Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a compound whose properties are used not only in medicine. Vitamin C is also used in cosmetics. However, for years it has been famous for supporting the body's immunity. Few people know that ascorbic acid is an effective antioxidant that prevents aging processes (also of the skin), improves the circulatory system and has anti-cancer properties. Check what is the role of vitamin C in the body and what other properties ascorbic acid has. It's also worth knowing what are the best sources of vitamin C and whether you can overdose it.
Vitamin C - general characteristics
Vitamin C , orascorbic acid , is a compound whose properties have long been used in medicine. Vitamin C is of great importance for the proper functioning of the body because it is involved in many different processes that take place in it.
In addition, vitamin C has been usedalsoin cosmeticsbecause, as a powerful antioxidant, it fights free radicals that are responsible for the aging process skin.
Vitamin C - properties. The role of vitamin C in the body
Vitamin C is one of the most studied vitamins. We know a lot about its properties. For years it was believed that its most important task was to fight infections - its administration during the disease was supposed to include strengthen the body and shorten the time of infection. Although it turned out to be a myth, as it has been proven that this vitamin does not protect the body during an infection, its regular intake reduces the risk of catching a cold (see below).
Vitamin C should not be underestimated - vitamin C for children and adults is just as important. Numerous studies have proven that vitamin C participates in many life processes and is even necessary for us to function properly. It must be supplied with food, because the human body cannot produce it on its own.
The most important properties of vitamin C:
- facilitates the absorption of iron
- participates in the production of red blood cells
- supports the wound healing process
- activates many enzymes
- participates in the collagen synthesis process, influencing the condition of the connective tissue
- takes part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, improving the work of the brain
- participates in the transformation of amino acids, especially tyrosine
- is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones (corticosteroids)
- strengthens gums and teeth
- eliminates bacteria responsible for the formation of caries
- is a powerful antioxidant and protects cells from free radicals
- improves the condition of articular cartilage
- prevents bone decalcification
- seals and strengthens blood vessels
- regulates blood pressure
- inhibits the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol, reducing atherosclerotic changes.
Vitamin C and the circulatory system
Vitamin Cseals and strengthens blood vessels , which prevents the easy formation of bruises, bleeding or bleeding gums. It also inhibits the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol, and thus - reduces pathological atherosclerotic changes.
Ascorbic acid is also usedin the treatment of hypertensionas it has been proven that vitamin C is involved in the regulation of blood pressure.2Vitamin C it also supports the absorption of iron2(which increases its absorption), and participates in the production of red blood cells, which may prevent anemia.
Research from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) project shows that vitamin C may alsoreduce the risk of strokeas much as 42 percent.
Scientists in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show thatelevated blood levels of vitamin C(greater than 66 micromol / liter) had a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system in 20 649 men and women aged 40-79 who were followed for 10 years in the project.
Vitamin C for he althy joints and strong bones
Vitamin C is involved in the process of collagen formation, which is a component ofof articular cartilage . Therefore, ascorbic acid is responsible for the flexibility of the joints, and thus - reduces the risk of injury. According to research, in inflammation in the synovial fluid, the level of vitamin C is reduced by up to 80%, so it is necessary to supplement it during this timeshortages.
In addition, vitamin C is essential for the formation and secretion of ossein - a bone component. Therefore, its deficiency means too few bone building cells or bone decalcification. In order toosteoporosis prevention , a daily intake of 100-500 mg of this vitamin is recommended.
Does vitamin C cure cancer?
According to scientists from the University of Kansas Medical Center5 , whose research results were published in "Science Translational Medicine",intravenous administration of large doses of vitamin C Together with anti-cancer drugs, it can not only significantly accelerate the killing of cancer cells, but also help to alleviate the toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Scientists emphasize, however, that such an effect can be achieved bygiving vitamin C in injections , because thanks to them it works quickly and reaches the places where it is most needed. Oral administration of vitamin C showed no similar effects in therapy.
Other researchers add that vitamin C may help to slow down the metastasis process. They also emphasize that the strengthening of the functioning of the immune system is an extremely important property of vitamin C in terms of anti-cancer protection.
Ascorbic acid increases the activity of NK cells (natural killer) as well as T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes, which are involved not only in combating pathogens, but also in the process of eliminating cancer cells.
These studies are one of many studies that have been conducted since the 1970s to see if vitamin C can help in cancer treatment. However, none of themcan be considered as an anti-cancer drug .
As emphasized by prof. Jacek Jassem, specialist in the field of oncological radiotherapy and clinical oncology, the American Medicines and Food Agency qualifies vitamin C as a dietary supplement, but sees no role for it in the treatment of cancer or other diseases.
Vitamin C is the best for colds? It's a myth!
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is the most popular immune-boosting vitamin that is commonly considered a cold medicine. Therefore, it takes pride of place in home first aid kits during the autumn and winter illnesses. It turns out, however, that this is amyth that was debunked by doctors in 2007 .
Scientists conducted studies to determine whether vitamin C could reduce the frequency, duration, or severity of symptoms of the common cold. It turns out thattaking ascorbic acidduring an infection does not shorten the duration of an infection, and also does not alleviate its symptoms.1In turndaily intake of vitamin Cfor preventive purposes, it reduces the duration of colds by only 8%. in adults and 14 percent. in children.
Interestingly, vitamin C has been shown to havethe greatest impact on hard-training . It has been proven that prophylactic vitamin C intake by athletes reduces the risk of colds by 50%.
In conclusion, vitamin C does not play a protective role once an infection has developed. On the other hand, its regular intake reduces the risk of catching a cold, especially in people who train or perform heavy physical work.
Vitamin C requirement
How much vitamin c should we take a day? Humandoes not produce vitamin C , therefore it must be supplied to the body with food or in the form of supplements. According to specialists from the Food and Nutrition Institute,the demand for ascorbic acid is on average :
- in children - 40-50 mg a day
- in women - 75 mg a day
- in men - 90 mg per day
However, some researchers recommendgiving higher doses- even 200 mg daily.2
The best sources of vitamin C
How much vitamin C is in an orange? Contrary to appearances, not that much - an orange contains only 50 mg / 100 g of it.
Here are the foods with the highest vitamin C content:6
- wild rose - 250-800 mg / 100 g
- blackcurrant - 150-300 mg / 100 g
- peppers - 125-200 mg / 100 g
- Brussels sprouts - 65-145mg / 100 g
- broccoli - 65-100mg / 100 g
- acerola (according to various sources, from 1000 to 4500 mg of vitamin C / 100 g)
- Camu camu berries (1230 mg - 2061 mg / 100 g according to various sources)
CHECK:How much vitamin C does different citrus have? Which are the he althiest?
Surprising sources of vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency symptoms
Vitamin C deficiencyin the body may weaken the capillaries and lead to the development of anemia,2as this compound increases absorption iron. In addition, scurvy, asthma, and bone and cartilage changes can develop. Therefore, the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency will be:6
- weakness, getting tired quickly
- lack of appetite
- bruising
- swollen and bleeding gums
- difficulties in healingran
- muscle and joint pain
Please note thatthe need for vitamin C is increasing:
- with heavy, prolonged physical exertion
- when vomiting
- during bowel dysfunction
- anorexic
- in the elderly
- in people with hypertension
- in people with diabetes
- in smokers
- under high stress
- in pregnant and lactating women
Vitamin C deficiency symptoms

Symptoms of vitamin C overdose
Vitamin C is a substancesoluble in water , and thus - it is not accumulated in the body, but excreted with urine and sweat. Consequently, it is difficult to overdose. However, if herdaily intake exceeds 1000 mg , gastrointestinal disturbances may occur:
- stomach pains
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- skin rash
In additionhigh doses of ascorbic acidmay causebuild-up of stones in the urinary tract . High doses of vitamin C contribute to acidification of the urine. The acidic reaction of the urine may cause the precipitation of urates and cystinates, and consequently the formation of kidney stones.3, 4
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
Take advantage of the convenient online diets of the He alth Guide, also developed for people struggling with vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. A carefully selected diet plan will respond to your individual nutritional needs. Thanks to them you will regain he alth and improve your well-being. These diets are developed in accordance with the latest recommendations and standards of research institutes.
Find out moreVitamin C in cosmetics
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that damage skin cells2and are responsible for the aging process, andprotects the skinagainst the harmful effects of UV radiation.
Therefore, it is anti-inflammatory and reduces the risk of sunburn. Vitamin C also contributes to the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the youthful appearance of the skin, and the amount of which decreases with age. In addition, it has a depigmentation effect.
Ascorbic acid is added to cosmetics intended for flabby skin with visible wrinkles and discoloration, devoid of he althy color and youthful glow (this especially applies to smokers). Vitamin C is also a component of chemical peels,which include eliminate stretch marks and make the skin firmer. That is why it is worth having both a serum with vitamin C and a good cream with vitamin C in your cosmetic bag.
How to protect yourself from losing vitamin C from food?
Natural vitamin C is the best - according to American scientists, who published the results of their research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,vitamin C in the form of supplementsis not able to replace their naturally occurring counterparts. The experiment for which scientists chose kiwi shows that this fruit contains substances that facilitate the absorption of vitamin C.
It was observed that as many asfive times greater absorption of ascorbic acid from thediet compared to the intake of pure vitamin supplements. In addition, naturally occurring vitamin C stayed in the body longer.
Vitamin C isparticularly sensitive to light ,air(it drops by as much as 70-80% during drying) and temperature(partially decomposes during cooking, baking, frying) and therefore very unstable. To protect yourself from losing it from food, you should:
- consume raw foods;
- choose the freshest fruit and vegetables as they contain the most vitamin C right after harvesting. With storage, its content in fruit and vegetables decreases (e.g. potatoes contain 50% less vitamin C after 3 months of storage);
- use knives, scrapers, graters and other kitchen utensils that are made of stainless steel. Rust cast iron accelerates the breakdown of vitamin C;
- peel vegetables and fruits at the last minute, just before serving and do not keep them in water for too long;
- use liquids that are left over after cooking fruits and vegetables, e.g. for making sauces;
- Peel the fruit and vegetables thinly, because the vitamin C content is the highest just below it;
- prepare all salads and salads just before serving them. You can also add a small amount of olive oil or cream to them, which will reduce the contact of vitamin C with the unfavorable air;
Are you taking birth control pills? Watch out for vitamin C!
Vitamin C taken in a dose greater than 1000 mg / day may interact with birth control pills and increase the concentration of estrogen in the blood (reportedly by up to 50%), and thus - intensify its side effects. Then symptoms of the gallbladder and vaginal infections may appearyeast-induced gas, flatulence, nausea, vomiting.
However, it is not known what effect lower doses of vitamin C have on estrogens. It is recommended that women using hormonal contraception should take no more than 1 g of ascorbic acid per day.
In addition, taking ascorbic acid in a dose greater than 1000 mg / day may affect the side effects of other drugs, e.g. some antibiotics, iron preparations, and also increase their concentration, increasing their toxicity.