semi-fluid, liquid or watery stools a day. Treatment of diarrhea depends on its cause. Diarrhea is usually the result of a viral or bacterial infection in the digestive tract, but it can also have more serious causes. Diarrhea is dangerous for infants and the elderly as they become easily dehydrated.
Diarrhea can have various causes, and what caused it depends ontreatment . Diarrhea is defined as passing a liquid, semi-liquid or mushy (unformed) stoolmore than 3 times a day . But also one loose stool containingblood, mucusorpusis also considered diarrhea. Diarrhea is usually accompanied by cramping abdominal pain, weakness, nausea and vomiting, and occasionally fever and dehydration may occur.
Diarrhea lasting up to 10 days is diarrheaacute , and if it lasts longer - diarrheachronic .
Virus-induced diarrhea
Colloquially known as the intestinal flu or stomach flu. Its perpetrators are most often rotaviruses, adenoviruses, noroviruses, astroviruses. The infection usually occurs through the ingestion, and its symptoms are:
- watery stools
- nausea or vomiting
- stomach pains
- fever
What to do?
Treatment of such diarrhea consists ofa strict dietand avoidingdehydrationand water and electrolyte disturbances. So you have to drink large amounts of water or specialized body fluids. When vomiting, you should drink chilled liquids in small portions because it limits vomiting. An antipyretic drug or a relaxing agent may also be used if the stomach pains are cramping. The infection should not be underestimated, every year 20-30 thousand. children are hospitalized because of rotaviruses alone.
Diarrhea caused by bacteria
In the case of bacteria, apart from diarrhea, the symptom of infection is also abdominal pain, sometimes nausea or vomiting. The first signs of malaise appear 6-72 hours after the bacteria enter the body, e.g.Salmonelli ,Campylobacter jejuni ,Escherichii coli . The infection usually occurs through the ingestion after eatingproduct containing bacteria or bacterial poison or due to non-compliance with hygiene.
What to do?
If the severity of diarrhea is mild, you need to keep your body properly hydrated. You can take medications to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning, such as antispasmodics. In severe Salmonella infection, the stool is cultured, followed by an antibiotic and preparations (orally or intravenously) to compensate for the lost fluid and electrolytes. Constipants inhibit intestinal motility and therefore diarrhea, but they delay the excretion of germs from the body. Healing charcoal captures all toxins and putrid substances from the digestive tract, which soothes ailments. The adsorption properties are shown by diosmectite, it binds bacteria, viruses and toxins and excretes them together with the faeces. Additionally, it does not slow down the intestinal peristalsis.
Diarrhea caused by strong emotions and stress
Diarrhea caused by strong emotions most often plagues people with a sensitive nervous system, who always want to achieve the best results, e.g. in science.
What to do?
If you are nervous and have problems with the digestive tract before each exam, start taking herbal tranquilizers a few days before such an important event.
Diarrhea from food allergies
A food allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to foods or additives added to food, such as cake flavors. In addition to gastrointestinal disturbances (diarrhea or constipation), symptoms may also occur in other organs, such as skin rash, difficulty breathing, or a runny nose. Anemia or significant weight deficiency may also occur.
What to do?
You should see a doctor as soon as possible - he will conduct appropriate tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment. For your own benefit and to reduce ailments, it is worth identifying products that sensitize through elimination.
Irritable bowel diarrhea
Some people may experience diarrhea as a reaction of their delicate but he althy gut to foods and drinks that are too cold or too hot. This type of diarrhea is usually confined to one watery bowel movement, 1-2 hours after a meal. There is no stomach ache or nausea.
What to do?
Food that is too hot or too hot should be avoided.
Diarrhea caused by Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself, inter alia, in abdominal pain and changes in the frequency and consistency of stools. Some people develop diarrhea, others constipation ordiarrhea and constipation appear alternately. Stools may contain mucus.
What to do?
It is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist who, after carrying out the tests, will make a diagnosis and propose an appropriate treatment. Sufferers of irritable bowel should live peacefully, as stress aggravates their ailments. If the disease is manifested by diarrhea, certain dietary restrictions should be implemented. You should avoid, among others milk, fatty cheeses and meats, giblets, vegetables with a lot of fiber.
Diarrhea as a reaction to medication
This diarrhea most often occurs after prolonged treatment with antibiotics. The most severe form of this type of diarrhea is pseudomembranous enteritis, the symptoms of which are watery stools, rarely with an admixture of mucus, pus or blood - the patient may pass a few loose stools, but in some cases their number may reach up to 30 a day, fever, spasmodic abdominal pain, usually located below the navel. In extreme cases, this antibiotic-induced diarrhea can lead to perforation of the large intestine.
What to do?
In order to rebuild the bacterial flora in the intestines, you should take probiotics, i.e. preparations containing friendly bacteria. The digestive tract is well-influenced by bacteria belonging to the genusBifidobacteriumandLactobacillus . They stimulate the immune system, improve intestinal peristalsis, and by sticking to the intestinal walls, they prevent colonization of this area by pathogenic bacteria and inhibit the secretion of toxins by these bacteria. This is done by acidifying the inside of the intestines.
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation of the lining of the large intestine. The first symptom is diarrhea with some mucus and blood in the stool. You may experience cramping abdominal pain and a feeling of urge to stool caused by gastrointestinal motility disorders, as well as high fever and increased heart rate (tachycardia).
What to do?
Go to the doctor immediately and start the therapy. Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease that cannot be cured. The aim of the therapy is to control inflammation, supplement nutritional deficiencies, and relieve symptoms. Supportive care is also used to prevent the disease from returning to minimize the risk of colorectal cancer.
Crohn's disease: diarrhea after eating
Crohn's disease begins with abdominal pain, especially after eating, often accompanied by diarrhea and anorexia. Sometimes there is a fever and bloody onesstools. Patients start to lose weight, children stop growing. Over time, complications may occur in the form of abscesses, ulcerations and fistulas, as well as secondary infection of the intestinal wall. There are also cases where the first symptom is anemia or even a flexion contracture in the right hip.
What to do?
You need to see a doctor as soon as possible so that, after carrying out the tests, he can make the correct diagnosis. Time is important because the disease often proceeds without any specific symptoms.
Diarrhea as a result of an overactive thyroid gland
An overactive thyroid gland may manifest itself as diarrhea, which is associated with a very fast metabolism. Loose bowel movements can happen several times a day. In addition, there is a rapid weight loss, hypersensitivity to heat, excessive sweating, nervousness, shortness of breath, palpitations and hand tremors.
What to do?
You have to go to the endocrinologist and start systematic treatment.

The article was published in the monthly "Zdrowie"