Is it the flu or a cold? Both flu and colds are caused by viruses that spread by airborne droplets. However, this is where the similarities end and important differences that determine the method of treatment begin. Knowing how to distinguish between these infections will help you with this!

Is it the flu or a cold? Both conditions are often confused with each other. No wonder - they give seemingly similar symptoms. However, if you take a closer look at them, there are differences between the flu and the common cold. Our quiz will help you with that!

Remember that only a doctor can make the final diagnosis. Regardless of the result of the quiz, you should go to a specialist. Both the flu and a cold - if left untreated - can lead to serious complications.

Inflammation of the sinuses, bronchi or throat are the most common complications of a cold. In turn, untreated flu can lead to bronchitis, otitis media, and even to inflammation of the heart muscle.
