Kamasutra is a Hindu treatise on the art of love that includes love tips and numerous sexual positions presented in the form of images. The Kamasutra as a book was not published in Poland until the 1980s, although the text itself was written between the 1st and the 6th year CE. in India by a philosopher named Watsjajana. Check what positions and tips you can find in Kama Sutra.
Kamasutrais a colloquial guide to various sexual positions published in the form of a picture book. It is worth knowing, however, that the content of an Indian treatise is much richer and is not limited only to a dry instruction on how to perform a given position. The Kamasutra is, in fact, a timeless guide to not only the art of love but also social habits.
Kamasutra - what is it?
Kamasutrais a work probably written in the 2nd century AD by the Hindu philosopher Watsjajana, who himself - according to some sources - was said to be a sexual abstainer. The full Sanskrit title of the Kamasutra isvātsyāyana kāma sūtrawhich means "Aphorisms About Love [written by] Watsjajana." The book was addressed to people from the upper strata of Indian society, today we would say - ladies and gentlemen.
In fact, only 20% of the Kama Sutra is devoted to descriptions of sexual positions. Most of the text talks about the philosophy and theory of love, and what arouses desire and how to keep it in a relationship.
The Kamasutra consists of seven books with the following titles:
- Introduction
- About sexual union
- About fidelity
- About my wife
- About other people's wives
- About courtesans
- About ways to increase your attractiveness
Contrary to popular belief, only one of the books (the second) is entirely devoted to sex. The remaining ones concern social etiquette, ways of spending time with friends, behavior towards wives, other people's wives, and behavior towards courtesans. The Kamasutra covers, for example, such issues as:
- how to seduce a woman,
- How to choose the right partner for you,
- how to recognize a woman's interest,
- how to overcome a woman's shyness and introduce her to the sphere of sex;
- how to take care of yourself andwhat cosmetics to use to increase your attractiveness,
- how to recognize that a man is no longer interested in us,
- how to throw a lover,
- how to make a former lover come back to us,
- recipes for potions to improve sexual performance.
Read also: Extreme kamasutra, or positions for the brave
Kamasutra online, in the form of videos and albums
The kamasutra that can be found online on the internet usually has little to do with a real treatise from several centuries ago. The books in .pdf format available on the various hosting sites usually contain pictures or images of sexual positions, as well as very general advice for lovers, which are often not even taken from the Kama Sutra. The videos, in turn, are limited to showing the position, thus resembling erotic and pornographic films.
If you want to read the original text of the Kamasutra, it is worth reaching for the book in English or Polish translation. Maria Krzysztof Byrski was the first to translate the Kamasutra from Sanskrit into Polish - the book is en titled: "Kamasutra, or a treatise on love". The book is also available as an audiobook translated by Justyna and Robert Malinowski.
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Worth knowingLove tips from the Kama Sutra
How to know that a man is no longer interested in his mistress?
- gives her less than she expected or gives her not what she wanted;
- deceives her by giving false hopes and making empty promises;
- pretends to do one thing and do another;
- does not satisfy her desire;
- forgets that he promised her something or does not what he promised;
- talks to his servants suspiciously as if he had some secret;
- spends his nights in other houses under the pretext of doing a favor for his friend.
How to discourage a lover and throw him away?
- talk about his habits and shortcomings in a disapproving and rebuking manner, curving his lips into a mocking grimace and stamping his foot;
- talk to him about topics in which he is little known;
- underestimate him for his successes;
- hurt his male pride;
- seek companionship of men who are better than he is in wisdom and learning;
- show him disrespect at every opportunity;
- not kiss him on the mouth;
- refuse him sex;
- reluctantly hugging him when he wants to hug;
- mock his attachment;
- pretend to be tired, sleepy;
- interrupt him when he tells his story and start telling his story.
Kamasutra - techniques and sexual positions
For the most practical advice on sex, see Book 2 of the Kamasutra. It describes 64 sexual techniques, interestingly - only in words, because there were no images in the original book. The Kamasutra as an illustrated guide to the various positions is actually a product of our time.
Each chapter of the 2nd Kama Sutra is devoted to a different topic:
- Types of sexual bond between a woman and a man: men and women are compared to different animals, e.g. hare, horse, bull, elephant, mare, chamois, then it is presented which connections are good for sexual union, and which are bad, heralds of sexual mismatch;
- Descriptions of the types of lovers' embrace;
- Kinds of kisses and their descriptions;
- Types of scratches during love raptures (e.g. straight line, crescent moon, tiger claws, peacock print, hare jump, blue lotus leaf)
- Types of bites and characteristics of women from different countries;
- Descriptions of sexual positions;
- About the different kinds of punches and cheers made when hitting a lover or mistress;
- About male behavior in women;
- About oral caresses;
- Advice on how to start and end a sexual act, as well as how to argue and reconcile.
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Selected Kama Sutra Sex Positions
Bird in flight
The woman lies down on her back, bends her knees and curls her legs. The man lies down between her legs, her partner hugs him tightly with her thighs. During intercourse, the woman moves her legs like a bird with her wings, which intensifies the sensations.
Lying love
The woman lies down on the edge of the bed so that her legs stay in the air. The man is kneeling at the edge of the bed. The partner can put her legs on her partner's shoulders or rest her feet on his chest. It is a comfortable position for caressing the clitoris.
The man sits on the edge of the bed, the woman straddles him with her back to his face. A man can kiss a woman's neck, caress her breasts and clitoris.
A man sits down with straight legs, supporting himself from behind on his hands. The woman straddles it, leans back and also supports her back on her hands. Inin this position, it is the woman who sets the rhythm of the rapprochement and brings herself and her lover to orgasm.
The woman lays down on her stomach, spreads her legs, and the man lays down on her and enters from behind. The advantage of this position is the proximity of partners. The woman is completely submissive to her partner. However, the position is not suitable for men with small limbs (the penis enters quite shallow) and for obese people.