A popular sexologist criticizes the low level of Polish sex education and tells about the knowledge gaps of his patients. "Such things should be translated at the elementary school level," he says, disappointed with the ignorance of many adult Poles.
Andrzej Gryżewski - psychologist, psychotherapist, sexologist and sex educator - complains about the Polish school, which, in his opinion, does not provide basic information on sex, sexuality and the structure of human sexual organs. What students do not learn in the course of education, although they should?
What Poles don't know about sex, but they should
Popular sexologist tells what basic knowledge about sex and own body Poles lack:
People learn about some bees, rabbits and so on, but they don't learn about the physiological structure of a man's body, a woman's body, where a woman has a G point, where a man has testicles. Most men, for example those who come here to me, are shocked that when there is a penis, there is such a furrow under it, such a scar. And they have a feeling - those who look at their penis and see it in the mirror - that they probably have had some accident and it will result in erectile dysfunction. And things like this furrow should be explained somewhere in elementary school, in biology lessons.