Having the flu vaccine is the best way to avoid getting sick. The World He alth Organization recommends the composition of influenza vaccines every year. Check which strains of the flu virus contain the flu vaccines for the 2022/2021 season.
Flu vaccinationis often forgotten by Poles. According to the NIPH-NIH data, 35-40 percent of Poland is infected with the influenza virus. children from one to fourteen years of age, and less than 1 percent are vaccinated against it. of them. Only 4% of the total population vaccinated in the last few years. Poles.
This, however, may (and should) change this year. The coronavirus pandemic meant that there was practically no flu in the 2022/2021 season - however, experts predict that in the fall and winter of 2022 this disease will hit with double force. That's why you need to get vaccinated.
Flu vaccines 2022/2022are now available in Polish pharmacies and he althcare facilities. Doctors, as every year, encourage vaccinations. What preparations are available on the market?
Flu vaccines 2022/2022
Influvac Tetra- influenza vaccine, inactivated, subunit containing purified surface antigens of 4 influenza viruses prepared as a suspension for injection intramuscularly or subcutaneously, dose: 0.5 ml.
Influvac Tetra vaccine belongs to the group of 3rd generation subunit vaccines and is prepared in such a way that additional purification steps are applied to the manufacturing process compared to the split virion vaccine production process. As a result, the final product of the vaccine contains two purified hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) antigens with retained antigenic properties. Influvac Tetra - Summary of Product Characteristics. Season 2022/2021.
Vaxigrip Tetra- inactivated influenza vaccine containing a split virion obtained from 4 influenza viruses as antigens, prepared as a suspension for injection into the muscle or subcutaneously, dose: 0.5 ml .
This vaccine belongs to the group of inactivated vaccines of the 2nd generation, contains a split virion of influenza virus, is prepared from inactivated vaccinesinfluenza virus particles (viruses are broken down and cleaned to remove proteins of non-viral origin). VaxigripTetra. Summary of Product Characteristics. Season 2022/2021.
Fluarix Tetra- inactivated influenza vaccine, containing a split virion obtained from 4 influenza viruses as antigens, prepared in the form of a suspension for injection intramuscularly or subcutaneously, dose: 0.5 ml .
This vaccine belongs to the group of inactivated vaccines of the second generation, contains a split influenza virus virion, is prepared from inactivated influenza virus particles (viruses are broken down and purified to remove proteins of non-viral origin). Fluarix Tetra. Summary of Product Characteristics.
Fluenz Tetra- live flu vaccine. The antigens are attenuated (weakened) influenza viruses that are repeatedly passaged so that they only multiply at a lower temperature of around 25 ° C (cold-adapted), causing them to replicate in the nasal cavity rather than replicate in the lungs; prepared for nasal administration; 0.2 ml dose (0.1 ml in each nostril). Fluenz Tetra. Summary of Product Characteristics. Season 2022/2021.
Source: National Institute of Hygiene
Flu in previous seasons
The epidemiological data of the NIPH-NIH shows that in the season 2022/2020 the number of influenza and influenza-like illnesses was lower compared to previous years. It happened because of the coronavirus - although it sounds perverse. The spread of the influenza virus has also been reduced with the introduction of social distancing principles related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the period from 01/09/2019 to 15/07/2020, 3,873,136 people fell ill with influenza and flu-like infections, which means 13.2% less cases than in the corresponding season of the previous year. 65 people died from the flu and complications after the disease.
In turn, according to the data of the National Institute of Public He alth - National Institute of Hygiene in September 2022, 370 thousand people fell ill with influenza. people (and this is a record result when it comes to data from September in recent years), while in October - 475 thousand. people, which is also a record result.
Influenza vaccination and herd immunity
The phenomenon of herd immunity is the best illustration of the community aspect of vaccination, it shows the consequences of vaccinating the entire population and not vaccinating them. Vaccination on an individual basis allows to avoid the disease and its complications for individuals, and at the same time is an important element in the prevention of infectious diseases of the entire population.
Unfortunately, the number of refusalsvaccines are still on the rise, and the grounds for these decisions are not based on research findings and not in line with doctors' recommendations. The threshold of herd immunity is different for each disease - explains Dr. Agnieszka Motyl, specialist in the field of epidemiology, Manager for Quality and Medical Standards at Medicover Poland.
Flu vaccine - vaccine safety
The safety of vaccinations depends not only on scientific research and control of each batch of vaccines, but also compliance with medical recommendations: I always explain to parents that they should stay for 30 minutes at the clinic after vaccination, because we have here, like in every clinic where vaccinations are performed, an anti-shock kit that allows you to act quickly in the event of a strong anaphylactic reaction. These recommendations must not be ignored, says doctor Nojszewska-Rydlińska.
It is also important to store vaccines - if we decide to buy a vaccine on our own, we should keep it as short as possible at home. The place for the vaccine is in the refrigerator, but remember that our home refrigerators are often opened, so the temperature varies there, and in addition, there may be factors beyond our control, i.e. power outages.
Improperly stored vaccine will not hurt, but it will not help either. Vaccines in pharmacies are stored in special refrigerators, which are supplied with emergency power in the event of a power cut.
The flu vaccine and a he althy heart
Having the flu may increase the risk of heart attacks and worsening of heart failure. According to some data, up to 1/4 of all heart attacks may be preceded by a respiratory system infection and flu - says Anna Ścibisz, MD, PhD, cardiologist from Medicover Hospital - This disease is dangerous for young people who are considered he althy and do not suffer from chronic diseases and the elderly. Common cardiac complications of influenza include myocarditis and pericarditis. The flu vaccine helps to avoid serious complications.
Research conducted in the USA shows that in the fall and winter the number of strokes and heart attacks increases, and even 1/4 of them were preceded by influenza and pneumonia. The risk of a heart attack after a confirmed flu infection is six times higher.
Influenza vaccination can therefore not only protect against disease and complications, including the risk of a heart attack, stroke, exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases or cerebral vessels.
Recommended doses of vaccine againstflu
- for children from 6 months of age up to 35 months of age: 1 dose - 0.25 ml (pediatric form 0.25 ml) (1 or 2 doses), after 4-6 weeks, another 1 dose (pediatric form 0.25 ml),
- adults and children from 36 months of age: 1 dose - 0.5 ml,
- children under 8 years of age who have not been vaccinated before should receive the second dose after 4-6 weeks.
- It is very important to know that the flu virus is insidious, it mutates and it evolves. Each year, a new vaccine is produced to protect the body during the next flu season. Annual vaccination strengthens immunity, significantly reduces the risk of disease, but most of all protects against serious threats related to complications of influenza. In 2022, the refund of flu vaccinations for people over 65 was introduced. It is a very good decision on the part of the Ministry, because elderly people are the most affected, and they are the ones who pay the greatest price for not getting vaccinated against the flu - said prof. dr hab. med. Adam Antczak, chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Program Against Influenza.
Who should get the flu shot?
The global recommendation on flu vaccination says, in line with ACIP and WHO guidelines, that everyone should get vaccinated. There are no compulsory (financed from the budget of the Ministry of He alth) flu vaccinations in Poland. These are the recommended vaccinations. Anyone can catch the flu virus, but risk groups - children, seniors and people suffering from chronic diseases - are particularly at risk of contracting the disease, as well as severe complications from the flu.
1. From clinical and individual indications:
- chronically ill children (over 6 months of age) and adults, especially those suffering from respiratory failure, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular failure, coronary artery disease (especially after a heart attack), kidney failure, recurrent nephrotic syndrome, liver diseases, metabolic diseases, including diabetes, neurological and neurodevelopmental diseases;
- people with reduced immunity (including patients after organ or tissue transplantation) and patients with hematopoietic malignancies;
- children at risk from 6 months of age to 18 years of age, especially HIV-infected, with immunological and hematological disorders, including idiopathic thrombocytopenia, acute leukemia, lymphoma, congenital spherocytosis, congenital asplenia, spleen dysfunction, splenectomy, with primary immunodeficiencies, afterimmunosuppressive treatment, after bone marrow transplant, before or after transplantation of internal organs, treated chronically with salicylates;
- children with congenital heart disease, especially cyanosis, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension;
- women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
2. Due to epidemiological indications, all persons from 6 months of age to use in accordance with the Summary of Product Characteristics, in particular:
- he althy children from 6 months to 18 years of age (with particular emphasis on children from 6 to 60 months of age);
- people over 55;
- people who have close professional or family contact with children under 6 months of age and with the elderly or chronically ill (as part of the implementation of the cocooning vaccination strategy);
- he althcare workers (medical staff, regardless of their specialization and administrative staff), schools, trade, transport;
- residents of nursing homes, nursing homes and other facilities that provide round-the-clock care for disabled, chronically ill or elderly people, in particular in care and treatment facilities, nursing and care facilities, entities providing care services palliative, hospice, long-term, medical rehabilitation, addiction treatment, psychiatric he alth care and spa treatment;
What are the contraindications for the flu vaccination?
- anaphylactic hypersensitivity to egg white or antibiotics used in the production process or other ingredients of the vaccine
- acute febrile illnesses
- moderate to severe acute illnesses, regardless of whether they are accompanied by fever or not
- Guillain-Barré syndrome diagnosed within 6 weeks of previous influenza vaccination
such people, if at high risk of developing complications from influenza, may benefit from influenza vaccination after assessing the degree of hypersensitivity to vaccine components and appropriate desensitizationsuch people, if at high risk complications from influenza may benefit from influenza vaccination