Dehydration of the body is a serious condition that poses a threat especially to children and the elderly. Dehydration is most often associated with heat, but the body may also lose water in winter or as a result of various diseases. What are the causes and symptoms of dehydration, what is the treatment and how to prevent it.
Dehydrationis a medical condition that results from the loss of water and electrolytes by the body. The latter are necessary for the proper functioning of the body, therefore the effect of dehydration is the disturbance of its water and electrolyte balance. Therefore, dehydration is a very dangerous condition, especially in children, as they lose fluid in the body much faster than in adults.
Depending on the type of water and electrolyte imbalance, there are 3 types of dehydration:
- hypertonic (hyperosmolar) - characterized by a greater loss of water than electrolytes
- hypotonic (hypo-osmolar) - characterized by a predominance of grated electrolytes
- isotonic (iso-osmolar) - caused by the loss of the same amount of water and electrolytes
- Dehydration - causes
- Dehydration - Symptoms
- Dehydration treatment
- Dehydration - prevention
Dehydration - causes
Dehydration of the body may be the result of:
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- fever
The reason for this may also be:
- kidney diseases (diabetes insipidus, glucosuria, chronic renal failure)
- Parkinson's disease (one of the symptoms may be dysphagia, which may result in an aversion to fluid and food intake)
Dehydration can also occur in hot weather. Then, water is lost as a result of sweating, which is necessary for the body to cool down. In hot weather, people can lose more than 10 liters of water. If we do not take care to supplement its deficiencies, it leads to dehydration. It is worth knowing that the elderly and those who are quite overweight, young children, the disabled, and those taking diuretics are the most sensitive to heat. They have the greatest risk of dehydration.
Coless obvious, dehydration can also occur in winter. During frosts, there is a significant loss of water due to the intense release of heat with water vapor during breathing.
Fruits and vegetables that perfectly hydrate the body

Dehydration - Symptoms
Initially they appear:
- increased thirst
- passing urine less frequently (and if we urinate it is dark yellow)
- dry mouth and tongue
- bloated stomach
- lack of appetite
- sleepiness, but sometimes being agitated
In infants, you may notice a collapsing fontanelle (in infants) and eyeballs
If the water in the body is not replenished, then the following appear:
- increased heart rate
- loss of skin elasticity (plasticine skin)
- to reduce sweating (dry skin in the armpit and groin area)
- fever
- reducing the tension of the eyeballs
Then it comes to:
- drop in blood pressure while standing (orthostatic hypotension)
- the appearance of seizures
- unconscious
Dehydration treatment
Treatment consists in preventing further water loss from the body and replenishing it. In the case of hypertonic dehydration, electrolyte-free fluids are administered - water or unsweetened tea. Oral Rehydration S alts (ORS) can be used. Remember not to replenish fluid shortages too rapidly.
In more severe cases, it may be necessary to administer 5% intravenously. glucose (hypertonic dehydration) or NaCl solution (sodium chloride) or NaCl and KCl (sodium chloride and potassium chloride) - in hypotonic dehydration. In extreme cases, the patient is placed in the intensive care unit.
This will be useful to youDehydration - prevention
Daily water consumption for children aged 14-19 and adults is 25 to 35 ml per kg of body weight. According to the recommendations of the European Food Safety and Food Agency in 2010, the amount of fluid in the daily diet for women should be 2 liters for women and 2.5 liters for men. In infants, the water requirement can be calculated on the basis of 100-190 ml of fluid / kg / day. Pregnant women should drink at least 2.3 liters of fluid daily, and breastfeeding women even 2.7 liters per day.
However, in summer, the demand increases as the temperature rises. Then it is recommended to increase the amountconsumed fluids - 250 ml for each degree above 37 degrees C.
Liquids are all kinds of drinks, not only water, but also tea, juices and soups. Fruit, especially watermelon, strawberries, melons, grapes, oranges, as well as vegetables: cucumbers and tomatoes are a rich source of water (from 80 to 95 percent of its content). In addition, vegetables and fruits are a source of minerals that are lost with water.