Anorgasmia is the inability to achieve orgasm despite the woman's sexual arousal. It is sometimes caused by, for example, a deficiency of testosterone and estrogens, and an excess of progesterone. Find out what causes anorgasmia and what it can lead to.
What is anorgasmia?
Anorgasmiais a disease, we talk about it when a woman cannot orgasm, despite the woman's sexual arousal and partner's acceptance. It is sometimes caused by hormones, e.g. testosterone and estrogen deficiency, excess progesterone and addiction.
There are also psychological reasons, incl. experience of sexual violence, a strong need for domination. Orgasmic dysfunctions are situational in nature and occur under certain circumstances or in intercourse with certain partners, which explains their psychological background.
Research has shown that 1 out of 5 women in the world has a problem with sexual satisfaction.
Physiological causes of anorgasmia
The somatic factors causing anorgasmia are:
- Congenital or acquired defects of the reproductive organ, e.g. uterine statics, birth defects of the vagina,
- hormonal disorders lowering libido, e.g. thyroid dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia, hypoestrogenism,
- neurological disorders - e.g. damage to the vulva, spinal cord injuries,
- disorders following surgery,
- postpartum changes,
- inflammation within the genitourinary organs,
- hypotension,
- lack of Kegel contractility,
- menopausal changes.
Somatic causes of anorgasmia are treated according to the principles known in gynecology or endocrinology. In the treatment of anorgasmia, masturbation training is useful to discover ways to stimulate the erogenous spheres of a woman. Kegel weakness can be treated with exercises to rhythmically tighten and relax a group of muscles in the perineum.
Psychological causes of anorgasmia
Psychogenic factors:
- traumatic sexual experiences in childhood,
- anxiety states accompanying intercourse: fear of pregnancy, lack of intimacy in the realization of intercourse,
- temporary reduction of sexual desire - e.g. bad mood, physical and mental exhaustion
- conflict love, mismatch between the partneremotional and sexual, feelings towards a person other than the one with whom you are close
- conflicts in the relationship depending on the partner - the man's lack of favorable conditions, low erotic culture, less often - unsuccessful partner selection, the man's desire to dominate the relationship
- aversion to partner
Psychological anorgasmia is treated by recreating the optimal conditions for orgasm. A very common cause is incorrect relationships between partners. Therefore, the therapy most often begins with repairing partner ties and sexual education of the partner.
It is advisable to provide him with knowledge about the possibility of stimulating the Grafenberg space (point G) and the simultaneous stimulation of the vagina and clitoris, stimulation of the cervix during deep frictional movements. It is also recommended to extend and diversify the foreplay to arouse your partner more.
The "she up" position is the most advantageous, because then the penis stimulates the front wall of the vagina, where there is a very sensitive G-spot (approx. 5 cm from the entrance to the vagina).
Cultural factors related to anorgasmia
Rigorous Puritan upbringing of the closest environment, lack of proper knowledge about a woman's sexuality, overestimated role of orgasm in satisfaction in a partner relationship are a series of factors difficult to diagnose, but they have an influence on the exacerbation of ailments. It is worth talking to a psychologist about such reasons.
What can anorgasmia lead to?
Inability to achieve orgasm in the presence of a strong sexual need of a woman can lead to numerous disorders:
- psychological - hysterical-neurosthenic,
- somatic - long-term passive congestion in the area of the pelvic organs leads to hypertrophy in the muscular part of the cervix, and the hypertrophy of the connective tissue of the parietal.
Therefore, it is worth consulting a gynecologist as soon as possible.