Every day the kidneys work hard, constantly cleansing the blood of toxic substances and removing excess water from the body. But their condition can be adversely affected by certain habits that impair their efficiency.
Most kidney problems take years to develop without symptoms. And few of us realize that the kidneys can be harmed not only by poisoning or infections of the urinary tract, but also by some everyday, seemingly innocent habits that make the work of the kidneys require more effort. See if you should change your habits so that your kidneys stay in good shape until old age.
Also check what your kidneys hurt!

Not enough fluid
When you supply your kidneys with too little water, toxic metabolic waste will leach into your bloodstream and cause he alth problems, including kidney damage, over time. Filtering your blood and removing toxins will be fine if you give your body 2-2.5 liters of fluid a day. This water balance includes not only tea or other drinks with which you wash your meals, but also soups, fruit and vegetables. It is always good to have a bottle of mineral water on hand and to drink a few sips regularly - especially when you have the habit of drinking a few strong coffees a day (coffee has a dehydrating effect).Also find out why you can't drink coffee right after you wake up!
Excess s alt in the diet
Daily s alt consumption should not exceed 4-5 g. This is not only s alt from the s alt shaker, but also the s alt contained in bread and highly processed products, which are best eliminated from the diet or strongly limited: sauces and soups from a bag , crisps, crackers, fast food, s alted peanuts, etc. Excess s alt increases the amount of protein in the urine, is sometimes the cause of hypertension, which increases the risk of kidney disease, and also promotes the formation of kidney stones.
Check also what are the other causes, symptoms and how to treat kidney stones!
Protein-rich menu
Protein digestion produces ammonia and keto acids - one of the kidneys' tasks is to remove them from the body. A diet rich in cold cuts, meat and dairy products forces the kidneys to work harder and exposes them to the harmful effects of ammonia,the excess of which the body is unable to neutralize.
Postponing the visit to the toilet
Waiting with her until the last moment is not good for the kidneys, because bacteria in the bladder easily multiply, which can attack not only the bladder, but also penetrate the urinary tract and the kidneys themselves. The bacteria cause inflammation, leading to kidney damage. For this reason, it is also important to empty your bladder thoroughly when urinating, leaving no residue in it, and to drink plenty of fluids (concentrated urine is easier for bacteria to grow).
Cooling down the pelvic area
A cold in the lower abdomen favors infections of the lower urinary tract, which increase the risk of developing nephritis. Therefore, wearing thin tights and short skirts in winter, while adding sex appeal, definitely does not serve the kidneys. Also in summer, remember to change into a dry suit after swimming in the sea or swimming pool, do not sit on cold stones, etc.
Ignoring infections
Kidneys can be harmed not only by "banal" cystitis. Untreated angina, colds or flu can have catastrophic consequences for the kidneys, as the general infection developing in the body also affects the kidneys and in more severe cases may even lead to kidney failure.Find out what the causes, symptoms and treatments for kidney failure are here!
Alcohol abuse
A glass of wine or a beer from time to time will not hurt your kidneys. However, they find it problematic to drink alcohol regularly - especially high-alcohol ones. Then the kidneys can no longer cope with the removal of the toxins contained in it. In addition, alcohol raises your blood pressure, which also harms your kidneys. Note: drinking beer regularly does not help with the he alth of the kidneys, it is a harmful myth!
The nicotine addiction promotes the development of atherosclerosis, which attacks the arteries of the kidneys, impairing their function. Smoking has also been shown to be one of the causes of bladder and kidney cancer.
Abuse of painkillers
Regular, frequent use of painkillers damages the kidneys as it reduces blood flow through the organs. This can lead to interstitial nephritis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are also used to relieve pain, have a nephrotoxic effect. They also have an analgesic effect. They are widely available over the counter (the composition may include ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid, ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac). So, if you have to take a pain pill, check the leaflet for the dosagepermissible and never exceed it. Also, do not take two different painkillers at the same time, even if they have different active substances, as this may result in an overdose!