Tangerines are considered the little sisters of oranges. They are not only smaller, but also sweeter. However, they also differ from oranges and other citrus fruits in their content of vitamins and other nutrients. It is true that, like grapefruits and lemons, they are a treasury of vitamin C, but only they contain nobiletin - a flavonoid that helps fight obesity, prevent type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. These are not the only healing properties of mandarins.
Mandarinshave manyhealing properties . Thanks to vitamin C and vitamin A - natural antioxidants - they support the immune system, inhibit the action of free radicals responsible for the aging process, as well as improve the condition of the skin and protect against eye diseases. Research conducted by modern scientists shows that these inconspicuous fruits also help fight obesity, prevent diabetes mellitus 2, atherosclerosis and some types of cancer.
Mandarins for skin and eyes
Tangerines are one of the richest invitamin A(681 IU / 100 g) citrus fruits. Even oranges (247 IU / 100 g), lemons (22 IU / 100 g) or pomelos (8 IU / 100 g) cannot match them. In terms of its content, mandarins are second only to grapefruit (1150 IU / 100 g).
Vitamin A influences many processes in the body, incl. it is indispensable during the growth period as it positively influences the building of strong bones and teeth, protects the skin against UV rays and improves its condition. In addition, it protects against the development of eye diseases, including glaucoma and cataracts.
Mandarins for immunity and delay the aging process
Mandarins, like all citrus fruits, are a rich source ofVitamin C(26.7 mg / 100 g, i.e. 38% of the DV), which not only strengthens the immune system and protects the body against pathogenic microorganisms. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that inhibits the multiplication of free radicals responsible for the degradation of body cells.
Mandarins - how many calories do mandarins have?
100 g of mandarins provides 53 kcaland:
Protein | 0.81 g |
Fat | 0.31 g |
Carbohydrates | 13.34 g (including simple sugars: 10.58 g) |
fiber | 1.8 g |
Water | 85.17% |
Mandarins - what vitamins and minerals do mandarins contain?
Vitamins and minerals contained in 100 g of mandarin
Calcium | 37 mg |
Iron | 0.15 mg |
Magnesium | 12 mg |
Phosphorus | 20 mg |
Potassium | 166 mg |
Sodium | 2 mg |
Zinc | 0.07 mg |
Vitamin C | 26.7 mg |
Tiamina | 0.058 mg |
Riboflavin | 0.036 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.078 mg |
Vitamin B3 | 0.376 mg |
Vitamin A | 681 IU |
Vitamin E | 0.20 mg |
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Mandarins versus heart disease and diabetes
And it's all thanks to the nobiletin contained in mandarins (a kind of flavonoid). As the researchers explain,nobiletinprevents the processes that lead to the above-mentioned diseases, i.e. fat storage in the liver, by stimulating the genes responsible for their burning and blocking the genes responsible for their accumulation. It is worth knowing that this substance is present primarilyin the peel of mandarin .
Mandarins in cancer prevention
According to scientists from the Leicester School of Pharmacy, the compound obtained from mandarin peel has the ability to destroy certain types of cancer cells, including those responsible forliver cancer . It is salvestrol Q40 - a type of phytoalexin, a substance used by plants to repel pests, such as insects. According to researchers, this compound transforms into a toxic substance inside cancer cells and breaks them down, without affecting he althy cells.
Mandarins and slimming
Mandarins, although they are sweet,do not fatten- one fruit (approx. 65 g) provides only 34 kcal, more than 85% of water, and contained in organic acids (citric and malic) accelerate the process of cleansing the body of toxins and improve digestion. Therefore, they are recommended not only for people who are struggling with overweight and obesity, but also for those who want to lose a few kilograms or cleanse the body of toxins.
Mandarins and diabetes
Mandarins can be consumed not only by he althy people in order to prevent type 2 diabetes, but also by diabetics.Mandarins are characterized by an average amount of carbohydrates and an overall low energy value. Therefore, the glycemic index of these fruits is quite low and amounts to 30. Therefore, they are safe for diabetics.
Pregnant mandarins
Mandarins, like all citrus fruits, can cause allergies, so pregnant women should eat them in small amounts to minimize the risk of its occurrence.
IMPORTANT!Are you pregnant? Before consuming mandarins, wash them thoroughly (preferably scrub them with a brush under hot water), as the chemicals they are coated with may be harmful to the baby.
Mandarins - types
Distinguishesmany varieties of mandarins , but the most popular areclementines(a cross between mandarin and bitter orange), sweet, pleasantly sour and aromatic flesh, a small amount of seeds and an easy-to-peel skin.
The varietytangelo(a cross between a mandarin and a grapefruit) is also well known - a very sweet and juicy tangerine with a bitter aftertaste.
In shops and markets you can also findsatsuma , i.e.seedless mandarins , and tangerine variety, which is characterized by a reddish color skins.Tangerinescome in various sizes - from small as a walnut to as large as an orange.
How to buy tangerines?
Regardless of which variety you choose, remember that the good quality and freshness of mandarins is evidenced by theirintense aroma . When choosing tangerines, also consider their appearance - always choose the very orange, soft ones, but without empty spaces under the skin (such a mandarin will be dry).