Premature ejaculation is the bane of many couples. However, treating this ailment does not have to mean visiting a doctor. You can do APE exercises for premature ejaculation for a man and for both partners at home. As a rule, they are developed on a case-by-case basis, but some guidelines are so universal that anyone can apply them. Here is a basic set of exercises for premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculationmaking your life difficult? Thanks topremature ejaculation exercisesyou can solve this problem - without going to the doctor and without taking any pills. Suggestedexercises for premature ejaculationyou can do at home - if performed regularly, it should bring results quickly.
If, despite their use, the problem persists - you need to treat it with a specialist, because premature ejaculation may be a disease.
Premature Ejaculation - What is it?
Premature ejaculation( eiaculatio praecox ) is a sexual dysfunction included in the International Classification of Diseases and Related He alth Problems ICD-10. It happens when ejaculation (ejaculation) occurs earlier than the man wants it and prevents him from having a mutually satisfactory intercourse.
From a medical point of view, ejaculation could be:
- too premature- appears before the caresses or at the very beginning,
- premature- appears before intercourse or when inserting a member into the vagina,
- too early- appears right after the start of intercourse, after a few or a dozen frictional movements or too short to bring the partner to orgasm.
The first and the second type are usually associated with a man's sexual initiation, while the third, most common, belongs to the persistent abnormal reflexes.
Since these kinds of disorders can have many causes, treatments are different.
Premature Ejaculation - Causes
Too early ejaculation often comes from the psyche. Among the psychogenic factors influencing the occurrence of premature ejaculation, the following can be distinguished:
- "task-oriented" approach to sex itreating this sphere too ambitiously (a man creates pressure on himself to do the best in front of his partner, which is why he is afraid of failure and stresses)
- bad relationship with your partner
- past traumatic sexual experiences
- fear of pregnancy
- rare or irregular intercourse
- inexperience in sex (for men starting intercourse)
- mood disorders, including depression
- anxiety neurosis
- addictions, e.g. alcoholism.
See also:
- Psychogenic impotence - causes and treatment
- Sexual mismatch - how does it affect the relationship?
The causes of premature ejaculation may also have a somatic basis, i.e. be a consequence of organic diseases such as:
- erectile dysfunction
- diabetes
- diseases of the genitourinary system (e.g. prostate enlargement or inflammation)
- hypothyroidism
- neurological diseases.
Premature ejaculation is sometimes also situational, i.e. a completely he althy man, who has been satisfied with his sex life so far, may have a problem with too early ejaculation with a specific partner. This applies, for example, to a situation where the partner is very attractive and arouses fear in the man of failure.
Worth knowingPremature ejaculation - what kind of doctor will help?
With the problem of too early ejaculation, you should go to a sexologist (if the disorder has a psychological background), urologist or general practitioner (if you suspect an organic cause).
Premature Ejaculation - Treatment
When the cause is mental disorders, e.g. depression, neurosis,pharmacotherapy(antidepressants) is used. Therapy with drugs from the group of SSRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors), which have the ability to delay ejaculation, brings good results. In many cases, training methods help,psychotherapy- individual, but joint therapy with a partner brings better results.
Premature ejaculation can also be de alt with by doing the appropriate ejaculation delaying exercises. The APE (Anti Premature Ejaculation) method is nothing more than a set of exercises for him and them. As a rule, they are developed on a case-by-case basis, but some tips are universal and can be applied blindly.
Premature Ejaculation - Exercise
Every day, massage a point located in the middle of the sternum, in the middle of the sternum, at the level of the nipples. Massageshould be gentle and not last longer than 5 minutes.
Similarly, massage the point on the left thigh, on the back, 4 fingers away from the knee flexion (at the sciatic nerve site). This point is responsible for the correct ejaculation time. The massage of this point should not last longer than 5 minutes.
For premature ejaculation, you can also use an exercise called the so-called imaginations: first choose a time of day when you can sit or lie down comfortably for 15-20 minutes.
Start with a few deep, calm breaths. And now start to imagine a situation tailored to your problem, but going as you would like it to. And so, if you ejaculate before intercourse, imagine the course of intercourse (sequentially, foreplay) with normal ejaculation. Visualize the action very carefully, in anatomical detail.
And if you get to the point where you step into it, pause, still in your mind of course. Do not make any movements, take a moment to start moving, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Repeat to yourself: it is nice, more and more pleasant, but I am still on my way. When you feel that you are coming, stop for a moment again, after just a few such sessions you can regain control of your ejaculation.
You must do it- As you feel your ejaculation approaching, raise your hips and withdraw slightly from your vagina. And so, stay still for several seconds. Breathe in with the diaphragm and tighten your abdominal muscles. During this time, try to think about satisfying your partner.
- In order to delay ejaculation, you can, during intercourse, press for 3-4 minutes with the index and middle fingers of your left hand on the area between the perineum and the anus. Breathe deeply at the same time.
Lie down comfortably, relax, close your eyes. And repeat: I am calm, I am well … I control my body, over every fragment of it. My body obeys me. I can raise my hand whenever I want, and do the same to my leg. You can talk like this to every point of your body. Finally, talk to your penis, tell him what, when and how to do it.
The next exercise for premature ejaculation: after a few calm deep breaths and relaxing, imagine how you are slowly stomping on your partner, one by one, touching your own body, revealing her erogenous points. You don't think about yourself, you think about her. When at some point your penis starts to wake up, you take a deeper breath. Imagine her face reacting to yourscaress. When you decide that she is close to orgasm, induce yourself to ejaculate, not necessarily just in your imagination.
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Premature ejaculation - worth remembering
- For premature ejaculations, all movements your partner makes should be slow and gentle right from the start of the foreplay. And at the moment when his excitement grows, you should stop making any movements, but so that only the excitement subsides, not the erection itself.
- Meditation in the lotus position (sit cross-legged with your right leg on your left thigh and your left leg on your right thigh, or vice versa. If this is too difficult for you, simply sit cross-legged.
- In case of too early or premature ejaculations, it is recommended, among others. fatigue method. The idea is that you have to have sex as often as you want him to get tired. It has been proven that with high intercourse, the time to ejaculate begins to delay. Foreplay should be shortened. However, the "fatigue" method is not recommended for men who, apart from quick ejaculations, have erectile dysfunction. The attitude of the partner is also important, because not everyone responds to such a loving call …