The Kegel muscles belong to the pelvic floor muscles. They occur in both women and men. They play important functions in both sexes - they support the abdominal organs, play an important role in defecation and urinary incontinence. For women, they are of great importance during pregnancy and childbirth. Additionally, Kegel exercises can increase satisfaction during sexual intercourse. Learn how to exercise your Kegel muscles and learn about their structure. Where are they exactly located?
Kegel musclestook their name from the American gynecologist, Arnold Kegel, who published an article on postpartum urinary incontinence at the end of the first half of the last century. In his work, the doctor focused on the function of the Kegel muscles and the fact thatstrengthening exercisesthese muscles can have very beneficial effects for the functioning of patients. Currently, information on the Kegel muscles can be found in many different sources and we are talking not only about specialist books intended for doctors. Interest in these muscles results from the fact that theirfunctionsare - contrary to appearances - extremely important. Although we are unaware of their existence on a daily basis, when they weaken, patients rather feel the effects of it.
Kegel muscles: structure
According to professional terminology, Kegel muscles are referred to aspubic-coccyx . They are classified as pelvic floor muscles. In this group - apart from the Kegel muscles - there are also muscles such as:
- levator anus,
- sciatic coccyx,
- the external anal sphincter and the puborectal muscle,
- pubic-coccygeal muscle,
- ilio-coccyx
- and the sciatic coccyx.
Kegel muscles are typically associated with women, but in reality they occur in representatives of both sexes.
Kegel muscles in women
In women , these muscles extend between the pubic bone and coccyx, and their fibers extend all the way to the rectum.
Kegel muscles in men
Kegel muscles in menare located between the coccyx and the pubis, and they wrap around the base of the penis. It is worth mentioning that the Kegel muscles are musclestransversely striated. This means that their contractile activity depends on our will.
Kegel muscles: characteristic
Although the Kegel muscles are small, in practice their function is very important. Together with other pelvic floor muscles, they are primarily responsible for keeping the abdominal organs in the right position.
Their activity is important in the case of urinating or defecating. In addition, Kegel muscles are associated with the feeling of pleasure during sexual intercourse.
In addition to the aspects already mentioned, the activity of the muscles in question is extremely important during pregnancy and childbirth.
Kegel muscles: location
Seeing the Kegel muscles is impossible, but it is relatively easy to feel where these structures are located. It is possible, for example, when urinating. It is enough to stop this activity at some point and after a while, let the urine flow out again.
The muscles that contract during such activities are the Kegel muscles. It is worth mentioning here, however, that it is not recommended to interrupt urination frequently in order to exercise the Kegel muscles.
This may result in incomplete urine output, which in turn creates a risk of developing urinary tract infections in the patient.
In various sources you can come across other descriptions of the methods that are used to find Kegel muscles. An example of them is determining their location by inserting your own finger into the vagina and trying to pinch it.
Kegel muscles: exercise
Exercising the Kegel muscles is relatively simple: they consist in cyclical tightening and loosening of these structures. The fact that they can be performed both sitting and standing may also be convincing. It is even possible to do these exercises at work.
Who should exercise the Kegel muscles?
Kegel muscles should be exercised by people who struggle withstress urinary incontinence(a problem in which involuntary micturitions occur in connection with, for example, coughing or laughing).
Exercising these muscles is recommended not only when a problem arises in the patient. Regular training can prevent various pathologies.
Kegel exercisesare recommended for patients planning pregnancyor those who are already pregnant. They can make your labor flow easier. In addition, the risk of having an episiotomy during the birth of a baby can decrease. Regular pelvic floor muscle training also reduces the risk of post-urinary incontinencechildbirth.
In general, it can be said that Kegel muscles can be exercised by every woman and every man. However, they are especially recommended for people who are for some reason predisposed to weakening these muscles.
It is suggested that the Kegel muscles should be exercised especiallypeople with excess body weight, patients after gynecological surgeriesand women planning pregnancy.
Kegel exercises and sexual sensations
It is worth mentioning here one more aspect, another aspect of Kegel exercises. Well, Kegel exercises can result inincreasing sexual satisfaction . Thanks to them, the sensations during climax may intensify. In men, exercises of this type may result in strengthening the erection, but also affect the patient's achievement of greater control over ejaculation.
- Strengthen Kegel muscles - exercises
- Kegel exercises for men to strengthen erection
- Exercising the Kegel muscles during pregnancy and after childbirth