Lipa is a plant whose healing properties should be appreciated especially by people struggling with a sore throat or runny nose. Linden tea is a proven remedy for these ailments. It is worth reaching for it as soon as the first signs of the disease appear. What other healing effects on linden and what are its uses?
Lipa and its properties
Lipais a herb whosehealing propertiesare due to its composition. The linden inflorescence contains many he alth-promoting substances, mainly flavonoids, phytosterols, mucilages and tannins, as well as organic acids, mineral s alts, vitamin C and PP.
Thanks to this, lime has diuretic properties, it has a slightly diastolic effect, stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and increasing the flow of bile to the duodenum. However, it is most often used as a home remedy for colds.
Lime blooms in summer - its flowers give off a beautiful fragrance and are honey-giving. The herbal raw material is linden inflorescence obtained from two species of linden: small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) and broad-leaved linden (Tilia platyphyllos).
Inflorescences are harvested in the early stages of flowering, in dry weather, from trees growing far from the streets and other sources of pollution. The collected inflorescences are dried in a shaded, airy place.
Lipa for colds
The diaphoretic effect of linden is mainly used in the treatment of colds. The mucus compounds contained in it are also of great importance, as they have a shielding, coating and softening effect.
In the recommended doses, preparations of linden flowers do not cause any adverse reactions.
As a result, lime soothes cough, sore throat and hoarseness. Therefore, infusions of linden flowers are used as an auxiliary, mild diaphoretic in fever in some infectious diseases, such as angina, flu, pharyngitis, bronchitis and colds.
Lime tea has a diuretic effect, so when treating colds with linden, remember to hydrate the body with other fluids - preferably fruit tea or still mineral water.
This will be useful to youRecipe for linden infusion
Pour 1 tablespoon of dried linden inflorescences into a glass, pour boiling water and set aside for about 20 minutes. DownYou can add raspberry juice or honey (preferably lime) to the infusion - but then the infusion should be cooled down to preserve the healing properties of honey. You can also drink it with the addition of lemon. Use linden tea three times a day, after a cup, between meals.
To maximize the healing properties of the mucous substances contained in linden flowers, it is good to squeeze the tea, for example, with a spoon on a sieve, after brewing it, and if you use herbs in bags - carefully squeeze the bag with your fingers after cooling.
Lipa to calm down
Linden infusions also serve as a sedative in excessive nervous excitability and states of nervous tension, especially in adolescents and the elderly. It is especially recommended to take a bath with the addition of linden infusion, which has a calming effect and helps you fall asleep.
Lipa for digestive problems
They slightly reduce the tension of smooth muscles, slightly stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and increase the flow of bile into the duodenum. The infusion of linden flowers is therefore administered in mild digestive and metabolic disorders.
Lipa - external use
In natural medicine, linden infusion is used externally for washing, compresses, baths, rinses and irrigations, for skin care (regenerates the skin and makes it elastic), removing freckles, as well as in light inflammation, irritation and itching skin.
This will be useful to youRecipe for a calming linden bath
Mix 50 g of linden flowers, 30 g of shredded calamus rhizomes, and 20 g of lavender flowers and heather flowers (or herb). Pour the herbs into 2 liters of boiling water and leave, covered, for 30 minutes or heat so as not to bring to a boil. Strain and pour the infusion into the bathtub. Place the herbs in a cloth bag, tie and immerse them in a bath filled to 1/3 with water at 37-38 degrees C. The bath should last 15-20 minutes. After bathing, do not dry yourself with a towel, but wrap it with a bath sheet, put it to bed and warm it.
The recipe comes from:Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W., Medicinal plants and their practical application, Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 1987.
Why linden should be in the home medicine cabinet?
Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN