The "po" pill is often the only method to avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy. It is used after unprotected intercourse or when contraception has failed. The "po" pill is to be available on prescription only. To buy it, you will need to see a doctor first. How do Escapelle and ellaOne tablets work and how do they differ from abortion pills?
Has your condom broken? Or maybe, in a fit of passion, you got carried away by the moment and did not think about security? In an emergency, in order to avoid stress, emergency contraception is used - this is the so-calledtablet "after"intercourse.
Contraception the day after
Pills "after" are meant to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. It is important to take them as soon as possible because time is of the essence. It is most effective when the pill is taken up to 24 hours after intercourse. After this time, its operation is reduced.
There are two types of "po" tablets on the market, containing other active substances: levonorgestrel and ulipsristal acetate, with different duration of action. The latest levonogestrel (Escapelle) tablet can be taken 72 hours (3 days) after intercourse, and the ulipristal acetate (ellaOne) tablet - 120 hours, i.e. up to 5 days after intercourse. The significant difference in the maximum time of taking different pills is due to the different mechanisms of contraceptive action of both substances.
How does the Escapelle work?
Escapelle contains the active ingredient levonorgestrel (it is a synthetic progestogen used as an active ingredient in contraceptives). If the tablet is taken within the first day after intercourse, its effectiveness will be 99%. In the event of vomiting up to 3 hours after swallowing the pill, it is recommended to take another tablet.
- The hormone contained in the "po" pill can inhibit ovulation if the tablet is taken before ovulation. In addition, hormones, regardless of when the tablet is taken, cause changes in the lining of the womb, making it difficult for the embryo to implant. The Escapelle will not work if the embryo has already implanted. At the same time, it is worth noting that the "po" pill does not have any abortions in this case - explains Dr. Barbara Grzechocińska, gynecologist and endocrinologist from the Medical University of Warsaw.
Levonorgestrel tablets will not be effective if the implantation processthe embryo has already begun. If levonorgestrel is taken too late, it will not have a miscarriage effect. On the contrary - it will sustain the pregnancy.
Important! Contraception "after" only protects against pregnancy from the intercourse that took place before taking the preparation.
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ImportantOn June 1, 2022, the Senate adopted an amendment to the He althcare Benefits Act, which stipulates that thepill "after" ellaOne will be available only by prescription . The amendment stipulates that all hormonal contraceptives for internal use will be issued only on the basis of a prescription issued by a doctor. This means that the prescription will also include ellaOne pills, which since 2015, people over 15 years of age have been able to buy without visiting a doctor. Government officials explain this decision with safety reasons: "Prescription drug dispensing is a procedure that aims to ensure maximum safety of pharmacotherapy for patients. Meanwhile, very young people (even after 15 years of age) can buy and use this drug without medical control." - says the official statement posted on the website of the Ministry of He alth. However, the doctor - before issuing the prescription - will be able to cover himself with the "conscience clause".
On June 22, President Andrzej Duda signed the act.
On Thursday, the Senate adopted an amendment to the law on he althcare services, which stipulates that the "morning after" pills will be sold on prescription ( On Thursday, the Senate adopted an amendment to the law on he althcare services, which stipulates that the "morning after" pills will be sold on prescription ( was admitted to trading in the European Union in 2009. In January 2015, the European Commission authorized the sale of the "po" pill without a prescription.
How does ellaOne work?
EllaOne is a contraceptive pill containing ulipristal acetate, intended for emergency use to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed. These pills are meant to work by stopping the ovaries from releasing an egg. The active substance in ellaOne, ulipristal acetate, attaches to the receptors with which progesterone normally reacts, thereby inhibiting ovulation. Additionally, the active ingredient can alter the lining of the uterus, making it difficultthe implantation of the embryo.
EllaOne should be taken as soon as possible after intercourse (up to 120 hours after intercourse - 5 days). However, it should be remembered that the later you take a tablet, the more it reduces its effectiveness. Also, do not use the preparation multiple times in the same menstrual cycle.
The tablet can be taken with or without food, and if vomiting occurs within 3 hours after taking ellaOne, another tablet should be taken.
Note! The preparation does not terminate an existing pregnancy.
The "po" pill and the abortion pills - are they the same?
According to the World He alth Organization, the "po" pill does not work as abortion pills. Miscarriage is termination of pregnancy, and WHO recognizes the implementation (or implantation) of a fertilized egg in the uterus as the beginning of pregnancy.Emergency contraception does not kill an implanted embryo and this is different to abortion pills- instead it works before it is implemented, preventing the embryo from implanting in the uterine wall.
Controversy about the effect of the "po" pill results from differences in determining the onset of pregnancy. For some, it is the moment of fertilization, i.e. the entry of the sperm into the egg, which takes place in the fallopian tubes. According to this interpretation, ellaOne has the same effect as a morning pill because it interrupts an already started pregnancy.
It is worth knowing, however, that even when the embryo is embedded in the uterus and the "po" pill is taken,it will not cause the death of the embryo . This measure has no effect on an already started pregnancy.
This will be useful to youPrices of "po" tablets available in Poland:
Escapelle (35-55 PLN),
ellaOne (cost PLN 90-120).
Undesirable effects of contraception "after"
- headache,
- vomiting,
- diarrhea,
- nausea,
- stomach pains,
- acyclic bleeding and spotting.
How often can you use contraception "after"?
Contraception "after" can only be used in emergency situations and cannot be considered as one of the methods of contraception. Taking the pill is justified only in the case of:
- condom breakage;
- making a mistake in taking birth control pills - when you forgot to take more than 3 contraceptive pills;
- unprotected sex;
- rape.
- Taking the "po" tablet several times, in a number greater than that specified by the manufacturer, in addition to the measures already mentioned aboveunfavorable, may have a significant impact on the appearance of hormonal disorders and completely disrupt the menstrual cycle - warns Dr. Barbara Grzechocińska.
Don't do thatYuzpe - postcoital method
A cheaper option for contraception after intercourse is Yuzpe. It is a method of taking a large dose of hormones in the form of birth control pills. Compared to taking the "after" pill, it is more dangerous due to the high probability of he alth complications, sometimes even very serious ones.
See what the Yuzpe method is about