Enlarged lymph nodes in children and adults are the most common symptom of the disease. The causes of this condition are indicated by a number of diseases - both infections, such as flu, angina or colds, as well as cancer. Enlarged lymph nodes can also be the result of hypersensitivity to certain medications or a vaccine reaction. What are the causes of enlarged lymph nodes?
Enlarged lymph nodes(lymphadenopathy) means that the body is undergoing a disease process in which lymphocytes and macrophages (cells of the immune system whose lymph nodes have are a cluster) multiply to fight pathogens.
Lymph nodesare located all over the body. The largest concentration oflymph nodesis found in the neck, armpits, groin, lower jaw and behind the ears. Their job is to collect the lymph that flows from different areas of the body. If a suspicious substance, e.g. bacteria, is found on its way, its further flow is stopped.
Then the appropriate cells responsible for the body's defensive reaction (lymphocytes and macrophages) multiply to fight the pathogen. Then the lymph nodes are enlarged .
For other reasons, the enlargement oflymph nodesoccurs in the course of neoplasms, e.g. lymphomas. In this case, swellingof the lymph nodesis the result of abnormal cell growth in the lymphatic system.
Enlarged lymph nodes - when to see a doctor?
Lymph nodesare several millimeters in diameter. If it increases to 1-1.5 cm, we can speak ofenlargement of the lymph nodes .
There are two types ofenlarged lymph nodes . The first ones are soft, springy and can be moved against the skin. In addition, they cause pain when touched, and the skin above them is red and warm. Then there is usually no cause for concern, as the cause of this typeenlarged lymph nodesare most often infections, and the inflammation disappears on its own after 2-3 weeks.
More dangerous arelymph nodes , which are significantlyenlarged(2 cm and more), painless, hard, dense, often grouped in bundles that fuse with the surrounding tissues (which makes them immobile) and last longerthan 2-3 weeks. Suchlymph nodesmay even indicate cancer. You should see a doctor as soon as possible.
It is worth knowing thatlymph nodesenlarge more often in children than in adults, because their lymphatic system is shaped up to around 12 years of age. Therefore, until then, even a common cold can result in the visible swelling oflymph nodes . However, even in the case of a common infection, it is better to see a doctor with your child.
Enlarged lymph nodes - infections
The most common cause of enlarged lymph nodes, both in children and adults, is infections. Lymph nodesincrease in size when the immune system reacts to the presence of a pathogen, soenlarged lymph nodesmay be one of the initial symptoms of the disease.Lymph nodes enlargeddue to infection they are tender or even painful, as well as mobile - when you touch them with your fingers you can clearly feel that they move slightly under pressure. The cause ofenlargement of the lymph nodesmay be infections:
- viral , e.g. :
- sudden erythema
- infectious mononucleosis
- cytomegaly
- chickenpox
- measles
- rubella
- hepatitis (viral hepatitis)
- bacterial, e.g. :
- brucellosis
- boil
- salmonella
- angina
- tuberculosis
- bacterial pharyngitis
- tonsillitis
- otitis
- cat scratch disease
- syphilis
- scarlet fever or scarlet fever
- tularemia
- venereal groin
The cause of enlargementlymph nodesmay even be periodontal diseases (e.g. untreated caries), which cause enlargement oflymph nodessubmandibular and chin ( these are the so-calledcervical lymph nodesfront).
- protozoa, e.g. toxoplasmosis
- fungal - histoplasmosis (Darling's disease) or blastomycosis (Gilchrist's disease). They occur in people with a weakened immune system. They are very rarely diagnosed in Poland.
- parasitic , e.g. head lice
Enlarged lymph nodes - tumors
Enlarged lymph nodesmay also indicate cancers of the lymphatic system, blood and bone marrow:
- leukemia
- lymphoma
- myeloma
Then, apart from lymphadenopathy, other symptoms also appear, such as:
- fever
- weight loss
- night sweats
- pain ailments
Enlargedlymph nodesmay also indicate tumor metastasis from the primary site of development or the initial stage of primary tumor growth in locallymph nodes .
Enlarged lymph nodes - storage diseases
Enlarged lymph nodesmay also indicate storage diseases, such as:
- Gaucher disease
- sarcoidosis
- Nimann-Pick's disease
Then, apart from the magnificationof the lymph nodes(usually under the armpits), a number of other disorders appear, such as developmental delay or enlargement of the liver and enlargement of the spleen.
Enlarged lymph nodes - autoimmune diseases
Swellinglymph nodescan also indicate autoimmune diseases, i.e. diseases in which cells of the immune system attack the body. They include, but are not limited to:
- systemic lupus erythematosus
- rheumatoid arthritis
- Hashimoto's disease
In these cases, the nodes under the armpits are enlarged. The exception is Kawasaki disease - necrotizing peripheral vasculitis, manifested byenlarged lymph nodes neck .
Enlarged lymph nodes - histiocytosis
Histiocytosis is a group of diseases whose essence is the excessive production of histiocytes - cells of the immune system that accumulate in tissues and organs, gradually leading to their damage and failure.
During the development of the disease, there are, among others :
- enlarged lymph nodes
- liver enlargement and / or spleen enlargement
- papular rash on the skin of the torso
- sore gums
- loosening of teeth and premature loss of teeth
Enlarged lymph nodes - reaction to medication
Enlargedlymph nodesmay be an adverse reaction to medication. These are the most common:
- antiepileptic drugs (e.g. phenobarbital, phenytoin)
- drugs used in the treatment of gout (e.g. allopurinol)
- sulfa antibiotics (e.g. sulfamethocasazole)
- and other agents, e.g. trimethoprim, carbamazepine, isoniazid, gold s alts, dapsone
Enlarged lymph nodes - post-vaccination reaction
Swellinglymph nodescan also be a post-vaccination reaction. This applies in particular to preventive vaccinations against rubella, measles, smallpox, and also tuberculosis.
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