It is impossible to overestimate the he alth benefits of wild rose, its aroma, taste and beauty. Therefore, wild rose is highly appreciated by herbalists and pharmacists, as well as gourmets and the cosmetics industry. Discover the amazing properties of rose petals and rosehips. Try out recipes for rose preserves.
Wild roseis a very popular plant - it is not difficult to pickwild rose fruits and petals . Rose bushes decorate city squares, parks and home gardens. They need a lot of sun, but otherwise have modest requirements, so they also grow along roads, on the edge of forests and wastelands.
Wild rose: properties and nutritional value
Among approx. 1400 species of roses, 23 grow wild in Poland. Cultivarswild rosediffer, inter alia, in the color of the flowers (from pale pink to amaranth) and the color and shape of the fruit (purple-red or coral, spherical or elongated oval).
It is them - flowers androsehips , due to the richness of substances contained in them, are the herbal raw material.
Rosehips are record abundant invitamin C- they have 30-40 times more vitamin than citrus. Interestingly, Polish high-vitamin rose hip juices are the only ones in Europe with the declared vitamin C content - 450 mg of vitamin C in 100 ml of juice. After almost 20 years of efforts, Polish scientists managed to grow a variety of rose, the fruits of which contain as much as 3500 mg of vitamin C in 100 g of juice, i.e. 4 times more than in rose hips and 100 times more than in citrus.
In wild rose there are also many other vitamins and other substances that have a beneficial effect on our he alth, such as:
- vitamin A,
- vitamin B1, B2,
- vitamin E and K,
- folic acid,
- carotenoids,
- flavonoids,
- organic acids,
- tannins,
- pectins.
Rosehips are used in hypertension, heart and liver diseases and as a vitamin drug. They have a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect, help with gastroenteritis, protect against scurvy.
On the other hand, flowers - thanks to the large amount of flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins and essential oil - are mainly used forindigestion, sore throat and skin problems. You can wash your face with an infusion of rose petals to refresh the complexion.
Wild rose - when to collect it?
Rose petals should be collected at the beginning of flowering in dry weather and placed immediately for drying in the shade and in the air. The fruit is picked when fully ripe but firm - from August to October.
Overripe or harvested after frosts have less vitamin C. The fruit can be dried whole or hollowed beforehand.

Wild rose - what medicines can we find it in?
Rosehips are an important ingredient in many medicinal herbal mixtures, incl. cardiac (Cardiosan), vitamin-strengthening (Visaflos), expectorant and diaphoretic (Tussiflos). They are also part of the preparations recommended in the treatment of liver problems (Cholesol) or circulatory disorders (Neocardina).
In contrast, the cosmetics industry mainly uses rose flowers. Oil obtained from fresh petals is an ingredient of perfumes, it is added to soaps and creams. And the rose water left over from the distillation process is an excellent skin-smoothing tonic.
Wild rose in the kitchen
- Grated rose petals
Dry rose petals rub with a wooden spoon with sugar - a spoonful of sugar for a handful of petals. Finally, add the lemon juice. Store in the refrigerator. Eat a teaspoon 3 times a day as a means of reducing stomach acidity and having a calming effect. The grated rose can also be used for desserts (e.g. buds).
- Fruit tincture
500g rose hips sprinkle a glass of sugar and add 3/4 liter pure vodka. Set aside in a warm place for a week, shake it occasionally. Strain through gauze and keep in the refrigerator in a dark bottle.
Drink a glass of tincture twice a day as an appetite enhancer, improving metabolism and digestion.
- Edible dogwood - medicinal properties and use of dogwood
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- CALINA for menstrual pain. Properties and use of rock viburnum
- ROKITNIK in the kitchen and cosmetics. Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn
- Rowan: he alth properties. Rowan preserves
How to make rosehip soup?
Source:ń Dobry TVN
The article was published in the monthly "Zdrowie"