Pain in the kidneys - or only in one kidney - is pain localized in the abdomen, on both sides of the spine, in the lumbar region - that's where the kidneys are. As such, kidney pain - no matter what its causes - is often confused with back pain and even stomach pain. But how do you know if it's really kidney pain? What are its causes, what are the symptoms and what is the treatment?
Kidney pain(or only onekidney ) is pain localized in the abdominal cavity, on both sides of the spine, in the lumbar region - there there are kidneys.
As a result, kidney pain is often confused with back pain and even stomach pain. Symptoms accompanying painful kidneys help in establishing the correct diagnosis - most often these are dysuria symptoms.
Kidney paincan come on suddenly, be very intense, and gradually worsen over the next few days.Kidney paincan also be chronic and long-lasting.
Kidney pain
Kidneys usually do not indicate pain that there is something wrong with them - when kidney pain occurs it is usually a sign that the problem may be really serious.
However, the intensity of the pain is not always the same. Kidney pain may appear very rapidly and worsen over the next hours or days (this is then acute kidney pain, also often referred to as colic kidney pain), but it may also last for weeks or even years, appearing only in certain situations and not cause great discomfort (and then we are talking about chronic kidney pain, which is often defined as somatic pain).
The type of pain - and its cause - is always determined by a doctor on the basis of symptoms and test results.
Common causes of kidney pain
Why do kidneys hurt? Kidney pain can be caused by a wide variety of causes. Kidney pain can be caused by diseases such as nephrolithiasis, nephritis - e.g. interstitial or pyelonephritis, as well as a kidney cyst or even a kidney tumor. One of the causes of severe kidney pain is also the urinary retention in the urinary tract associated with hydronephrosis.
How do you recognize kidney pain?
Kidney pain is often confused with back pain. How to recognizekidney pain ?Kidney painstarts on one side - left or right,radiates inward, spreading horizontally. In the case of the spine, it extends vertically towards the nape or the legs.
Pulsating colic-like pain, provoking violent attacks, sometimes caused by pressure associated with urinary retention. It is different with the spine - there is a dull pain that signals degeneration.
Kidney pain (kidney) and nephritis
The most common cause of kidney pain is inflammation of the kidneys. It can be:
- glomerulonephritis - most often caused by bacteria or viruses. It usually appears within a week or two of the infection. The process of recovery from the primary disease is interrupted, well-being worsens, and there is a loss of appetite, sometimes with stomach problems. There may also be swelling of the face and feet, trouble urinating, and symptoms of high blood pressure. Only occasionally the disease is accompanied by a fever
- interstitial nephritis - in most cases (about 70%), acute interstitial nephritis is associated with the use of the so-called nephrotoxic drugs that lead to drug-induced nephropathy (drug-induced kidney damage). Symptoms of the disease include low-grade fever or fever, pain in the lumbar region (described as dull), skin rash (in various locations), and oliguria. There may also appear: joint pain, hematuria, decreased urine output
- pyelonephritis - symptoms are similar to those of interstitial nephritis.

Kidney pain (kidney) and renal colic
Renal colic occurs when there is a sudden increase in pressure in the upper urinary tract, caused by residual and rising urine. This condition is a consequence of obstruction of the ureter by a urinary stone. The symptom of renal colic is sudden, very severe, sharp pain.
It is located in the kidney (lumbar) area, from where it radiates downwards towards the bladder, urethra and outer thigh. The accompanying symptoms are:
- painful urge to urinate
- pollakiuria
- nausea and vomiting
- abdominal gas
Kidney pain and hydronephrosis
The cause of kidney pain may also be the accumulation of urine in the kidney due to its difficult outflow, i.e. hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis is usually detected by chance as it is asymptomatic. However, if it already shows symptoms, they are uncharacteristic.
Children most often complain of ailments from the digestive system: abdominal pain, lack of appetite, flatulence, diarrhea. It may also appearfever, which indicates a urinary tract infection, often with hydronephrosis.
In adults, the characteristic symptom is dull pain in the lumbar region which radiates to the symphysis pubis, and in men to the testicles. The accompanying symptoms are gastrointestinal complaints: nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension. Urination disorders may also occur.
Kidney (kidney) pain and kidney cyst
A kidney cyst is a fluid-filled formation located in the parenchyma of the kidney. Cysts can be congenital, acquired, and genetically determined. When kidney cysts are small, they usually don't have symptoms. Only when they become large can they cause:
- pain located most often in the lumbar region, but also on the sides of the abdomen
- a feeling of fullness, discomfort or an unpleasant feeling of pressure in the abdomen
- gastrointestinal disturbances, e.g. nausea
Most kidney cysts do not require treatment.
Kidney (kidney) pain and kidney cancer
Kidney cancer most threatens men over 45. Women, on the other hand, most often develop kidney cancer between the ages of 55 and 74. The most dangerous thing for the kidneys is smoking, because the toxic substances in tobacco smoke damage the kidneys.
Symptoms that doctors call the classic triad (i.e. the occurrence of hematuria, pain and a palpable lump) concern only 7-15 percent. sick and usually indicate a significant advancement of the disease.
Individually, these symptoms occur more frequently, eg hematuria in about 40-60 percent. sick. The pain that accompanies the disease may be colic-like or dull and appear in the lumbar region. Patients suffer from low-grade fever, night sweats, weight loss, increased blood pressure, polymyositis.
Surgical removal of the tumor is the most effective treatment for kidney cancer, as the tumor is moderately sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation (radiotherapy).
Kidney pain: when to see the doctor?
Kidney pain requires urgent medical consultation, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, hematuria, weakness. Usually, it is recommended to first contact your family doctor or primary he alth care physician, who - based on your symptoms, will recommend appropriate tests, including a general urine test and urine culture, and in some cases also ultrasound of the urinary system.
With kidney pain, you can also go to a nephrologist - a specialist dealing with diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. To take advantage of private advice, we do not need a referral - it is necessary if costsvisits are to be covered by the National He alth Fund. A general practitioner or general practitioner may refer to a nephrologist on the basis of a physical examination and the results of a urine test.
Treating kidney pain: what helps?
Kidney pain should not be treated on your own - taking a painkiller once will help temporarily, but it will not eliminate the root cause of the ailments.
Treating kidney pain depends on what caused it. If kidney stones are suspected, doctors usually prescribe preparations that relax smooth muscles and facilitate the movement of the stone, which significantly alleviates the symptoms.
In the relief of kidney pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used to reduce inflammation and treat pain (e.g. containing the active ingredient ibuprofen or ketoprofen).
On the other hand, in the case of inflammatory kidney pain, antibiotic therapy is sometimes necessary (drugs are selected on the basis of urine test results).